Jokes, entertainment and love Alaa is a rich seller of entertainment on the beach

Written: 12 january 2012
Travel time: 6 january 2012
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 6.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 6.0
Amenities: 8.0
Rested with the company. The hotel is clean. The staff is friendly. The food is monotonous. The rooms are cleaned every other day. The beach is acceptable, but the sea is shallow, to swim you have to walk about 7 minutes, the water is knee-deep.
On the beach they sell entertainment - safari, diving, water park - inflate with prices. For example, you take and pay for 2 dives, it turns out they bought 1 - they paid 60 euros - the director of this START NOW CO. named ALAA, and this Alaa is too much love - women over 40 get ready to fork out, younger ones can try exotics for free. True, women fight because of him on the beach specifically. Probably this is part of the entertainment program of the Suleimar hotel sex tourism.
The hotel complex itself is large. When leaving the hotel there is a chain of shops. A taxi ride to the old city costs 20 minutes for 20 dollars, a minibus for 1 dollar, but in time it takes 40 minutes.
I really liked swimming with dolphins, it costs $ 125, there are a lot of impressions, you will not regret it.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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