An overview of the hotel and the area, as well as our personal travel experience, is in my form: https://youtu. be/qJ-RqfW1gkk
Here is a detailed instruction of our trip, as we independently visited all the main attractions of Dubai (namely 15) by public transport from this hotel. What buses did we take, how did we get to the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, moreover, spending only $ 135 for the whole vacation for two. Also in the video there will be tips, prices and the entire overview of Dubai with our guide. For those who are interested - come in, watch and copy your guide to help you in Dubai.

Temperature in the morning (Water temperature) Temperature in the afternoon: April 13-evening = 27*;
April 14=30*(27*)32*; 15=28*(28.5*)33*; 16=27*(28*)35*; 17=28.5*(27*)34*;
18=32*(29*)36*; 19=31*(28*)32*; 20=33.5*(28.5*)36[rain dripping];
21=31*(29*-pool)33*[rain dripping]; 22=31(burned out)31*; 23=26*(27*-waves)35*;
24=31*(28*)34*; 25=28*(27*)29*-32*; 26=27*(27*)28*-29.5* [rain-5min. ].
{In November-December, water = 24 * -26 *, so you need to relax in Dubai in October,
when the water is above 32 * and the sea - fresh milk - reluctance to go out, and air = 37 *}
___It should be immediately clear that from all hotels in Dubai (including 5-star)
you must safely remove 1 star (I was in Dubai 6 times) and only from this side
look at all hotels in Dubai (very rare and then usually not in the center of "4" and
"5"-stars corresponds to its category).
___Therefore "Jonrad Hotel" is a typical "2"-star. but there is nothing wrong with that
(try to find a decent "3"-star in the center, rather you need to settle in a "4"-star.
and it will correspond to European or Egyptian "3"-stars).
___Stardom in Dubai is 90% not determined by the size of the room or bathroom
(she is in "3"-stars.
the hotel may be less than in the "1"-star. , and sometimes in "1" -star. it happens
bath, and in the "3"-star. - only a shower), but a kitchen. And the commission usually checks the kitchen.
___The main thing in the "Jonrad Hotel" is no cockroaches and bedbugs (even in the "3"-star "Landmark"
and "Dubai Palm Hotel" they were sometimes, and in "1"-star. "Deira Dubai Hotel" they were not)
___ The hotel is quiet and gives the impression of being unoccupied, nevertheless we were first
settled in a 2-room corner room - everything was fine there, but the windows to the alley
where the wall of another house was opposite and the air conditioners worked below, but I didn’t hear their noise
noticed. Then, as expected (after 5 days), we were settled in a 1-room apartment, but we did not
looked at the bathroom. Attention; this Hotel has uncomfortable bathrooms (small
which, because of the unfortunately huge cabinet furniture of the washbasin) - you open the door
(she immediately closes the van itself) and you don’t know how to close it behind you: either climb on
toilet bowl, or to squeeze between it and the washbasin. Request a replacement number!
___On the other side of the Hotel, the view is more decent - to the parking lot and the streets.
___Very good swimming pool in "Jonrad". It can be reached not by stairs, which
next to the elevator, and up the stairs on the opposite side of the corridor from the elevator. Water
continuously changing (! ) and its temperature 29*. Almost no one bathes (I 3 times
was on the roof and was always the only bather) - usually 1-3 people
just sunbathing on sun loungers. Maximum depth=1.6 m. The water is very clean.
___ The kitchen is good. Breakfasts were especially surprising: in other Hotels - only on duty
sandwiches, and here it is a full-fledged one - the first, the second ...
___ There are 2 buses to the beach: medium and small - depending on the number of people,
respectively - and the number of flights But the driver is 1 and smart-assed, like all eastern ones:
can cram extra 5 people so as not to make an extra flight; but may not take
back to empty places if these people should have left the beach the previous
Moreover, if on the beach "Al-Mamzar Beach" is Women's Day (you, by the way,
you can find out only a day from the advertisement on the beach and nowhere else - what
unpleasantly surprises those who travel every other day; Moreover, you can not believe the announcement for
2 days - they can replay the next day, which happened to us), then the driver
you will be lucky at most for a free municipal one - right behind the Port, it is still in
colloquially referred to as "Free Beach" or "Open Beach". But take me to Jumeirah Beach
(paid and 5 minutes further than "Free") - no, it will fall with bones. Entrance to all paid
beaches = 5 dirhams (45 rubles). On "Free Beach", at the right start there is a service of safes.
