Buying a ticket - Tinkoff Travelata, the price is the same for everyone, and here is 3% cashback. For 10 nights for two with a "Christmas dinner" 155t. r. - 5 thousand cashback. I filled out the e-ticket myself, nothing complicated, everything is in Russian, the Internet is full of instructions.
Flight - The day before departure, the documents were not sent, I wrote in support, they gave ticket numbers for registration. I paid 450 rubles for a window seat. For luggage over 10 kg, you also now have to pay. Previously, the departure was at 5:00, for about a day it was moved to 8:25 (you can look at the Vnukovo scoreboard or Azura's website), at ten o'clock they already took off. There are 10-inch monitors on the plane, a lot of films, new and old, ours and translated. USB port for charging. The backs recline. We ate once, delicious. You can collect water from the toilets yourself, there are cups.
We flew to La Romana, had to stand in line at passport control, the plane is rather big. Those who did not have an e-ticket were issued by the airport staff. We reached BocaChica in an hour.
Check-in - Chocolate Alenka and a light knowledge of Spanish (mehor abitasyon por favor) helped a lot, we really liked the room next to the bar and pool on the 1st floor. A 32" TV set was used to watch movies from a flash drive for bedtime, a small silent, slightly rusty refrigerator, a dressing room, a balcony. Now there is no division into 18+, all the bracelets are the same.
Sea - The bay is protected by reefs, there are no waves and algae. Because of this, the water is the cleanest, stars come out of the sand in the evening, and you can dig it out in the morning. 300 meters to the mangrove forest (of which 250 can be walked), there are all sorts of fish. Not Egypt, of course, but it's worth taking with a mask. The bottom is bad there, you need to carry corrals. Wave lovers go to Juan Dolio by minibus for 50 pesos, it was enough for us once, but it's worth a trip, it's beautiful there. On the tour we met vacationers from Puntakana. They said that the sea is stormy all the time, the wind makes it impossible to swim.
Entertainment - only the sea. There is no animation, the gym is closed. Go to Ole supermarket. Sometimes the locals stopped by, it became fun and noisy by the large pool. And that's just the music playing. You can rent a water bike, SUP-board.
Food - Dominicans are actually great at translating foods. Mostly tasteless. But beef, bacon, pork, chicken and seafood (squid, mussels, even shrimp) were given regularly. I liked banana puree (you can't tell it from potato) with bacon, in the morning corn porridge with cinnamon, coffee with milk. From fruits, watermelons, melons, papayas, pineapples, apples, pears, passion fruit, mangoes, bananas - but not all at once : ). Lunch was delicious ice cream. Restaurant a la carte one, every other day Mexican or Italian. Such an entertainment. The snack bar fried hamburgers and potatoes, beer is fine.
Drinks - Beer "president", light lager. Rum, tequila, vodka, whiskey, etc. - one name, from identical bottles of "Cabaret". For normal rum - to Ole's store. In the canteen pour white and red so-so wine and beer. In bars, cocktails of all colors interfere, you can drink for a change. The tea in bags reminded me of roasted beets, I could not find tea either in the Dominican Republic or in Mexico (we traveled around the country). To whom it is critical - take it with you.
Christmas dinner - 8500 for two in a binding. Ham tree, lobsters, chorizo and REAL cheeses. Champagne with the taste of sour apple juice. Rag napkins. In the evening there was an entertainment program on the stage by the small pool, a dance group performed. The next day, store-bought rum was poured into thimbles by the pool, and face painting was painted on children's faces.
Wi-Fi is fast, works throughout the territory and in the rooms and on the beach. They didn't take the sim.
We went to Samana with Pedrotour for $90. Horses, Lemon, Bacardi, constantly pouring Brugal. We ourselves went to the capital (I really liked the cave "3 eyes"). Intrusive police escorted for free to the Columbus lighthouse. We also went to the Cave of Wonders, very beautiful, but they are not allowed to take pictures. To see interesting sights (and they are mainly in the north, 250 km from Boca Chica in different directions), you need to take a car for 2-3 days, we never got there.
