But what about the Sheraton??

Written: 17 october 2008
Travel time: 29 september — 14 october 2008
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But what about SHERATON? ? .....
Sheraton Main Building Hotel

Time relax
29.09. 08. -14.10. 08 (When swimming in the sea with fish, I suddenly caught myself thinking that it’s time to cover the roses in the country, then it became clear - it’s time to go home!
Probably twice a year - Egypt, even for me already a lot! )

Air 35-30
Water 27-26
WIND. The first three days are strong. Further - medium-moderate
The current is noticeable at high tide.

The growing economic crisis has not scared the Russians (yet). Easily and naturally, our people habitually gathered in a flock and flew to warm countries. In particular, in Egypt, as the locals say, the Russian season has begun.
The choice of hotels in the travel agency was not so rich that I already got only Sheraton. just survived the scandal with the mass poisoning of tourists.
On the spot, everything was not so sad. Bought a ticket to the main building with half board was the right decision.

Firstly, I never “mourned my stomach”, and secondly, I lost weight (hooray! , hooray! ). Before that, my visits to Egypt ended with a two-kilogram weight gain: -((.

What I liked about the Sheraton:

Free swimming for many kilometers along the reef from pontoon to pontoon to the right and left. After the rescuer was convinced that there was absolutely no need to save me, no one interfered with my one-hour swims.
The reef to the left of the pontoon (to the next hotel) is gray and boring, but it was there that I met a three-meter moray every day, once with a turtle and repeatedly with Napoleon. And all the other fish were present.
On the right, the reef up to the next pontoon (in the form of a cable-stayed bridge) is beautiful: blooming, lively, multi-tiered with glades of mollusks - “flowers”, extraordinary beauty of fish, corals and other living creatures.
Actually, for the sake of this I come for the fifth time to the Red Sea.
So in that regard, everything was great for me!
The main building looks very beautiful and impressive from the sea, and inside - not bad.
The room was decent enough. Moreover, all standard rooms in the main building look at the sea. Oh, this unforgettable meeting of the sunrise at 5.38!!!!

In the Sheraton, I was not at all bored in the evening (once again I went alone), I enjoyed talking with completely different people. I had dinner with an Englishwoman for three nights in a row, practicing my monstrously meager English. We even managed to somehow talk on more or less different topics, up to discussing the revision of the results of the Second World War : -)).
After dinner, I went several times to Nayama Bay, the Old City. Everything is close and accessible. By the way, in Nayama Bay, a girl rushed towards me - two years ago we were in the same hotel . . In short, not Sharm, el-Sheikh, but Moscow in the country!! ! .
At 22-00 different shows start at the hotel, I was at two - quite professional.
Here the rank of the hotel affects - decent artists are invited.
But mostly - at that time I was already sleeping - my eyes closed by themselves .......

What did not like:

The food is boring, without imagination - such an eternal English standard breakfast...
Crazy (even on a Moscow scale) prices for European wines.
Service - well, brothers, we have already spoiled them all, so it seems to me that the crisis will benefit everyone. And the tourists will be squeamish, and the staff will be livelier ......

In the airoport. When you buy a visa for $ 15, in the same window, change $ 50 for local money-Egypt. pounds (aka pound). There is always the best rate here, and there is hope that they will not be deceived. Doesn't make sense anymore - dollar/euro is everywhere
In a hotel. For those who pay in bars themselves. Pay cash and settlement. Don't wait for surrender. And, attention, everything that passes through the hotel bill is additionally subject to a 2% hotel tax. So consider your money better.
Of course, one must understand that the Arabs will cheat everything early and take their own, but here's how much ....

In a taxi: Bargain, haggle and haggle again and always BEFORE getting into the car. Ask if there is change and look carefully at the dollars - the entrance is fake ...

And in conclusion:

To all who are going to the Red Sea, greetings and wishes for a good holiday,
Translated automatically from Russian. View original