Raw foodist on vacation in Egypt

Written: 26 october 2013
Travel time: 6 — 20 october 2013
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 7.0
I write right away: the ESSENCE of the review is to share my little experience, I will help someone, and maybe someone will give me good advice. On our Internet, there is already just a lot of raw food diet, but no one talks about vacations for a raw foodist abroad on the seas. For example, where is the best place to go? Egypt or Thailand” “and how? all-inclusive or just breakfast”, and at least just to find out the opinion of raw foodists about holidays in different parts of the world. But there is not much information on this topic in our Russian Ukrainian Internet. ………. perhaps LET'S START
My rest was just credit for 1000 points, but this does not mean that it is the same for everyone. Some people like to listen to house (a style of electronic music) at 9 am on huge speakers, while others are just burning with the desire to cut the wire and pour sea water on the hotel's audio equipment. Therefore, on points I will try to give only an OBJECTIVE assessment of my vacation.
1. TOUR OPERATOR. Rested in Sharm el-Sheikh (hereinafter Sharmal).

When the friend entered the airport, there were check-in windows with such operators as "TEZ tour" - 4-5 windows "ANEX tour" -3 windows "Coral travel" -3 windows, maybe Pegasus and other operators flashed somewhere but everyone was shouting only these operators and only their sign flashed before our eyes. The operator's job is to book a hotel (place for a bed) for you and also deliver and pick up at home. This is where your collaboration ends. Any excursions from the operator are already voluntary, “do you want yes or no? ! » Therefore, the choice among popular operators in Ukraine is not so big. Giving preference to someone is just pointless. In a specific situation, there is a difference if you have a desire to visit most of the countries of the Caribbean region in 2 months. Then maybe there will be a difference, and which operator is the best, and whether it is needed then. And if on the sea, over the hill, to Egypt, then the benefit from the reviews about the operators is zero.
2. Guides.
I flew on Sunday to Charmal, on the same day at the same time (the difference is only 1-1.5 hours) the plane also flew to Charmal. And that ± 400 people a day. And so, in the morning we met with the guide at the hotel from the Anex tour, his name is Mahmoud. But the benefits of the fact that he wrote that his name is Mahmoud and that he is a good man is useless. And you see these guides a maximum of two times on the first morning at the hotel, and the second time if you suddenly want to go somewhere else additionally. Everything. And if you took a tour, and on it the guide cannot connect 2 words in Russian, well then it’s just a little unlucky, only even it seems to me that this is already in the past. Understand that guides do not play a significant role for us visitors, although if you give a local person in the face so that there will be a pool of blood around you, then then you are a moron. No guide, no embassy will help you.
3. HOTEL. Been there since 7.10. 2013 - 20.10. 2013 (14 days). I stayed at the Iberotel Palace. We stayed at this hotel from 7.10. 2013 - 11.10.
2013 only 3 Russian-speaking people - my mother, my father, and the author of this review. All the rest are "English"; and then all pensioners. That is a hotel-boarding house. In the neighboring hotel DESSOLE SETI SHARM RESORT 4, the situation is the opposite.

