Terrible old dirty hotel!

Written: 31 august 2021
Travel time: 22 july — 22 august 2021
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 1.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 1.0
Unsanitary conditions, dirt, queues everywhere (food, towels, a water park...), arrogant Arabs who see you only as a wallet (((On the day of arrival, they didn’t settle in a room paid for with a sea view, they sent for the night to the nearby Palma hotel, but they didn’t they settled, they sent us across the road to Miretta and they didn’t settle there until we called a representative of the Biblio Globus, who for an hour tried to get at least some kind of room for us. that hotel, not his. Why such a guide is needed is generally incomprehensible, a complete zero effort to solve the problems of tourists.
The hotel is overcrowded felt like herring in a barrel everywhere, especially in the dining room. Queues for any kind of food from 10 people, and for coffee in the morning in general from 20. This is not a rest, but a continuous standing in line, irritation grew every day! Tables are wiped with a dirty cloth, the table smells of sourness after it. And sometimes I had to sit down at the uncleaned one, because there weren’t enough tables either. Another time, I just didn’t want to go to the dining room, but the lack of snacks in the form of snacks or a second breakfast forced me to.
There is no food for children, everything is peppered, soy milk is diluted with water. The shortage of juices, or rather Yuppies, just poured water, it was just a shock to me. In the room, too, you can’t ask for water and hand out bottles of 0.5 liters per person per day in a heat of 43 degrees. Everywhere dirt from the reception. Stoic check-in windows with stains, not washed floor with sand and dirt, not wiped tables for rest and also in the rooms . . The rooms are old, I would even say ancient. Of the advantages, only a convenient entry into the sea for a child and many descents into the lagoon.

PS: you don’t need to pay extra for a room with a sea view, all rooms have a sea view, this is another Arab scam for money.
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