New hotel with good service

Written: 13 march 2008
Travel time: 14 — 21 february 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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We stayed at the hotel in February and were satisfied.
It is located in Soma Bay, it is 50 km from Hurghada, it takes about an hour to drive. There is no civilization around, two hotels under construction on the left (quite far and absolutely do not interfere) and at some distance Intercontinental (a chic Delux class hotel). He goes to Hurghada twice a day free bus, very small, only 11 seats. Who appreciates privacy, he will like it.
A good animation team, about 12 people. The guys spend various games, which they report at 10 and 15 o'clock on the beach, welcoming all vacationers and luring the children to the "Sunny Dance". For girls, gymnastics in the morning, then belly dance, in the afternoon aqua aerobics and step aerobics. There is a children's club, although everything is in German with the translation of general information into Russian. In the evenings, Shows in the amphitheatre.

The hotel has a beautiful sandy beach with an ideal entry into the sea, a paradise for children. After Sharm, of course, it's just a sea without fish and coral reefs, but if you wish, you can move away from the beach to the right and swim to the reef where the fish live. Vodichka in February it was a bit cold, but we swam every day, if it weren’t for the wind - it’s generally beautiful, you get used to the temperature of the water, and you swim, but it’s not easy to go out!
The hotel is stretched out to the sea in four rows of buildings. Very nice three-story houses. In the center, three pools flow into each other, the last one is heated. And closer to the beach, the fourth pool with three water slides, which is very cool! Unfortunately, we could not enjoy them, so how the water in that pool was not heated and we did not dare to jump, but in the prospect of warm weather - this is a big plus !! ! Closer to the beach is a recreation area with hammocks and tables. Throughout the territory, figures, toad fountains, a fountain with four monkeys, tried to decorate . True, the hotel has not had time to green up yet, and palm trees are in protective boxes from the wind, and the bushes have only been planted, and the grass has not turned green, but in the future, when everything fluffs up and blooms, it will be super.
I really liked the rooms. A large room with a huge bed, everything is brand new, sparkles and glitters. A plasma TV on a long table. They cleaned it on time and well, though they didn’t make miracles out of towels, but the room was always scented.
The interiors of the Reception and the Main Restaurant are Caribbean-style and rather pompous.
The staff is friendly and welcoming, there are Russian-speaking staff at the reception.
In the evenings we smoked hookah, the cat is included in all in.
The food is very decent, everything was delicious. The only negative is that the hotel does not give bottled water. Only two bottles on the day of arrival in the minibar. we saw how some vacationers were scolded for this, it’s impossible, they say, it’s forbidden. Why not? So that vacationers don’t give staff and workers water? Okay, we were in February and the thirst was not very tormenting, but what will happen in June?
Although there are many bars around the territory where you can drink, apparently the administration believes that thirst will be quenched there.

I can recommend this hotel for all categories of vacationers who are not afraid of some distance from civilization (50 km), love the sandy beach (Zatoka), appreciate comfort (large rooms with beautiful furniture) and delicious food, dance club dance and smoke hookah.
Have a nice holiday everyone!! !
Translated automatically from Russian. View original