Didn't rest - didn't like it much - huge disappointment

Written: 28 may 2009
Travel time: 19 april — 2 may 2009
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 7.0
Service: 4.0
Cleanliness: 4.0
Food: 6.0
Amenities: 7.0
We flew by PEGAS (never again, nowhere and nothing) from Sheremetyevo at 5-30 on the night from Saturday to Sunday. The Pegasus Arabs met at the airport of Hurghada and seemed to explain everything sensibly - what to write, where to put money and passports - but only 2 windows worked and all 215 passengers of our Boeing lined up in them - a cry, a howl of children, a run counted out by the Arabs in pounds (time 5 less than expected) if he gave large bills. It's good that they knew that the visa was 15 bucks for each passport - I prepared it in advance.
By the way, if the child has a separate passport, then a visa for him, too, if it is entered in the parent's passport, then the visa is one for two. Like many at 9-30 we were at the hotel, which turned out to be no fucking 5 * but 4, and then according to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism (in my experience, it doesn’t pull on European 3 *), and then we started to get a shock in Egyptian - 4 wait an hour and a half for check-in, it will start at 14-00, but in fact, hell knows when, neither children nor old people scratch anyone - everything is purple for the Arabs, and our 3 guides from PEGASA at this time, as we later realized, are meeting with vacationers who arrived yesterday, praise themselves, sell excursions (I don’t recommend taking it right away - the song is about today only, discounts, packages are repeated every day at 10 am with a new group of arrivals). The new arrivals (ie us) will be dealt with only in a day - a natural madhouse.
We ourselves went to the airport upon departure back at 6-30, so I know for sure that the places in the hotel are vacated early and the previous evening and in the morning, but the service staff are in no hurry to clean the vacant rooms, so this horror with the settlement (by the way, it does not concern foreigners - the Arabs are with them act like humans). Five hours in the hotel lobby where the air conditioning cannot cope with the heat, it is smoky to a heavy fog, there is nowhere to change (from Moscow they flew -2) next to the reception, with a child who took a nap before the airport, dozed off on the plane for 15 minutes and just cooked during this time, did not know where to attach it, literally fell.

They gave us the key somewhere after 14, we ran into the room to take a shower and relax - the sea and the beach were already purple, we took a long-playing sauna in front of the reception. A room in a large family building that is close to the road, the desert with a balcony on the turning circle near the main building and a view of the distant sea, which takes about 5 minutes to go. To be honest, later they regretted that they did not ask to be replaced. It was possible to sleep only with curtained windows and a closed balcony - on the roundabout all night and all day buses are buzzing.
The room is large for 2 but for 2 with a child is small, the furniture is old, but still seems to be strong, the bathroom is combined with a bathtub behind a shabby curtain on a rusty pipe, no inscriptions, stickers on the sanitary ware that disinfection has not been carried out at all - they don’t know what it is. Luggage was brought quickly, a folding old sofa was laid out for the child in the hall. We climbed into the shower - all the water from the sewer goes back to the floor - they immediately called number 7 - the service staff had zero emotions, then they called three more times, approached the reception twice and spoke to the reception - again zero, asked for a guide from PEGAS TOURISTIK Arab Maged - he went to scratch with his at the reception, smiled, assured that everything would be fixed and again zero.
In short, they fixed it only after 10 days, when the guide, who was like a Slav (Denis), suggested that you contact the hotel officer Marina - she has a separate table to the left of the reception, she called somewhere, barked as expected and did not have time to reach the room, she already brought along with some Arab was a janitor, and as he was in a shirt he climbed into the hatch and sort of checked something there, and then the infection climbed his hands to wash under the washbasin.
Marina said that if they do something at the request of vacationers, then they always bring a piece of paper with a list of work performed, that is, for the previous 10 days no one tried to respond to requests. In general, they have a problem with sanitation - the country is dirty, garbage in Hurghada is thrown directly onto the streets (with the exception of 2-3 main streets with shops), and when they went on excursions, they fully looked at their poverty and unsanitary conditions.