___The trip to the beach is very convenient - long, up to 3 hours, which distinguishes
this Hotel from others (I remember in "Landmark" they did not have time to bring us to the beach, and
very early, even waiting for the beach to open at 8 am and after 1.5 hours already back).
So this Hotel is for those who do not like to go to the beach in a taxi, but like to be
You can get to the free beach yourself: if an honest taxi driver, then he
will take you through the tunnel under the Souk Bay - but you are unlikely to come across one, that's all
they are oriental people and will drive you to the ring road across the bridge. Difference: 23(195r) and 35(295)
___Tipping taxi drivers is not provided and pay them only according to the meter, do not indulge,
and then they quickly deteriorate and become impudent. Minimum fare = 10 dirh. (84 rub)
___Landing on the beach is only at the parking lot opposite the Hotel, and they bring it there.
___If you go through these parking lots, you will come out to Fish Square - a statue of a fish -
fountain. From it to the right on the left side after 100 m. - Panasonic brand store,
a little further there is a good stationery store where you can buy Mitsubishi Japanese pens.
if you walk on the right side, then behind the Metro, in front of the intersection, a 2-storey department store,
if you pass the intersection, then further 4-floor. department store "Riff Mall", and on the first floor
good supermarket with sales.
___If you leave the Hotel and go back (behind the Hotel), then you will exit to the square with the Metro,
you can go left 1 station, or you can walk on the left side of the square in
side of the Persian Gulf and get to "Nasser Square", where around it they sell
fur coats (mostly on the left). In the far left corner of "Nasser Square" 2-floor. shop with
cheap Chinese goods - there, on the 1st floor, there are Bangladeshi T-shirts from
100% cotton with the inscriptions "Dubai" and for 10 dirhs (84 rubles) - in the "Mole" near the skyscraper
they cost 5 times more. To his left is the supermarket "Jeck" on the 2nd floor - you need to
climb side stairs - there is sour cream from Ukraine (if burned).
___Leaving further from the Square along the left street - on the right side is the Bank "Al Rostamani",
where it is more profitable to change the Euro (moving away from the center of the exchange of power in Dubai
saves only "$" and "Euro" loses).
___{By the way, if you arrive at night or on Friday - a day off, then change at
Airport near "Duty-free", in other exchangers and especially in the Hotel, the exchange rate is unfavorable}.
___ It is cheaper to travel by bus and metro not with one-time cards, but with
silver - "Silver Card" worth 20 dirhs (170 rubles) with a non-removable balance in
10 dirhams (but I spent until the end, and then topped up without any problems). At the entrance to the subway
or the bus you need to put a card, you will be remembered; having passed - at the exit you need again
put a card in - you will be charged according to the tariff (you passed in one zone,
or moved to another area). In the subway, at the same time, you can see above - your remainder,
below - how much is read for the trip. In the "Silver Card" fare is 1.7 d (14 rubles),
and the intersection of zones (in Dubai there are 3 of them, i. e. intersections-2) = 2.5d (22 rubles).
___When I went to the farthest free beach "Marina Beach", I sat on our
Metro (very convenient, it is on the same line), then first crossed 1 zone (there is a skyscraper
Burj Khalifa with musical fountains in the evening and an aquarium on the 2nd floor of the Mall),
then crossed another zone and drove into the 3rd.
