- availability of all necessary research results;
- absence of severe concomitant pathology;
- the absence of mental illness, epileptic seizures, swallowing disorders (feeding through a tube), etc.
If these requirements are not met, the patient will be denied rehabilitation in a sanatorium in order to avoid possible complications.
The occupancy of the department is also taken into account, since with an increased workload, the medical staff is not able to provide high-quality and full medical care, and this is unacceptable in relation to our patients who require special care and attention, and also pay for treatment.
In the comment below, a gross mistake was made by the receptionist, who independently, without having the authority to do so, booked the room and set the date of arrival, instead of referring the patient or his relatives for a consultation with the head. departments. On the website of the sanatorium "Zhovten" there is a phone number for the manager. branch, by calling which you will receive all the necessary information and assistance.

In May 2019, my father suffered a severe stroke, after a long treatment in the hospital, we managed to bring my father back from the other world, and thank God he was able to walk, talk, etc.
To consolidate the treatment and further rehabilitation, we decided to buy my father a course of rehabilitation after a stroke in the Zhovten sanatorium. We also bought a health-improving voucher for my mother, who was supposed to accompany her father. On June 8, I called back to the sanatorium, found out the prices for a rehabilitation course after a stroke and a general health voucher, and asked if there were any vacant places. I was told that there are vacancies on 06/26/2019, and they booked a room in the father's last name. 06/12/2019 we arrived at the sanatorium, paid the full cost for the course of treatment, we were given a check and issued vouchers, which indicated the period of stay from 06/26/2019 to 07/07/2019, the course of treatment "Rehabilitation after a stroke" and "General health" . At the reception, we were told to come to the settlement at 9-00 on 06/26/19.
At 9-00 on 06/26/2019, we arrived at the sanatorium, we were registered, given the keys to the room, showed where our table was in the dining room, and told to go to the nurse of the Neurorehabilitation Department, and then to the head of the department for an appointment. The nurse gave us a card, and said wait in the hallway that Head. Branches Lipko L. A. no, and when she is unknown, it is impossible to get through to her. In order not to waste time, we went to the 3rd building, to the therapist for the appointment of general health procedures for my mother. When we were at the doctor, Lipko L. A. , Head of the Department of Neurorehabilitation, called me on my phone and started yelling at me that she would not accept her father for rehabilitation after a stroke, since she already had so many patients, to my arguments that we paid the full cost of rehabilitation in advance, she said that she didn’t care that everything was paid for, that father and mother could live in a room and eat, but there would be no treatment, do whatever you want. I tell her that we came for the rehabilitation of a seriously ill person, and not to live in a room with a fungus on the walls, old furniture (this despite the fact that we bought an improved room) and eat in the dining room. Lipko L. A. nothing worried that a seriously ill person after a stroke, that they paid the full cost (17.232 UAH), she generally behaved inappropriately, not like a doctor, but like an impudent hysteric! ! How can someone like that heal people? ! How can she trust her relatives, seriously ill parents? ! ! Lipko L. A. , be afraid of God! People deserve respect! Especially seriously ill patients who have had a stroke! ! You are a doctor and took the Hippocratic Oath! ! Promised to help the sick! ! Moreover, the patients themselves pay for the treatment! ! Because of you, my father, who had a stroke, became ill right in the sanatorium, and I had to take him home before I could check in. Is this some sort of rehabilitation?
After I contacted the administration, they returned the money to me and promised to look into this situation. I really hope that disciplinary measures will be applied to Lipko L. A. , but rather find the Head. Department of neurorehabilitation of another specialist, for whom the help and treatment of patients will be the vocation of the heart, and not a record in the labor!