The bastard Mohamed first changed his underwear (old, washed, by the way) only on the 9th day, and then after the scandal with the involvement of Marina, again, despite the daily tips. The goat laid out figurines for us on the bed with dirty linen, after which they tied up with a tip. Towels changed every day and then because they constantly wiped the floor with them. I brought water to the room on the 2nd day, and then after contacting the reception, when we entered there was no drinking water for another 1.5 days.
The territory of the hotel is really huge, although not all of it is landscaped yet, it seems like they take care of the greenery, but the lawn with spots from the sun, roofing felts from pesticides was treated almost constantly in the mornings early or in the evening after 23-00. After processing, I don’t advise you to get closer - the rubbish is still the same - even the Arabs pulled on not only petals, but whole gas masks. Hedges and flower beds also with large areas of dried shrubs and flowers (or bare sand) - from a distance everything seems to be in general tip-top, and when you walk through the territory - it hurt our eyes as specialists. watering the greenery is carried out in the morning and in the evening with water from... sewers, so the smells are appropriate, as the guide said on a sightseeing tour, they have no sewerage in the city, water comes from the Nile through pipes or is transported by cars, you can’t drink even after boiling, children should brush their teeth with it is also not recommended.
There are really 4.2 pools with paddling pools, all fresh very strongly overchlorinated, I never swam in them (we didn’t go after them), the bastards never turned on the heating, so the child had to be marinated until 10-30 or 11 until at least a little it will warm up a little, the baby swam there because out of 15 days from the 2nd decade of April to May 4, the weather was 3 days, not including the day of arrival, which was actually lost.
Then the northeast and northwest winds blew from the sea at a speed of 10-25 m / s, constant cloudiness, and it became really cold, there were waves in the sea, the water was cold all day, at first they thought that it was bad luck, and then they thought it was not in vain there are fabric protections from the wind on the beach and for some reason there are very few foreigners who flooded only after May 1.

They cleaned the pools according to a very rare schedule and, of course, did not do any filtration for the whole night as it should be. There are 2 jacuzzis for the entire territory and 2500 people vacationing, one right in front of our building - they walked past every day and as a result they thought that they drained it once in 2 weeks, they also counted it once and when it was turned on in the morning it was already with dirty foam - brr.
All inclusive meals in 2 restaurants - lotus and alcantra (Italian) food is the same for breakfast and lunch differs only for dinner. In the lotus, thematic dinners - Caribbean, Oriental, Asian, fish, international and some other (by day of the week), in general, after 2 days they already knew what and where it was - there was no diversity, in the second week everything was repeated exactly. I didn't like the food - the same thing every day.
There are no fruits - only oranges, 3 or 4 days there were bananas, the last time they were badly spoiled, one day there was a guava, but it was snapped up very quickly. Sliced ​ ​ spoiled oranges and grapefruits, fruit salad. Freshly squeezed juice only from carrots was 4 days for all the time only in the lotus, the citrus juicer for some unknown reason is in the sports bar and of course does not work. There were no decent salads - do it yourself from chopped spoiled tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbage, if you are not afraid to get poisoned.
The meat is the same - 1 beef dish (tough for my taste), 1 chicken dish, all stewed with minor variations, a couple of times there was lamb, or maybe goat meat (in the Egyptian corner), also stewed. Fish all the days in the same version - my wife called me a sole, I tried it once - it's utter disgusting, they make it for the Bundes, it doesn't suit our taste. A la carte restaurant - the same eggs only in profile. Beer is the same everywhere - they pour 150-200 grams each, the rest is foam in the glass, in my opinion weak, tasteless (in March I was in the Czech Republic for 10 days, after Czech it sucks) on the beach into plastic glasses that they have for some reason reusable , utterly ragged.