Well, like everything. Sincerely, Renat from Kirov, 52

I quite often have a rest in different countries and cities. But before you buy a tour, you need to choose a hotel. This is both the most interesting and the most difficult process. Why complex? Yes, because it is very problematic to find all the information about a particular hotel. You have to re-read dozens of reviews and assemble a mosaic from different pieces. And if you need to compare several hotels with each other, then the task becomes unbearable. The reviews of different people are mixed up in your head and turn into a mess. Focusing solely on ratings is also not entirely correct, because there are many inadequate and paid reviews.
Therefore, I decided to continue to write about all the hotels in which I stay, the most extensive information. To help people make choices.
Today we will talk about the hotel Whala! Boca Chica. It used to be called Don Juan.
Let's start with the flight.
We bought a ticket through the tour operator Anex tour.
They had the most attractive price (160 thousand for 14 nights for two)
In short, I do not advise buying tours through this company.
First, air travel. Anex tour is collaborating with the dying Azur air, which is going to be closed in the summer due to safety inconsistencies! Personally, I have no desire to fly their planes after such news.
In addition, Azur air is not a very punctual carrier. We had a scheduled departure for 15.00, and we took off at 05.00 - ten hours earlier! ! Caring Anex tour of course warned us about the change in departure time by SMS. Do you know what time? at 02:00 am! ! 3 hours before departure! Here is the concern! Thank them very much for this! It's good that I always check the departures on the airport website.
Now a little about the flight itself. Have you ever flown 12 hours in a plane that doesn't recline? I'm not kidding now! Personally, this is the first time I've encountered this.
To my question to the flight attendant: Do I really have to fly 12 hours with a straight back? Who even designed this plane? - I received the answer: Unfortunately, yes, but we will do everything for your convenience.
Hmm, I wonder what she meant? Massage when my back gets tired?
Meals on the plane: I will be brief, fed twice. The food was just disgusting.
After an incredibly eerie twelve hours, we flew to Punta Cana. At the airport, you will need to pay $ 10 for a visa. Without it, you will not go through passport control.
Punta Cana Airport is a real art object. I won't describe it, you'll see for yourself.
Next, we had a three-hour transfer to the hotel. But we were so tired after the flight that we couldn't even think about the bus. So it was decided to take a taxi. They are very comfortable and big. Leather seats, air conditioning, lots of legroom. If you wish, you can even lie down at full height.
Taxi prices in Boca Chica start at $200, but after five minutes of bargaining, we agreed on a price of $120
This is not a big price at all, especially if you are 4-6 people.
Two hours of a comfortable trip and here we are standing at the reception.
Life hack N1 - if suddenly you didn’t know this yet, then I’ll tell you.
Every hotel has different buildings and different rooms. Even within the same price range there can be very different rooms. This is explained very simply: somewhere the building is newer, somewhere they have recently done repairs or bought new furniture, and somewhere they haven’t had time yet. And what room you will be settled in depends on the person at the reception. Therefore, from the very beginning, you need to try to please him. Come up and start talking with a smile, learn a couple of phrases in your native language for the locals. Buy a package of little Alenok in Duty free and give them to all hotel employees indiscriminately. I assure you, the attitude towards you will be completely different.
Nobody likes sullen people, and especially Dominicans.
Actually, we did just that. We bought Alenka and a small nesting doll, handed it to the receptionist Daniel and having a positive conversation, inserting “Amigo” through the word, delicately and quietly asked for a better room.
We found a contact. Daniel winked at us and said that now everything is organized in the best possible way. We happily waited. Three minutes later, Daniel ended his search and said the following:
- I found a very good room for you, one of the best, and if you want, then after 40 minutes I can settle you there. But I can offer you another option.
Of course I knew what he would offer. After all, I read a lot of reviews. It was living in a building for adults 18+ without children, more comfortable rooms and additional privileges. And all this luxury for only $12 per day or $168 for 14 days.
Use of the main restaurant and main bar.
- accommodation in the Adults only area.
- more comfortable rooms.
- your own restaurant and your own bar, in which there are never queues, since there are 2-3 times fewer people living there
- a more beautiful area. Sometimes you get the feeling that you are not in the Dominican Republic, but somewhere in Bali.
