Everything is very good!

Written: 2 january 2020
Travel time: 24 november — 7 december 2019
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For business travel; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 10.0
And here again I visited the Island View Resort! And again did not miss!
I visit this hotel every November with my husband. It is quiet, comfortable, the number of rooms is a bit old, but this does not interfere with rest. The food is very good, I don’t know about the children’s table (I didn’t go with small children), everything is fresh, the variety of meat, fish and vegetable dishes is pleasantly surprising, I would like to see the home menu of those people who didn’t have enough food or it was not so refined. The hall and the eating area are clean, well-groomed, the staff tries to clean everything up on time and carefully.
Very friendly staff, hospitality is beyond praise, not in every hotel you will meet people who really try to brighten up your vacation. But our people can be seen from a kilometer away (this is most likely an exception) I don’t know what kind of comfort people expect if they themselves are rude? You try to smile a little, say hello in the morning even to those (in your opinion) with whom you do not have to interact, you will see that the world will change, people will become friendly, the sun is brighter, and the sea is more gentle.

The sea in November is really gentle, refreshing + 24-26 Celsius, the bay in this hotel is not very windy.
And finally, every evening I advise you to visit Soho Square, this is a sea of ​ ​ ​ ​ positiveness, celebration and spontaneous performances of creative people. If you are not impressed by the singing fountains, the brightly decorated park, the good mood of other people, then you, of course, are not here.
I advise everyone who understands that the price corresponds to the quality! See you at this hotel!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original