___Drove 40 min. ; 2.5 d = travel, + 2x1.7d (for crossing zones), total = 5.9d (50 rubles).
___ You exit to the right across the avenue towards the Persian Gulf. you pass
a little forward and to the right across the bridge, but this road goes more and more to the right and you get out
to the very right edge of the beach, where the yachts are. If you go further along the avenue, through
crossroads and past the department store "Marina Mol", which is next to this crossroads, then
at the next intersection, turn right onto the bridge and then go to the very
beach center. The beach is not so deep, but disappointed: the changing rooms were closed, the shower
I didn’t find it in the area of millionaires! Although all the beaches in Dubai are officially closed
with sunset, but I swam there after (as well as at the municipal "Free Beach").
___But there I saw the tallest residential building in the world = 415 m.
___If you need to call, then in any supermarket (at the checkout), buy "Fone Card"
for 30 dirhs (255 rubles) - it still has the number "30" on it. Conversations are enough for 15 minutes.
___ When calling, if on a landline, dial: the number "8", the city code of 3 digits (if
4-digit code, then we throw out the last digit) and a phone number of 7 digits.
___ If to a cell phone, then it's even simpler: the number "8" and the cell number of 10 digits.
___In general, there should always be 11 digits in the set.
___Only in the direction of the bus station, behind the square with the Metro, there are some telephones
then non-standard ones (like for Asians with Asian countries) - you won’t call from them.
___ And so from any telephone device - you can. Al Mamzar Beach has 3
telephones - on the left side.
___By the way, this beach has a semi-covered pool. If you walk straight through the park to
4th beach (the most open to the Persian Gulf - on the left 3 beaches are a little covered
islands), then you will run into a 3-story wooden observation deck, so on the right
you will see an inconspicuous concrete entrance with a hedge - this will be the pool: ticket = 20d
(170 rubles), children = 10 dirkhs (85 rubles). There are 3 pools: 40 cm deep; 1.5 m deep;
and a depth of 2-3.5 m.
Diving is prohibited, but everyone jumped and dived with a lifeguard.
The roof is brushwood on a metal umbrella.
___ There is also a 5th beach on the right - in the lagoon (on the other side - Sharjah). Because of
greater evaporation here, the density of salt is higher and you can not only swim on
stomach with one hand (as on other beaches), but it will also push out.

Arrival. Arrived from Kyiv at 5 am local time. Through the sleeve from the plane we got to the 2nd floor of the airport - we turned right (after everyone) and walked for quite a long time (and more drove) along the corridor. Then we turned right onto the escalator - went down to the first floor - for a retinal scan. On the Internet there is a diagram of this hall - the racks there - are shown on the wrong side. It is written that there is a separate line for women…. Actually, it's common. The whole procedure took us 10-15 minutes (lucky). Submit a copy of the visa and passport - get a stamp on the visa. Then from this hall you go up to the 2nd floor to the passport control hall. There are many racks - get in line for any. We stood there for about 40 minutes. Above the racks you will see a board - on it - information - on which tape your luggage will be. At passport control, you give your passport and a copy of your visa - they put stamps and give it back (I was asked - which hotel I'm going to? ). Then turn right, go through the "frame", and personal belongings - "X-ray" and get into the hall, where the Dutik is on the left, and the luggage belts are on the right. Our things were already on the floor. Take the cart and on the side where Dutik is the exit.
Currency exchange. There were no problems - exchangers are common. The course is everywhere - 3.65 for 1 dollar. At the airport - 3.6. Someone wrote - what is more profitable to buy in dirhams. In my opinion, there is no difference. If the item costs 300 dirhams, give 100 dollars (365 dirkhs) and 65 dirkhs. you get change. And all this will be written on the check. So you can not bother with the exchange. In grocery stores - I have not tried it - I do not know. But in the subway you need only dirhams. On the way back, dirhams can be exchanged for dollars. Moreover, the purchase rate at the airport - in the baggage drop hall (3.695) - is more profitable than in the waiting room.