- Swimming pool. Yes, it is smaller than the main one, but at the same time it looks somehow neat and almost no one bathes in it.
- contingent. When checking into the main building, be prepared to be surrounded by Russians. 30-40 percent. Coming to the main restaurant, it seemed that I was not in the Dominican Republic, but in Turkey, and only the view of the Caribbean Sea brought me back to reality. On the one hand, this is certainly good, because you can get acquainted with fellow countrymen and diversify your leisure time.
But on the other hand, the feeling that you are on the other side of the world is dulled when you hear your native language all the time around you. In the adult area, you will most likely be the only Russians. Yes, yes, I'm not kidding. I do not know what it is connected with. Apparently the Russians do not want to overpay a penny in excess of the amount already paid. You will be surrounded by Europeans and Americans, mostly older people. On the one hand, it's boring, but on the other hand, they are completely different people, they are calm, smiling and good-natured. I personally enjoyed their company.
- Beach. Definitely a much cooler beach. The beach line itself is three times wider than the beach of the main building. You can lie on a sun lounger and there will be no one else within a radius of 7-8 meters from you. Relax. On the main beach you will always have neighbors and every second one will be Russian. You will constantly listen to stories from life, stories about problems, who else rested where.
Listen to negative reviews about this hotel and yell at your children. In addition, the beach of golden bracelets is guarded and it's just indescribably cool. It is fenced and no one on the left can even enter it, the guards will immediately throw it out. We boldly left our phones, money, bags and went to swim or have lunch. There are also guards on the main beach, but the beach is considered urban and everyone can walk there. Lie down - no. But they can pass! And it’s not a fact that the guards will be able to keep track of your things specifically.
- free safe! Yes, friends, safes in this hotel are paid and cost $ 3 per day. Or $42 for 14 days. That is half of what I paid for the gold bracelet (which already includes a free safe for the entire stay) And I think that few people want to live in a 3 * hotel without a safe.
- the opportunity to go to ala cart restaurants every day.
the opportunity to play tennis, do yoga and ride bikes every day and some other small jokes.
Black bracelet. This hotel has another kind of bracelet. But with him, everything is extremely simple. If you did not pay for the gold bracelet, but for some other reason you are settled in the 18+ zone, then you will be given a Black bracelet. You can use the territory of the golden bracelets, but you do not have special privileges. In fact, a black bracelet is the best option, because you don’t pay extra at all, but live in more comfortable conditions. But it should just be lucky. If you are lucky and you just got black bracelets, then rejoice, today is your day!
It does not exist as such. Only the pool area and the beach. The back side of the hotel goes straight to a busy street with shops, cafes, etc.
Although I always look for a hotel with a large, huge territory (it would be even better if it was the territory of several hotels), the small territory of Whala did not bother me much. It was quite green and cozy. The pools are not big and unfortunately not very clean.
Sea and beach
The sea is beautiful, when the sun is at its zenith, the color of the water is turquoise, the pictures are very bright. But unfortunately it is very small and completely dead. That is, the water just stands. If you like to jump on the waves, then this option is certainly not for you. In order for the water to be at least chest-deep, you need to go very far and it is quite possible that in the middle of the path you will get tired and go back.
But this beach is ideal for children. You can not worry too much about their safety, because the first ten meters of water is just ankle-deep. The water is sometimes cool, sometimes very warm.
There are many vendors and masseurs walking along the beach.
They even let them into the 18+ zone, which was a little annoying, but after a few days you stop paying attention to them.
Although I do not recommend buying anything on the beach (souvenirs, excursions, fruits) because, of course, the prices there are a bit overpriced compared to similar goods on the street. But, at the same time, I myself took some trinkets several times simply because I came across some insanely charismatic and interesting seller that it was impossible to refuse him. I will write about the prices for everything a little later.
We lived in room 6415 on the fourth floor. There is no elevator in the hotel, but we are young and it was not a problem for us to climb the stairs. On the contrary, every day a mini exercise to stay in good shape. The room is good, for three stars it is really good. The bed is not very large, of course it will not work to lie down like a king, but the two of us fit in.