The hotel rooms are good, every day I was only 5-6 hours and then slept. At first, of course, we were given shitty room 1317, there was a road outside the window and a refrigerated container of a neighboring hotel was buzzing across the road. But for some reason, these rooms were sold to all of ours, and most of all of us went and said, what kind of rubbish is this, let's go to the suite and move everyone. And some paid 40 glasses and they were settled in rooms from which other people refused immediately, without spending the night there even a night. And then they also boasted that they gave 40 bucks and they were settled in major rooms. For this number is also an amateur. The hotel changes bedding, towels, and delivers water and juices, and all this daily.
The territory is not large, but a wide and long beach, sandy, not coral, and the hotel is located on the plain
. A hotel like BEACH ALBATROS SHARM 4 * is located on a mountain and it has an elevator (which will hold it together, but rides confidently) and stairs to climb the mountain. Iberotel Palac, DESSOLE SETI SHARM RESORT 4 and BEACH ALBATROS SHARM 4 are all located in the bay. (and suddenly someone does not know how to use the card).
The water is clear in the morning, and then it becomes cloudy, but the same picture behind the bay and in the neighboring REEF OASIS BEACH RESORT mine bay, but visibility of 10 meters is always guaranteed.
That is, there are NO complaints about the hotel, its staff and infrastructure! ! ! none.
If you are not a raw foodist, and none of yours suffers from such diseases as - they don’t eat meat, they don’t drink wine, vodka, beer until they’re crazy, they don’t eat fried bananas filled with cream with sour cream + poured with chocolate icing, as well as at the sight of potatoes fries and fried boiled pasta where on both sides ketchup and mayonnaise does not cause a vomiting and diarrhea effect, then count on the fact that at the end of the rest in 14 days the weight may increase.
In general, 5 points, on the 5th scale? .
…. . the hotel in which he rested is located in the "old town", the so-called Sharmala area. In this area there is a bazaar (market) there are both shmatki and food. That is, you can safely go and buy yourself a meal or a gift for home story. And the local population lives near the old city, but they already have a different market, and the prices there are different. Most of this population rents huts, this is not their private property, they are tenants. What is all this leading to?

It so happened to me that I went with my family, and one was like that. And they took the all-inclusive, and then mine moaned that they got drunk now it is necessary that it be digested and blah blah blah. And foreigners they still take ultra inclusive in this hotel, that is, you can eat right at the beach bar. Eat around the clock! I learned that no matter how cool the hotel is, no one will put mango in the restaurant just like that.
And from the fruit there was only - gua, apples (imported), bananas (imported from Ecuador), pear-plum (again imported) and persimmon (I find it difficult to answer whether it is local or imported), I almost forgot dry oranges. Nothing more from whole fruits. There were also sliced ​ ​ melons and grapes, as well as dates, sometimes grapefruit. But everything that is cut there is dosed, and personally I myself am not yet a master of some kind of dzy-tssy-kgun technique there, and 3 orange slices are not enough for me. And this is the standard in Sharmala hotels, maybe somewhere better, or maybe somewhere worse, but the trend is the same.
To be honest, I was in Egypt in the first place. But that was enough to understand what? where? . So, a lot of people from our region work there, and they, like the Egyptians, rent apartments or not expensive hotel rooms.
Therefore the idea
No. 1 - you should not go to 5 * and the first coastline, take all inclusive and overpay for changing the towel with which you only dried yourself once.
No. 2 - where there is urban infrastructure. But not all areas of Sharmala have food stalls or even just buy a souvenir. This concerns - Namabey. There is a district in Sharmala - fortunately Namabey was only once, there are only taverns, gendelyks and more, around the corner somewhere there are shops with food and souvenirs, but it will be valuable there just the very thing that is needed - for fools. I was there in the Hard rock nightclub, well, I can say this, in Kyiv there is a nightclub "forsage" or "saxon", not to mention the more expensive ones, and so the level of namabey in our understanding is "village village". I understand a completely different culture, etc. , but if you want their culture, then you should not go to Namabey, where all tourists are taken. Go to other local places where there are no tourists (this is if you do not have phobias and other rubbish) and you will feel calm.

No. 3 - the sea is not only on the beaches of hotels.
There is also such as CITY beaches, so on one side of my hotel there was a 4 * (hotel), and on the other - a city beach. And everything is democratically free with machine guns and I didn’t meet anyone on an armored personnel carrier.
No. 4 - excursions are already offered and there are specialized shops.

Everything seems to be like that. Learn to bargain in 7 days. A mango in my period cost 15 feet. Once I bargained for 14, the second time I barely 17, although they say 40 feet, if they said a very high price, then divide by 3. after you get a package of products. It's better to bargain twice. From the beginning, beat the price, and then when you need to round the amount of money down, in my case the amount is 117. And the result is 110.7 feet nonsense is 1 dollar.
But if you make 3 purchases a day and thus haggle a little, the end result will be good. But again, this is subjective, everyone has their own income and expenses.
..........not interesting to write, I submitted an idea, write in comments, you can tell and write a lot, so that it would be useful : ) I apologize for special and non-special spelling errors)
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