Restaurants are constantly trying to shove foam after changing kegs - when you demand a pour in front of you, they rush into a rage. Wine only on tap in restaurants is white, pink, red - the muck is loosened from dyes with alcohol. Local whiskey, rum, gin - so-so, for 3-ku. They bring a table with open imported drinks, but they did not inspire confidence, they grabbed cognac and whiskey from Sheremetyevo - they lived better than everyone else. There are no natural juices in the restaurant for children - only yuppies, diluted from chemistry such as the glorious memory of the drink of all time.
Both cold and hot milk are diluted with water - it’s impossible to drink and eat with it too, in the milkman (80 grams) they put on the table not diluted for coffee - enough for 2 mugs, then no one tops up - didn’t have time, so not an eagle. For a child, I had to constantly ask - then they would deign to pour undiluted from a plastic bottle. Cheese 2 types - white goat salted and ordinary planed. A couple of types of yogurt, three jars of jam and honey. I liked one confectionery, a lot, different, quickly brought, but the assortment was known after 3 days.
The beach is really huge, with a dug out lagoon and a pier, as many have already written here for private pelvises. This berth is being sluggishly repaired, and all the construction debris in half with the solarium from these vessels, sand from the sandblaster, depending on the direction of the wind, is carried to the bathing area in one place or another. It is impossible to swim in the lagoon - it is far and very close to this pier.
Sunbeds or antediluvian wooden or plastic (mostly broken - you can not raise the back) with mattresses of varying degrees of aging. Towels give out mostly old - 90% washed. The beach is shallow, which is just super for children, we were not too lazy to walk to the depth, but with stones on which during the waves you can sensitively kick your feet. Because of the wind, as I wrote above, it was problematic to swim - the whole hotel did not swim. There is one toilet for two places on the whole beach, and then in the very corner - closer to the neighboring construction site.

I didn’t see animation, but what I saw can’t be called animation at all - belly dance, exercises, then aqua aerobics in the pool for 3-4 European old women, beach volleyball, French bolo and that’s all during the day. In the evening, some kind of crap for children that no one went to watch, our child flatly refused after the first viewing - it’s better to draw or watch cartoons. For adults, the same crap or even worse in a paid disco, with extra drinks. Animators receive 500 bucks a month, live in a hotel, eat here too, and as they admitted a couple of times they plow 3 times less than in Turkey.
Excursions were taken from the PEGASA tourist guides (the host office from our PEGASA) 3 + 1 bonus and 1 separately for the monasteries. They cursed everything and the whole PEGAS tourist, I do not recommend it to anyone and never, but first things first. We went to the first one in the city on the 5th day when the weather turned bad. A broken-down Chinese bus with narrow seats and stinking plastic. They drove around the city - there is nothing to see, they drove to the mosque, which is being repaired (all in the forests) and where they were not allowed to enter, then to the Kop temple (Egyptian Christians), then to a store with oils, perfumes and other garbage that is sold four times more expensive than She is even in the shops at the hotel.
Then to the factory where all this is supposedly done and where one of the dispossessed is picking behind the glass - depicts violent activity and where they again suck in the same crap for a little less money. The last point is supposedly the state store Akhenaten, where all goods (cotton, souvenirs, leather) are also several times more expensive than in ordinary stores (we were already walking around the city in the evenings and compared everything from idleness in the evenings). Already here we compared in which buses it carries whether it is bad PEGAS TOURISTIK and other operators.
The second excursion was in a special Luxor package. Departure at 5-30 from the hotel, and despite the fact that the penultimate hotel on the road began to pick up people from it. The bus is again Chinese, with uncomfortable seats that fold out through one and even smaller size, even smelly - in addition to plastic, it stank from 2 more toilets.

