The most detailed review of a wonderful hotel.

Written: 26 january 2017
Travel time: 5 — 12 november 2016
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 9.0
ARRIVAL: I put in Anex and led everyone to apply for a visa en masse for $27 (SHAME TO ANEKS : (((( ). Nearby in the window without a queue for 25. People shouted: "Why did you take 2 bucks, return it! " I didn’t see that they Anex answered and returned whether. I went and put two passports for $ 50. At the same time, my friend was given change in Egyptian pounds, and me in dollars. There were two windows. I didn’t see which one she put in. They didn’t ask her what to give change, so do I.
Transfer: everything is ok.
In the hotel lobby they told about the obligatory meeting the next day at 8.45 : (((

ACCOMMODATION: Arrival was in the evening, so there was no need to wait. I got a room for three (there were two of us). On the 2nd floor. 4106. Windows on a hookah bar with a TV working up to 23 and pairs of hookah in the windows. No balcony. Slightly visible bay-lagoon. Animation almost under the windows. The room is spacious, as is the bathroom. I immediately approached, they told me that tomorrow from 15 to 16 they would be able to relocate. The next day, everyone was awakened by phone at 8, so that people had time to go to breakfast (it is up to 10) and be sure to come to the meeting. So, the most shameful meeting I have ever seen. I have never heard such brazen lies from any of the TOs at such meetings!!! ! Write to us now, 2-3 days in advance, where you want to go on excursions. Because after the explosion of the Russian plane, the police tightened the measures, this is your safety, we pre-register with the police who is going where, so that the police issue a pass. Otherwise, they say, you will not be able to go on an excursion. Shame on Anex. The main guide Anexa Abula is the height of inability to work with clients. He told everyone to turn in their transfer vouchers. Together with a questionnaire with fields for the desired excursions. Three times he did not take my voucher - he sent me to fill out excursions. His other colleagues also did not take it: someone sent it to the reception, someone again to Abdul. Then I asked some clarifying question to Abdul (like how much lunch and dinner are), to which he scolded me like a stupid child: you are so small, why didn’t you remember, I kept saying why you didn’t listen, for whom I spoke, they sat and did not listen yes /? And there are many more variations of this kind. I turned around and left. I didn’t want a scandal, and I understood that there was no one there, on the spot, to complain about it. My friend didn't return the voucher either.
The next day, a note was left at the door to us: urgently go to the representative of Aneks. Luckily, it wasn't Abdul at the counter. He said: you did not return the vouchers, and this is important. We passed with the words: your Abdulaa did not accept them 4 times yesterday - he was very upset that they did not buy excursions from him. This guide apologized for Abdullah.
Relocation to another room. At the reception they told me to come at 12, then at 13, then at 15. I had something to do, and not lie quietly on the beach : ( We moved to a kopeck piece 4221 - the third floor overlooking the hotel entrance and the sea bay. Much better than in first room. But at night it turned out - not a fountain. Disco from the shore until 24 o'clock in the morning. A friend even called the reception at 24. They said they would turn it off in 15 minutes. Finished at one o'clock!
The best buildings are 1 and 6. Ours (the central part, above the dining room) was 4. There is one building there, solid, with the letter P, but it is divided into entrances, as it were. The first digit of the number is the case number. Buildings 1 and 6 have rooms with frontal access to the sea: with an open horizon. And there is access to the lagoon and the opposite part of the building. That is, without the horizon and without the noise of the surf (there are no waves in the lagoon).
Cleaning every day. We didn't leave a tip. Soap and shampoos with gel were put every day. Both my friend and I liked the shampoo.
The hotel has a free gym. There is a paid hammam at the hotel. Unfortunately, we didn't go.

BEACH: whatever you want! In the lagoon there is a small one for children. In the open sea there is shallow, there is deep - with fish. It is near the Krezi Dolphin excursion base - if you stand with your back to the hotel and face the sea, then go along the lagoon on the left. Unfortunately, we were not shown it right away, and there are no fish anywhere else. Lots of sun loungers and umbrellas. But when the hotel is full, it will be inconvenient from smokers : ( There is nowhere to put your umbrella and if you smoke on neighboring sun loungers, it will be tight : (
WATER: There are two complimentary half-liters in the refrigerator of the room. Carefully warn: do not throw away and pour water into them from coolers on the floors or in bars from coolers.
FOOD: very varied. Every day (lunch and dinner) at the same time meat cooked in the kitchen (veal or chicken), fish and meat or fish is also grilled outside. Pizza and spaghetti are fried outside. For breakfast, a wonderful scrambled egg is fried in front of you with a filler of your choice. Several times there were boiled crabs, awesome smelling of the sea. I didn’t really like sweets - and this is good for the figure : ))) Fruits every day: melon (not very sweet), dates (you need to take them to your room, put them in the freezer for a day or two and then they look like the usual dates in our sale), oranges. They gave guava just once: (A sea of ​ ​ u200bu200bvegetables every day: raw, chopped for salad, steamed, fried, grilled... Different side dishes. Every day there is a diet table: steamed everything.
During the day, there are buns under the film on the street - for those who are hungry : )
There are paid juices. There is no ice cream.
The restaurant has beautiful tablecloths and napkins. Appliances must be asked from the waiters. It is a little inconvenient that there are a lot of people and the waiters do not have time to remove dirty dishes from the tables during your meal. We set aside to another table if the waiter did not keep up. There are metal tables outside. Without any tablecloths. They don’t look very neat, you can find fault with this item if anyone is looking for something to complain about. But the street, the air, the breeze. Air - if no one smokes nearby on the table : ( Inside - do not smoke, of course.
BAR: all sorts of cocktails, cognac, beer. We don't drink much - I can't write more.

Naturally, it is twice cheaper to buy near the pool and lagoon. There are representatives of Krezi Dolphin and they sell various excursions. We traveled to Luxor and by ship to a paradise island with high seas swimming on the road, scuba diving (our two sons are 14 years old). They didn’t really explain something about scuba diving: how to blow out the valve or what? And my ears hurt even from a shallow dive. Each by the hand was led under water by his instructor. Allowed from 10 years. We mothers did not dive.
Luxor: tired, of course, to go - 4 hours one way, departure before dawn. But it's interesting - who loves the old days. We had a very, very good guide - Ramses 12th : ))) - Ahmed Radwan. I advise him to everyone. For 10 dollars they offered an additional excursion to the banana island. With a walk along the Nile, the beginning of sunset on the Nile. On the island there is a banana plantation, a couple of crocodiles in an aviary, fruit tasting and buying teas and honey. For $ 10, they first offered three units to choose from: coffee, hibiscus, yellow tea, honey, and then they sold 4 for 10 : )
We went on the last evening for a free shopping trip from Anex. In the Nefertiti oil store (certificates hang on the walls, stand on bottles (all sorts of ISO) they bought aloe lotion and jojoba oil (the only one that can be in its pure form and it does not clog pores - so they said). Lotion in winter requires another drop of oil on top, t It doesn't nourish at all. The oil is wonderful.
DEPARTURE: was declared at 5.40 with a departure at 9.00. The coffee machine in the lobby did not work: ((((((All days it worked, namely on the day of the early departure - no: ((((Anex's guide yelled at people who loaded things into one lean bus. He said emotionally (like at school with annoying students) so that everyone should go out and take out things!!! ! He was ASKED to leave those who had already sat down on the seats. , wanted to babble something, but I asked him why the check-out was delayed for 45 minutes, because we could have slept for 45 minutes? ! left and was surprised when all the people started to storm (his word) his bus. No words.
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