The views are beautiful, the location is good, everything else is a disaster

Written: 6 february 2023
Travel time: 22 — 29 january 2023
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 3.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 3.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 8.0
On a trip? we bought i? last? minutes? s pas? lym? , very super don't you expect? but you don't expect it to be so bad? yom
Good things: 20-30 minutes from the airport. road I? balcony? opens very gra? ? s images, like lag? what? the other side? s Red j? huh? Is it 100 points? .
Bad things: Vie? bu? iui very tr? what's up, everything is broken? j? , apl? ? ? , ? sharp water b? what? once but? anyway knots it's bad. Shared toilets no? maybe s, tr? ksta of paper. Very nice bartenders at Loby bar, service? s, with? laugh, r? pestilential.
Food is a disaster, isn't it just sometimes? given, who gets it first if you come 15 minutes after opening? what? to take About the choice? i? I don't speak at all. Alcohol is a disaster, whiskey, brandy, tequila, rum all taste the same and stink. Cocktails stink j? alcohol and poor.
Never? j? nigger? ? ? already
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