The road is 4.5 hours one way with such charms and with a child (in order to immediately remove questions, I’ll say that the kids club is busy with the kids from 9 am to 9 pm, our little one really liked it there, but when leaving the territory of the hotel they don’t take the child, the babysitter is at the hotel it turned out to be impossible to hire for any money - they simply don’t exist, or maybe they deceived ??? ) - pleasure is below the sewer level.
They showed us the Luxor temple, then a dinner of Egyptian dishes with flies on the banks of the Nile, which is dirty in Luxor and narrower than our Volga in Yaroslavl. Then, with the stench of exhaust fumes, they were dragged on a boat across the river to our gas chamber, which stopped for 5 minutes near the colossi of Memnon, about which the guide mumbled something. The next item on the program is a theater called a stone-cutting workshop where the Arabs depicted how they cut figures from alabaster, onyx and basalt, and then dragged them to the store and let's continue to sell all kinds of garbage from clay, cement, papier-mâ ché .
I had to work closely with minerals for 4 years, so I’ll say right away that basalt is a volcanic material, its hardness is 6 on the hardness scale and it needs to be processed with tools with diamond. He stood and waited for one actor to cut a cat figurine from alabaster - he is the only real mineral there - he did not wait for 1.5 hours and spat. Green onyx that accumulates light and then glows in the dark is plastic, there are no minerals with such properties.
Then they showed what I really wanted to see - the Hatshetsupt temple after 10 years of restoration - I really liked it, but the place was very hot, the guide didn’t go with us - he tried to tell everything on the layout, it turned out badly for him, then I read everything on the internet, but clarification would be right on the spot. Then there was the Valley of the Queens, where it is even hotter, it is allowed to visit two tombs and everything from the cultural program.

Then they dragged him to a papyrus store, where a Russian-speaking Tajik spoke briefly and uninterestingly about its production and use. And then it’s already customary to sell all fake garbage for absolutely crazy money (as explained by the Russians who permanently live in Hurghada, and there are a lot of them - 1/4 of the population, real papyrus is no more than an album sheet) compared to the same ones for 1 Egyptian pound sell on the street. The Pegasus goats decided to omit the jewelry and copper workshop - you can manage.
And again 4.5 hours in a gas chamber back to Hurghada. Requests to turn into the Valley of the Kings, the Luxor Museum (the second in terms of ancient Egyptian values ​ ​ ​ ​ after Cairo) and the Karnak Temple (I really didn’t want to waste time again on a trip to Luxor), even for extra money, they refused despite the fact that everything is nearby - 1.5 - 2.5 km.
Only on Sunday there is an excursion to the first Christian monasteries of the planet - St. Anthony and St. Paul, which belong to the Copian Monophysite Church, but these saints are also saints for the Orthodox (if I'm not mistaken). I really wanted to see it, so we went again with the child. To be honest, from Hurghada with children, I do not advise anyone. And the worst friends from PEGAS TOURISTIK, instead of picking it up at 00-40, stopped at 1-10 and went to collect the rest in a small Toyota minibus (for 15 people) of Turkish assembly with small seats that do not fold out.
Another Pegasus man said not to occupy the last row - they say they will rest there. I sent him a snotty freak (I didn’t think that there were snot in Africa - but what happened), he said that everything was paid for and the child is with us, so I will be located where I want. When we returned back, I discovered that the last row of seats unfolds like a sofa where all three of us fit, and this brute, seeing that he had put a sleepy child there at night, did not even say anything.

We were in the first monastery early in the morning - there is a 300-meter climb uphill to the cave where the saint lived and then the monastery itself. The excursion around the monastery was carried out very quickly, they didn’t show much (we carry pilgrims in an order of magnitude more interesting - they discussed it with colleagues in misfortune on the way back) and ran into the shop to sell souvenirs, icons, books - from them they learned that they didn’t show much from that what is included in the mandatory display (monastic kitchen, an old mill, the library of which is 1.5 thousand years old, etc. ).
In the second monastery, too, everything was fast - half also did not show all the interesting things, they gave a taste of the mulberry, which they themselves cut, a glass of hibiscus and sent back to Hurghada... for lunch. When the guides (I didn’t understand why there were 2 of them) were told that we would have fed the pilgrims with a monastery meal, their eyes literally climbed onto their foreheads - they say it’s expensive for the monks (that is, they don’t resubmit anything to the monasteries from excursions).
In general, the whole day dry on the water from the holy springs and for lunch they drove to some restaurant on the seashore in the second part of Hurghada at 5 o'clock in the evening, when everyone from the 10-hour road had not slept for 2 days and had lunch if only a cat would get to the bed. Moreover, these sheep from PEGAS TOURISTIK incorrectly ordered the number of people and one brought lunch an hour later, when everyone had already eaten, they had to wait here too. In general, this trip went very hard, and fortunately, due to bad weather, there was no particular heat, otherwise it was a complete kaput.
At the family council, we decided that despite the fact that the weather forecast for the next day (Monday) is bad, we will not go to the next excursion (sea trip to 3 coral islands with swimming, diving, lunch on the island), we went to our guide from whom we took excursions ( an asshole from PEGAS TOURISTIK named Maged Hasan) they said directly in Russian that they say move it to Thursday, we will wake up, take a breath, sleep, and just on the penultimate day we will do a dembel chord, so to speak, especially since friends who have already gone to such events - highly recommended.

