expected more

Written: 15 september 2020
Travel time: 1 — 11 september 2020
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 7.0
Service: 4.0
Cleanliness: 5.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 4.0
Of course, you need to make allowances for the post-coronavirus state, but this is not 5 stars. We arrived at 5 am, but they settled us right away, for which many thanks to the staff. We lived in a bungalow, the room is large, although not new, but not dead, quite comfortable, they were cleaned regularly, but they did not wait for shampoo or at least soap. The territory is large, but the order after the quarantine has just begun to restore. The contingent is 80-90% local Egyptians. Didn't like the food. Yes, coronavirus, you no longer take the buffet yourself, but serve it to you, there are not enough cooks-distributors, even when the hotel is not fully loaded, there is a queue for food, sometimes it seems that you are begging for this food from them. The food is monotonous, poor and not always tasty. From fruits - small, black bananas, wooden pears and dates. Twice there were tasteless melons and the same tasteless grapes. Everything. Tough fried meat, skinny chicken and halibut type fish. Everything. French fries and pasta. Everything. Cucumber-tomatoes and two or three types of salads. There were also quite tasty pastries and cakes (for lunch). Agree, this is not five stars.
The main thing is the sea. You can’t enter from the shore, solid stones, corals and knee-deep. There are two pontoons. One small, access to the sea along the ladder into the tide up to the neck, after a meter it is already deep. In the ebb to the chest. In principle, there is enough space for swimming, but for those who cannot swim, for children it is a problem. Oriental women in their overalls, they don’t know how to swim, they will stand near the stairs, neither enter nor exit. There is a second pontoon, long in depth. But firstly, the entrance to it is inconvenient, you have to go far, and secondly, it is half destroyed. In the middle, the entrance is blocked, then the floor has collapsed, rusty iron sticks out in the water too. Dangerous, you can get hurt on the waves. In the middle there is an entrance to the water near the reef. There are corals and fishes there, but. . . that's not it, for the real underwater world you have to go on an excursion, but this is probably the case everywhere. There is no Wi-Fi at all, it seems to be at the reception, but it is not. There is no animation, but the locals (and most of them) do not need it. The staff is friendly, they treat you well, they understand Russian, and for a dollar, they are generally best friends. Overall ok, you can rest, but expected more
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