Also in the room there is a mini kitchen with a sink, but without any kitchen equipment. There was no fridge or coffee machine. A little weird, but okay.
The TV is flat, decent, there are a lot of channels, and there is even one Russian and one Belarusian. If you are friends with English, then in the evening you will definitely have something to watch, since they have almost all the famous foreign channels, from Fox to BBC and HBO. You can watch football on ESPN. Spanish and German league. If you are a fan of English football (like me) then alas and ah, ESPN does not have a contract with the Premier League. The TV has a slot for a USB flash drive or hard drive. Therefore, pump up movies and serials at home.
The bathroom is good too. Everything is neat and clean. But there are two drawbacks: to take a hot or at least a warm shower, you will have to drain the water for about three minutes (sometimes more, sometimes less)
Never throw toilet paper down the toilet.
There are very narrow sewer pipes in the Dominican Republic, and if you throw paper there, then most likely the toilet will clog. The picture is not the most pleasant. On the first day we had to call a plumber.
The room has a balcony that overlooks a busy street (the sea will be slightly visible if you look to the right) On the one hand, it's certainly bad that you can be seen by all the locals and tourists who walk along that street. But on the other hand, it’s even somehow cool, I don’t know how to explain it.
That was the main disadvantage of this hotel for me! Of course, this is my first time resting in a 3 * hotel on the All inclusive system and I did not expect champagne, shrimp and marbled steaks. But even my most modest wishes were not satisfied. There was so little choice that I wanted to cry.
Every day is the same.
Breakfast is traditionally scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs with various additives.
Toasts with butter (more precisely with margarine) paper sausages, boiled eggs, carrots, cabbage, oatmeal (sometimes there was some other, but very rarely) Once in 14 days they gave fried bacon, it was just a holiday! But why not give it every day? Is there any difficulty with this? Yogurt is our salvation! You poured yourself a lot of yogurt and threw fruit on top, due to this, somehow satisfied your hunger. Pancakes are still fried in the main restaurant, but for some reason they were sour.
You can drink tea, coffee, water and fresh juices (well, that’s loudly said, of course, they were diluted with water by 80 percent. I couldn’t drink that. Breakfast is like breakfast, you say. Yes, it’s possible. But every day is the same, that’s just nothing For lunch there was always soup and this is a separate issue. Sometimes, of course, there were soups that were classic in our understanding, such as chicken. But sometimes the Dominicans threatened the Michelin star and put bananas and pineapples in the soup with meat, for example.
Of course, I love unusual combinations, but not so much.
The main dishes were also quite interesting: For example, how do you like stewed bananas with onions in a creamy sauce? "Just a meal"
From meat, dry pork and more or less normal chicken. That's it, you won't see any more meat! Never! You can also order pasta, it is cooked in front of you and again, it does not cause taste pleasure (like all other food), eat it, just to satisfy your hunger. Salads are just incomprehensible. Pasta with celery and peppers, beans with rice and tomatoes, and so on - yes, these are their salads.
In the evening, everything is the same as for lunch. Here's one on one. We cooked pork ribs in sauce a couple of times and it was delicious. For the first time, I left the table satisfied. But damn it, why only twice in two weeks then? I do not understand! Ribs are more expensive than the legs of a pig?
A separate plus from me: there was almost always a mango and it was almost perfect!
Of course, you can buy tastier things on the street, but there for money, and here for free. And surprisingly, it did not fly apart in two minutes, but was regularly replenished. Well done!
In addition to mangoes, there were watermelons (sluggish and not sweet) melon (hard and not sweet) Pineapples (sometimes tasty, and sometimes as if canned) Papaya (very good, but the fruit itself is a bit of an amateur) - these fruits were almost always! Marcuju was given every other day, but it was very sour, like a lemon. Grapes, carambola and kiwi were given once each.
Over time, of course, you get used to this food, but still you do not get pleasure from it. You do not leave the room with a desire to quickly reach the restaurant and eat delicious food.