The moron Maged from PEGAS TOURISTIK wrote down something for himself, in our parish office he corrected the date for Thursday, swore that everything would be fine. Doubts arose when the next morning they began to call us and say that you supposedly should go on an excursion - I explained to them the situation with the transfer to Thursday - they immediately withered and fell further to get on each eye. And then just the end of the epic with the sewer after the 10th appeal (I already wrote above) and somehow jumped out of my head with this trip.
And on Thursday, we were... thrown by PEGAS TOURISTIK with an excursion Boat trip. We were at the reception 20 minutes before 7-30, but they simply didn’t pick us up. On Thursday morning, several types of excursions of different operators, buses one after another. There were several Pegasus but not ours. And as it turned out later, the smelly Arabian ram Maged did not bother to report in 4 days that someone else was going on a boat trip with the damned PEGAS TURISTIK - we were not on the list, so their next moron from PEGAS TURISTIK shouted to two or three people without leaving the bus tourists who smoked near the turning circle and without going to the hotel fell off further.
Realizing that we were flying as always with the Pegasus people, for our own money from the hotel reception they began to call the guides, whose phones were on the fucking PEGASA TOURISTIC Stead Maged Khasan and Lia Shotadze - one phone was switched off (like 8 o'clock in the morning) the other two do not answer. The holiday was completely ruined. They began to deal with this crap when all 3 guides PEGAS TOURISTIK showed up. At first they told us that they say you weren’t here and they didn’t find you, and at 6-30 I handed over the key to the reception, which my wife accidentally broke while awake (in the Hilton they gave me a room key that was half broken), and from the experience of previous trips it’s great I know that if your excursion is paid for, they will look for you everywhere almost at the bottom of the sea.
In general, after 4 hours, the beast Maged admitted that it was their fault that we flew by with a sea trip. To replace the excursion, the bastards from PEGAS TOURISTIK agreed only with an almost complete surcharge to their cost, but they didn’t really want to drag themselves somewhere on the last day. As a result, with a huge scandal, the Arab carrion returned only half of the cost of the tour for 3 people and no more.
Humble conclusions:

- not a foot to Hurghada for the next 5 years, she’s still like the moon before Sharm, not to mention Europe (despite the fact that it’s better for a child on the eastern coast of the Red Sea)
- with PEGAS TOURISTIK nowhere else and never for any price - everything is very bad
- it was a fatal meeting with the Hilton hotel chain - Friends were at the same time in other hotels in Hurghada - the impressions are better, this one is too shabby and unkempt, and in general, as one of the Russians who works and lives in Hurghada said: "a network of 600 hotels around world - belong to a famous girl, and there is no looking after them in Egypt for sure. Since the opening in 2000, the hotel has not been repaired, not updated (is it possible to imagine this in Turkey or Greece, not to mention Spain, Italy, France)
- In Egypt, it’s all the same more convenient to be served by a Russian (Slavic guide) - take excursions, resolve issues, because it doesn’t work smoothly with the Arabs, although our goats are still those, but in our case they at least suggested through whom you can equip life in the hotel
Excursions from PEGAS TOURISTIK are very poorly organized - I do not recommend flying with this operator under fear of being shot - it's better not to fly at all
Translated automatically from Russian. View original