How to buy a good fur coat really cheap

26 June 2008 Travel time: with 28 January 2008 on 04 February 2008
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I have long wanted to buy a fur coat, so cheap and cheerful. Therefore, the study of the issue took up in advance. I heard a lot of negative things about how gullible tourists are fooled. I re-read everything that is written on the Internet on this topic, talked with experienced people. I am very pleased with the result and want to share, maybe it will be useful to someone too.

I read in the reviews that in Greece you need to go shopping with some local Greek, but in no case with the guide of your travel agency. The guides hang a lot of noodles on your ears, they will only bring you to one store, as if the others do not exist at all, because they will take kickbacks. They'll give you some shit, and it will cost you a lot.

One good friend told me a phone number in Greece. I, in turn, suggest you her address susannat@mail. ru, mobile phone. +30-6946777869.

Phoned, I introduced myself as a friend of Tamara Pavlovna, asked if she could help me buy a fur coat as well as Tamara. People! Acquaintances and connections DECIDE EVERYTHING not only in Russia, but also in Greece. She says to me: "Come, we will try to help. " Since it is not yet the season for our Christmas and all the shops are closed on the coast, we had to ride to the town of Siatista, which is 50 km away from the well-known Kastoria. There are no less fur factories and shops than in Kastoria, but apparently they have not yet mellowed with Mouzenidis and are not so actively organizing fur coats. In any case, I have never come across this name before.

Even in the first days of rest, we rented a car and went shopping with a group of 5 people. The roads are very good, signs, signs, there were no problems getting anywhere. We arrived in Siatista, we were met at the entrance to the city and taken to the parking lot.

It turned out that Susanna is a pleasant young woman who speaks excellent Russian. She led us to a nondescript door, from the inside everything was covered with blinds, they rang, the door opened and we were taken, where would it be? to the factory warehouse! They met us very kindly, immediately prepared coffee, and offered us more strong drinks. They were allowed to choose from everything that was, including batches prepared for export.

There were big parties for Canada, Norway and Italy. This is where we learned that most of the "Italian fur coats" are actually sewn in Greece and even immediately hang labels in Italian. Like this! There was something to choose from for all tastes. Mink of all colors, chic dressing, computer-assisted color matching. We all found each for ourselves, what we wanted.

One woman from our company immediately picked up and bought a mink coat, just below the knee length from whole female skins, for 1250 euros, but she could not choose for her daughter, she herself did not know what she wanted. And this is where our problems began. Susanna reassured us, they say there are a lot of shops, if you didn’t find it to your taste, let’s go look for others.

She first took us to reliable stores where quality is guaranteed. This scandalous Natalya didn’t like anything anywhere and she whined all the time that she needed to get rid of Susanna and go shopping on her own, otherwise she only leads us to her acquaintances to give them proceeds. After the seventh or eighth store, 3 of our ladies, who had already bought everything they wanted, refused to continue searching for this Natalia, sat down to dine in a tavern and said that they would not move from this place.

Then I thanked Susanna, apologized that we had exploited her for so long and let her go. And we went with this Natalia together to all the shops in a row. The bigger and brighter the showcase, the worse the content in it at an unthinkable price. Lots of Chinese crap, you have to be very careful. But they immediately felt the difference: when we went shopping with Susanna, they pleased us as best they could, and coffee, and sweets, and prices were offered lower than what is written on the label, and it was possible to bargain. They even opened shops for us already during the siesta by one phone call.

We felt like people. And when we went on our own, no one stood on ceremony with us, you would think some Russians, but such people walk here every day in herds. Bargaining did not work, as soon as the sellers hear a greeting in English, their faces become indifferent, if we do not buy, then hundreds more of the same tourists will come after us.

It all ended with the fact that at 9 pm we called Susanna and asked to open the warehouse for us again. And Natalia took all the same fur coat there. Here are the same harmful people, it was worth the whole day to run around the city?

Now for some bookkeeping. Rent a car if you take only one day approx. 50 euros (if for several days, the average price will be approx. 30 euros). Gasoline + payment of the road 40 euros. "Thanked" Susanna for her services 100 euros. Total for 38 euros per person (let me remind you that we traveled with five of us). If we also subtract from this what we drank and ate in the warehouse and in stores, then we get just a penny. But the prices: a blue mink just above the knee from whole skins with a hood cost 1100 euros. Blue mink almost to the floor 1700 euros.

Light beige with chic white trim on the sleeves and collar, below the knee 800 euros. Chinchilla with Rex white and black 500 euros. Short mink fur coat with silver fox collar 550 euros. The same model from pieces of 300 euros.

From mink pieces from 200 euros for a short fur coat to 650 for a long fur coat. Shaved nutria with laser design quite long 300 euros. In general, there was no price in the warehouse more than 2000 euros, but these are already such chic long fur coats that it’s scary to go out into the street - they will steal it along with the fur coat. There were a lot of sheepskin coats made of pieces, such types for every day, so that it was not a pity to rub in transport, for 200-250 euros.

So if someone wants a good quality fur coat at a reasonable price, remember the password "we are from Tamara Pavlovna". You won’t get into a mess, there were no questions “how is she doing”, she only asked me to say hello to her. Which I do with gratitude.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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