Perhaps for a three-star hotel this is normal. But if before that you had a rest in the good fives of Egypt and Turkey, or even worse in the cool hotels of the Caribbean (Punta Cana, Cancun), then you will have a slight shock after the local buffet.
It's like everywhere else, locally produced. The beer is okay, but you don't get drunk on it. Rum is normal, but of course no one will pour you Brugal. Cocktails are average. Mojito without lime and mint, just rum and mint syrup with ice. Who is not picky - that will go. I can advise Amaretto with ice (I don’t know if there is one in the main bar, but I always had it at 18+), this drink is really worthy by Moscow standards. I also liked Mint and banana liqueur. Just ask for plenty of ice so that it is not too cloying. And it’s very pleasant, they can even be mixed with each other, you get such a mint-banana tincture.
Well, if you want to sit and drink something good, then buy rum, since it is sold there for a penny on every corner.
Just super! No, not the show itself, but the guys. I have never met such cool and positive guys.
With their charisma, they draw out the modest possibilities of the hotel in terms of show and animation. The show itself is modest. At nine in the evening, children's animation begins, where children simply dance on stage with the animators to the same songs. After that, adult animation begins, where adults are already dancing instead of children (Bochata, salsa). Here is not a paddle, not a head-on failure, not super hilarious, but sincere. There was something romantic about it.
During the day with the animators, you can learn Spanish (I recommend, it’s very fun and informative. You’ll definitely learn to count up to ten), play bowling, basketball, volleyball and other various mini-games. I repeat, the animation itself is modest, but the guys are dragging! Kiko and Tyson were especially impressed.
This hotel has a Russian representative who sits every day in his office at the reception. And it's very cool! For any question, you can contact her.
Sign up for a restaurant, tennis, yoga - it's all for her. Or just get an answer to your question and not only specifically about the hotel, but also about the Dominican Republic. Everything will be kindly explained and prompted. A very sweet woman.
But to solve the issue of settlement, I would advise not with her, but still with some kind of Dominican. If you decide to try to move in according to our scheme, then such a trick will not work through Alfia, pay the full cost in any case. When she learned from us that we were given gold bracelets for $ 86, she said that this could not be and went to the reception to sort it out. I hope Daniel didn't have any problems after that.
In general, having a Russian representative in the hotel is insanely convenient. I have not seen this before. Usually this is either a guide from a tour operator, or just a person who comes to the hotel for just a couple of hours.
Everyone is very nice, in the restaurant they always come a few times and ask what you would like to drink. Not all fives have such a service! Usually you can't call the waiter to bring you a glass of water, because he runs around the table with the Germans, and doesn't even pay attention to you.
There is no such thing here. Everyone will get their share of attention. Especially in the 18+ zone restaurant. There, in general, everything is super pleasant.
At the reception, too, everyone is simple and unpretentious. If you want to change the number, then they will change it without any problems, but not the fact that it will be better. (Rooms in the common area are significantly inferior to rooms in the 18+ zone. They are darker and more gloomy)
Housekeeping is ok, nothing special. The floor will be washed, the bed will be changed. This completes the cleaning. No one will wipe the dust. No one will place shoes neatly either. This is how everything rolls around the room, so it will roll. The decor of your room depends on the number of tips left.
For $1, beautiful petals or flowers will lie on your bed. For $2, the whole room and even the bathroom will be decorated with petal patterns. I forgot to leave money - fuck you, not flowers))
The only thing I didn't like was the bar service. Here they didn’t smile and did everything to fuck off. I don't understand why there is such a significant difference. For the first time in my life I didn't tip the bartenders, not once. Just because I didn't want to.
First, let me tell you about A la carte restaurants. There are two of them, Italian and Fish.
Holders of gold bracelets can visit them every day.
Italian - located on the territory of the main building, in the fresh air. Pretty simple, but very cute. There you can order pasta, pizza, lasagna and it will taste very worthy, especially against the background of food from the buffet. True, the wine let us down. In an Italian restaurant you expect something more or less good, but this is the level of table wine from Auchan for 200 rubles.