Excursions. Borrowed from Aladdin. Representatives stand at the entrance to the beach. They give brochures. We went to Abu Dhabi and the Indian Ocean. 55 dollars per person. Guide Oksana. To say I liked it is to say nothing. During the whole tour there was a calm atmosphere. The story flowed like a song (a pleasant voice, unusually deep knowledge and love for this country were very impressive). Many questions were asked and all received exhaustive answers. The guide is very satisfied. Filmed a video - 15 dirhams. You get discs on the 2nd and 3rd day on the beach. We went to Abu Dhabi on the penultimate day - we were left without a disk. Learn it! True, after watching the video about the first excursion, I was disappointed. Divorce. In Abu Dhabi, they were at the Sheikh Zayed Mosque (I read that the entrance for tourists is only until 11-00, which is not true). The mosque is open to tourists. Women need to take socks, because. Walking barefoot on marble is not very comfortable.
Language. I am a complete zero in English. I took a phrase book with me, but never used it. I tried to communicate with the locals (guest workers) in German, Arabic - without result. The language of facial expressions, gestures and a mixture of all these languages - solved all the questions that arose. There were no particular problems.
Weather. Was great. Warm water. Malls (shopping centers) have air conditioners. I had to go outside to warm up.
Hotel. We lived on the 2nd floor. Room -104, windows to the street. In the room - hair dryer, el. kettle, 2 glasses, 2 cups with spoons, napkins in the room and bathroom, refrigerator, TV (2 Russian channels - ORT and religious, shampoo, soap. The dark-haired boys literally licked the room (they called me - mister - I have not heard this before) , linen was changed every day (I think it's too much). Towels - snow-white. Individual air conditioning - worked perfectly. Furniture is new. Soundproofing is good - no one was seen or heard. Tips to take, leave on the bed. Concierge Rocky (similar to a character from the movie "Chip and Dale") brought and carried things (arrival-departure). Received tips. On the eve of departure, he came to the room with a sign that he would pack things for $ 2 (at the airport this pleasure costs 15 dirhams. ) Restaurant on the 1st floor. Breakfast 7.30-10.00, lunch 13.00-15.00. The restaurant has 11 tables (3 for 6 people, 3 for 2, the rest for 4) for a total of 44 seats. The food was varied, delicious. There were no pastries (Egyptian version). Take care of your waist from a young age!! There were no queues. There were different fruits and natural juices.
My wife is a pro in this area - 5 points.
Trip to the beach. Hotel bus - 25 seats with folding seats. 2 flights. 8.30 and 9.15. Back at 12.00 and 13.00 respectively. The driver is a really weird guy. Recording the day before. We signed up upon arrival from the beach. There were no crushes or crushes. 3 times in 8 days, Rocky came and checked the order of the room numbers of those who signed up. To the beach - 10 (15) minutes drive. Once we arrived on the second flight about 5 minutes later, there was no one at the box office and at the gate - rejoiced - the whole crowd went for free. Entrance - 5 dir.
Shopping. Every day, a free hotel bus at 17-00 takes you to some pier. Schedule to the left of the entrance. Back at 20:00. Nasser square nearby. Metro Union - 3 min. walk. Deira City Mall (carry 3 times a week), walk 30 min. (or 2 metro stops, red line) - there are a lot of shops along the way. In Al-Gureira - the nearest pier, from the hotel to the right through the intersection, cross the street - 3 entrances, the nearest after McDonald's. We got there for the first time, as expected - through the farthest...
Excursion to Burj Khalifa. Metro Union (st. 18) to Burj Khalifa (Dubai Mola) (st. 25) -22dirh for two - round trip. Those. Zone 2 - ticket 4.5 plus 2 dirh plastic card - (valid for 3 months - you need to replenish it. ) The metro is not like ours - but a track in the middle, platforms along the edges. Be careful - you need to go down towards Jebel Ali (terminal station). Otherwise, you will have to go up and go (down) to the opposite side. The bus from the metro to Dubai Mall, F13 is paid (someone wrote that it was free). With us there and back - 4.5 dirhs were debited from the card of each. And on the way back, the fare is checked by the controller - checked. So back to the subway had to pay 9dirch. two to st. Union. The bus to the Dubai Mall takes 10 minutes, back (in a roundabout way) - 25 minutes. The same 10 min. walk. The second time we did this - there is something to see and photograph along the way. And back when you go in the evening - the illumination of palm trees is turned on - the video turned out to be awesome. Tickets for the tower are sold at the Dubai Mall if you enter through the center. entrance (from the side of the fountains), go to the first circle and turn left, go 300 meters, you will see there - on the left. There is also the entrance to the tour. Ticket - 100 dirh. We were on a Tuesday and took the daytime (at 15-30) just the following Monday. So those wishing to visit the tower - tickets must be taken immediately upon arrival. Musical fountains start working from 19-00 (everywhere they wrote that from 18-00).