The territory is large but not ennobled, a lot of abandoned buildings, it stinks of garbage. It’s not really possible to take a walk, because cars are constantly driving and pregnant girls need to climb into the bushes in order to miss the next “non-walking” driver. The guards do not monitor who goes where at all, they let women in wheelbarrows go to the parking lot for money, and these "weak" cannot walk 200 meters to the entrance and drive right up to the entrance to the sanatorium.
Part of the territory has already been sold out, some sections are blocked off with barbed wire, but on the map this is shown as the territory of a sanatorium (which cannot be accessed).
On weekends, in general, a nightmare happens, the guards let everyone in to sunbathe on the beach, fry barbecue, litter, etc. Majors come in cool cars and behave with vacationers like cattle. Interestingly, the management of the sanatorium knows about this, or does the guards earn money into their own pockets ?!
Of the benefits, oak and pine grove. The air is great. The bay of the Dnieper is beautiful, the water is clean, the beach is sandy.
There was no repair for a very long time, the USSR.
Repairs are not of very high quality only on the 5th and 6th floors for pregnant women.
Rooms for two.
The rooms are cleaned every day, but on the top, if the nurse comes in when you are in the room, then they will also clean it normally.
There is a TV. There is a mini fridge, but not in all rooms.
There are bedside rugs that are only vacuumed once a week, they are smelly and dirty.
The balcony is not glazed, you need to bring a rope with you that there was where to dry clothes.
If you get a good neighbor, then the rest will be fine.
But the administration of the sanatorium does not see the edges at all and they place inadequate pregnant mothers with children with pregnant women. Mothers bring children and sleep with them on the same bed (until a room is free for them). The children are spoiled, they don’t let them sleep, they use the neighbor’s belongings.
Only pregnant women should be on the 5th and 6th floors, so that pregnant women are not disturbed and unnerved, but the administration apparently does not care about this because they accommodate mothers with children on the floors mentioned above, children run along the corridor by the door handles, pull, do what they want. And if you make a remark to the child, then the mother will not only send you, but also curse you.
The equipment is old. Many devices are rewound with electrical tape.
For pregnant women, three meals a day, as well as an afternoon snack (nuts + juice).
Repeatedly served not fresh food (all that was meat, sausages). The cook, when asked to come out and explain, did not appear. Often, instead of what they ordered, they served what they had, so boiled zucchini was served instead of pancakes, rice instead of stew, etc.
Compote was poured into half a cup, despite the fact that the cups are already small. The bread on the table is often yesterday's - crackers. Devices were often not washed (greasy, in lipstick).
When the pregnant women came for lunch, one "noisy waitress Natalya" drove them like cattle so that they would not sit down, but ate and drank the one they gave where they could.
At almost every table there were children who, at the age of 8, do not know how to eat on their own, their mothers feed them from a spoon, unbalanced children, again, do what they want. You can't eat in peace. It's better to come later to have a proper meal.
On the territory there is a shop in which everything is several times more expensive than in the city, a cafe that sells pies, one pharmacy, some kind of stall with Transcarpathian products in three ways. And a bunch of vendors in the lobby, panties, jewelry, clothes, shoes, etc. space prices. They are located throughout the lobby, there is nowhere to sit down. This is how the administration makes money.
Another interesting feature, on the territory there is a house in which a family lives, a father, a mother and three children, who they are is not clear, but they constantly yell that they are the owners and they are all here.
It was not possible to rest, the pregnant women became more nervous.
P. S. If you want to have a normal rest without this lawlessness, it is better to buy a ticket to Transcarpathia or save money. Do not waste your money on this Zhovten sanatorium.

But they brought me a heater. The food is very nutritious! But you can close your eyes to this. The rooms are not great. The first room they put me in was terrible. I paid extra (into my pocket) I lived in a better room and alone. There are a lot of procedures, but you have to pay extra for a lot. All procedures in the morning. You won't find anyone after dinner.
Many are outraged. But I knew why I was going and what kind of treatment I wanted to receive. I received it, of course, having paid extra in excess of the ticket.....
And you decide for yourself.

They don’t feed the fountain, but this is a diet kitchen! What do you want. cores, pregnant women, elderly people rest there. And they will not indulge in culinary masterpieces!
The advantages of this sanatorium are the cleanest air, the cleanest water in the river, the beach, which is still cleaned and cleaned, the forest, as well as a huge number of procedures, a separate 4-storey "Medical building" is dedicated to treatment. In general, rest is more for the body.
Of course, if you are going to relax in comfort, then you will go abroad or at least to the Crimea. and if you are going to be treated, then do not complain that you don’t lay eggs on the corners.
Of course, there are cons in the sanatorium, I think that the price for the rest is still specifically overpriced and not worth it. But if you have small children, babies, or elderly parents - this is a vacation for them!! !

In general, this is a horror, not a sanatorium!