Hot impressions

Written: 25 july 2011
Travel time: 8 — 19 july 2011
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 3.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 6.0
Good day. We read the reviews, took our word for it and went. We rested in July 2011. We were greeted warmly and settled into the room according to the plan, not earlier, but not later, which is also nice. They took the view "to the mountains", lived at the end of the building on the 3rd floor overlooking the pool, half of the mountain - half of the sea, and the road at hand. Honestly, it's a little noisy . . In the morning, children, in the afternoon and in the evening, their parents, at night, drivers on rattles of all kinds.
Then there were drafts, it whistled for days and nights . . Like in Pushkin's "Snowstorm" : ) I was unpleasantly struck by the almost complete lack of cleaning . . in 12 days this happened no more than 4 times !! ! Although they promised every day . . The whole bath room is stained and limescale, it’s unpleasant to put things on “such” and I want to wash it myself . .
Another minus: change of beach towels - every 3 days. To the question: how to dry it? The staff spreads their hands and smiles, but the most trick!! ! Try it again and then change it !!!! ! Pegasus explained the procedure simply, leave it in the room . . And apparently, go to the beach with your bare priest))) Charm!!! ! So . . how to change it . . Catching the maid in the corridor, explaining that it has been 3 days already and, if you are lucky (!!! ), she will change it for you, she can just send it . .

They fed normally, without frills . . I was struck by the complete absence of greenery !!! ! Dill on arrival was just the food of the gods))) The menu is quite monotonous, but everything is simple and tasty.
We also rented a car from the hotel, super, everything is clear and on time, the car we asked for, traveled 800 km and did not die) And thanks for that : )
The overall impression is average, I would not put 4 stars in my life !! ! There are none there . . But if all of the above does not confuse you, you can safely go! Have a nice holiday
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