Canyon and mountain lake in Egypt

To diversify the beach holiday, we decided to book an excursion to the lost lake; There was a small group of 10 people.
With a pleasant guide, we drove in a comfortable minibus for 2 hours to Nuweiba, to the Wadi al-Vash Vash canyon, then transferred to a jeep, drove for 10-15 minutes, walked for 40 minutes, overcoming small obstacles in the form of narrow passages through rocks, descents and lifts. Comfortable/athletic shoes, hats and water are required.
Brave tourists swam in the emerald invigorating, but not cold water of a lost mountain lake, and made wishes)
We returned on foot and in a jeep to the bus, went to Dahab on the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba.
We rented fins and wetsuits along the way. We stopped at a local store, someone bought Egyptian oils and perfumes. We rode camels along the sea, rested under awnings and had lunch (chicken, rice, potatoes, salad, tortillas, no drinks).
Those who wish swam with masks and fins for 40 minutes along the coast. The water in the bay is blue-blue!
Tired, but happy, they took us to our hotels.
Some people found this excursion tiresome. I advise you to read reviews or see information on youtube before ordering any excursion, so that there are no unexpected moments and calculate your strength. If it is hot, 30 degrees and above, it is better to refrain from this trip. Excursion for dexterous, hardy, active travelers.
The lake in Egypt is unexpected! Good trip!
Озеро в Египте - это неожиданно! Хорошая поездка!
Interesting! Irina, from which agency did you find such an excursion? And how much did she cost? Our tour was similar - camels, Dahab. Only now they brought us to some kind of pseudo-canyon "for tourists", where there was no lake. And there was no canyon, as such.
Интересно! Ирина, у какого агентства Вы нашли такую экскурсию? И сколько она стоила? Наша экскурсия была аналогичная - верблюды, Дахаб. Только вот привезли нас в какой-то псевдоканьон "для турыстов", где не было никакого озера. И каньона, как такового не было.
Iren48, I found the tour on the Quest Voyage website. Wrote on viber, clarified everything, ordered. Payment on the spot, before the tour. $35 per person.
Iren48, экскурсию нашла на сайте Квест Вояж. Написала на вайбер, всё уточнила, заказала. Оплата на месте, перед экскурсией. 35 долларов за человека.
Interesting! Irina, from which agency did you find such an excursion? And how much did she cost? Our tour was similar - camels, Dahab. Only now they brought us to some kind of pseudo-canyon "for tourists", where there was no lake. And there was no canyon as such.
Интересно! Ирина, у какого агентства Вы нашли такую экскурсию? И сколько она стоила? Наша экскурсия была аналогичная - верблюды, Дахаб. Только вот привезли нас в какой-то псевдоканьон "для турыстов", где не было никакого озера. И каньона, как такового не было.
Iren48, I found the tour on the Quest Voyage website. Wrote on viber, clarified everything, ordered. Payment on the spot, before the tour. $35 per person.
Iren48, экскурсию нашла на сайте Квест Вояж. Написала на вайбер, всё уточнила, заказала. Оплата на месте, перед экскурсией. 35 долларов за человека.