We did not take wine in the Bar, perhaps it is the same. After dinner, desserts are brought: tiramisu or panna cotta to choose from. Nothing special, but a little more interesting than the desserts from the buffet.
Verdict: as a variety to the Buffet - definitely yes! We would go there every day if the menu changed a little. And it’s quite hard to eat pasta and pizza every day, especially considering that for lunch you will most likely eat pasta too (because there is nothing else)
Fish - this is a fiasco bro! The restaurant is right on the sea. Beautiful view, light breeze, sea air, moored yachts, romantic atmosphere and absolutely terrible food. I will not describe everything so as not to delay the review, but I will just give a specific example on one dish, and then you will finish the picture.
The menu had several types of salads, appetizers and hot dishes.
For the first course, I decided to order a "chef's salad" Usually, when there is a chef's dish on the menu, it means that this is the best dish that you can offer in this place! Business card of the institution! In expensive restaurants, the chef must personally prepare this dish, and if he is not available, then this dish is put on the stop list. Because God forbid someone else cooks this dish the wrong way and the reputation of the chef will be ruined.
So, I order this salad, hoping to finally eat my first delicious salad in the Dominican Republic. And you know what they bring me? CABBAGE! Just shredded cabbage! Nothing seasoned, no salted cabbage!
It’s not easy to surprise me, but this chef succeeded))
I think it is not necessary to specify that we did not go to this restaurant anymore. And I do not understand its purpose at all!
Later, we accidentally stumbled upon the menu of this restaurant for ordinary people (not hotel residents), I can tell you that the prices are very decent. Salad from the Chef, for example, costs $7
I can’t even imagine how bombarded I would be if I came to this restaurant and ordered this salad from the chef for $ 7 and they brought me cabbage))
Table tennis is available on site. You can borrow rackets from the animators and play as long as you want or until the same people come to play. But he is not particularly popular.
Outside there is also a tennis court. To play there, you need to sign up with Alfie. It's free. Holders of gold bracelets can play at least every day. My girlfriend and I love tennis very much, so we are always looking for a hotel that has a tennis court. Even if you have never played tennis, go try it once. I'm sure most of you will like it.
One of the animators will definitely go with you. On the one hand, this is not very cool, because you will be watched and perhaps someone will be embarrassed. But on the other hand, the animators are very funny and hilarious. The comments of your game will make you laugh all the time.
The hotel also has bike rentals. But this is not quite a bike rental in the usual sense (sit down and go) It's more like an excursion. You sign up for bikes at Alfiya at 10 am or 4 pm, take a bike and ride with an animator throughout Boca Chica! I highly recommend using this option. Firstly, you will see the whole city, the main streets, as well as places where you yourself cannot go. Steep narrow streets where locals live in their modest houses. Everything is very lively and colorful! We really enjoyed!
Secondly, it's just a sport.
Cycling with a breeze after continuous lying on a sun lounger is just what you need to cheer up a little and come to your senses. But be prepared that the next day your legs will hurt. But it is, as they say, a pleasant pain)
There is billiards in Zone 18+, but it is quite popular among Europeans, so sometimes you have to wait until someone finishes the game, or maybe two, or maybe three! (But this is only for gold and black bracelets)
Also near the billiards there is a so-called sports bar. This is a small room with sofas and plasma. If at some point there is a Bundes League match, then do not even hope that you will be able to watch something else.
For children there is a kids club where you can leave your kids to play. An animator is watching them there. The club itself seemed gloomy to me due to the fact that the sunlight does not get there at all. And so, in general, a normal playing area.
On the territory of 18+ there are two more interesting things:
Gym, it is very funny, you can look at the photo. Reminiscent of playgrounds in the yards.
Local nightclub: it is very small, but if the goal is to drink and dance with your small company, then it is quite suitable. There you will be able to put your music through the wire and break away under the "Rose Wine" and "Louboutins"
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel and works well. Of course, you will upload videos on Instagram for a very long time, but you will succeed in surfing the Internet, calling on WhatsApp and even watching youtube!
To charge gadgets, you will need adapters for sockets. They are sold everywhere, they cost $ 2 (you can buy for $ 1 in the "Russian Store") Take several at once, because everything takes a long time to charge. We had two iPhones, a camera and electric toothbrushes. We bought two adapters and we didn't have enough.