Departure. At lunchtime, a day before departure, we were given a fax from our operator that at 4 am (and the plane at 7-00), we need to be in the lobby, check in and there will be a transfer. At 4 o'clock we went down to the hall, no one checked the room. The administrator called the sleepy Rocky, gave him 20 dirhams, and he went for a taxi. A couple of minutes later, a taxi drove up - Rocky gave the taxi driver 15 dirhams (I suspected that this was another bugger). The taxi driver began to be indignant - apparently he knew what a schemer Rocky was... But he went. Landing - 4 dirches, and in total on the counter was exactly 15 dirches. Hey Rocky! Many wrote - that there were difficulties with landing....We did it - well, it's very simple. We entered the door to which the taxi driver drove. On the contrary, we saw a “frame” and an “X-ray” - we passed them, immediately on the first tape - we saw the registration of a flight to Kyiv (in Boryspil this tape is one - along which the luggage travels - and there are more of them (5-6 pieces). We handed over the luggage, passed along the ribbons - turned left, exchanged dirhams for dollars in the exchanger. We passed another frame, passport control (they took a copy of the visa) and found ourselves in the waiting room. By the way, in duty free - prices are in dollars and dirhams.
Have a nice holiday everyone! We liked! Very.

City beach, paid - 5 dirhams. Purely, the main task is to take a palm tree. You can take a sunbed for 15 dirhams, but it’s somehow uncomfortable without a mattress, it’s more pleasant on the sand. Tried once and never took again. The water is clean and warm. The first days were a little cloudy, which saved us from burns. For a week, everyone was beautifully tanned, rested, in natural fur coats! all returned to Kyiv. A week later, they were already going to the sea again, asking if there would be the same price! The country is very interesting, there is something to see, and most importantly, it surprises every time!

There was one drawback that was somewhat disturbing: warm water flowed from the hot tap, but a survey of other tourists showed that this does not bother anyone but me.
The bus takes you to Mamzar Beach, if you want to get to Jumeirah, then on your own. the joke is that Jumeirah stands right on the Persian Gulf, and Mamzar is on some kind of tributary (outflow), it can be called somehow, I don’t remember. Experienced tourists used to say that these are two big differences, we didn’t have time to drive to Jumeirah - I can’t say anything.
We bought a bunch of excursions, both from Aladdin and from Arabian Knight. In principle, all excursions are tolerable (the Russian flavor of the organization can only be accepted, there is nowhere to put it). The most shitty excursion of all was in Al Ain (Arabian Knight). There are no complaints about nature, but there are a lot of things about the company.

Breakfast is monotonous: fries, sausages, hard-boiled egg or scrambled eggs-standard. Nescafe classic coffee. Lunches to choose from 2 dishes, no more, 3 pieces of salads and a couple of snacks. But the juice is normal-already good.
The main warning, gentlemen, avoid flying with S7 (Siberia). They transfer flights as they want in any direction, We have been rescheduled from 6 pm to 4 am, and no one
don't care about anything. Where people go from hotels paid before 12.00 "Coral" does not bother, they just do not pick up the phone, the receiving party does not give a damn either, but we were kindly informed that we can repay our own stay at the hotel.
Total: the flight that was supposed to take us to the UAE took off instead of 10 am at 18 pm, and vice versa, we were rearranged on the return flight. As a result, 1 paid and lost day, one more day paid at his own expense, it is not known why the day...
And the hotel is normal, they clean decently, at the reception everyone is friendly and trying to understand you, the bus on the beach does not leave until it picks up the last resident. In general, everything is tolerable, all the best impressions from the wonderful UAE.