That seems to be all that could be said about this hotel. I think I have described everything in detail))
Now a little about non-hotel life and prices.
The local currency is the Dominican Pesso. 1 peso = 1.2 rubles. That is, in fact, you can draw a parallel with the Russian ruble, so as not to get confused. I recommend immediately changing your dollars or euros into local pesos. You will save a lot, because in dollars the prices for everything will be 20-30% more expensive. Currency exchange in Boca Chica is on every corner. The course is the same everywhere, so you can not walk for a long time in search of the best option. At the time of my stay, the rate was 1 $ -48.80 pesos
Fruits are sold both on the beach and in the city, cheaper of course in the city. Just remember to bargain.
Mango - 1$
Pineapple - 2-3$ depending on the size
Green coconut - 2$
Gray coconut - 3$
Bananas - $1 for 5-7 bananas
Watermelons and melons 2-3$
These are the final prices after the auction. Initially, they were higher.
But if you pay in pesos, you can save a little more. For example, say that I will take 2 mangoes, 1 pineapple, 5 bananas and 1 watermelon from you for 300 pesos. Although in dollars it would come out to $ 8 (390 pesos) If the seller does not agree, then turn around and leave. In 9 out of 10 cases, you will be caught up and sold at the price you want. Well, of course, don’t be impudent, of course, they still earn their living doing this.
Although Whala Boca Chica is the only hotel in the city that has free Wi-Fi - this may not be enough for someone, and they want faster Internet and that it is always there, even outside the hotel. There is nothing difficult in this. There are many points in Boca Chica where you will be connected to a tariff with the Internet. It costs about 500 pesos for 1 gigabyte or 1000 pesos for 3 gigabytes. There is also an unlimited tariff, but for some reason I did not ask the price.
Prices for souvenirs and trinkets are the same everywhere and directly depend on your ability to bargain.
If you know how to bargain and enjoy it, then just go to all the shops in a row and look for where they will give you the goods you need at the lowest possible price. The more trinkets you take in one place, the more discount you ask for! And if the seller does not break down, then just turn around and leave. I assure you they won't let you go. But of course, if you approached and asked how much one magnet costs, you were told that $ 3 and you say that you will take it only for $ 1, then of course no one will give it to you for that kind of money. But 3 magnets for $ 5 - this is more than real.
But if you do not like to bargain and communicate with sellers, then look for stores with fixed prices. There will be a price tag on each product and you can be sure that you will not be deceived by offering a product 5 times more expensive than its real price! One of these stores is the "Russian Store" it is located next to OLE
OLE is the local supermarket.
On the first day, be sure to buy sunblock ($7-8) and coconut oil ($8-10). The first two days we smear ourselves with a protective cream, and then always with coconut oil, if you want a beautiful and even tan. And if you want to go home with chocolate, then buy yourself cocoa butter ($ 10 is a spray or solid frozen butter), it simply attracts the sun's rays unrealistically.
I bought an air mattress on the beach for $10, the second for $8
A silver owl-shaped blue Dominican stone pendant for $15 (originally $30)
Male rake with a wooden fang for $2 (originally it was $5)
Massage on the beach can be done for $10 but this is not Thailand so don't expect much. So, remember about ten minutes lightly and move on.
Prices for water attractions:
Banana - $10 per person
Donut - $10 per person
Sofa - $10 per person
Catamaran $ 10 per hour (no matter how many people. Theoretically, six of us can fit, but of course it will not sail quickly)
Well, of course we are to blame.
Therefore, if you order something that is not on the menu, be sure to specify the cost.
We were in several restaurants, but I want to mention one separately. Rolling Stones!
If you go to the beach and go to the left, then it will be the last one, the closest to the Be live Hamaca beach hotel.
This establishment is run by a German family and everything corresponds to German quality! Every dish on the menu is amazingly delicious. I especially recommend the shrimp in coconut milk and specialty fish! Belissimo!
Simply amazing cocktails! Pina Colada can be made right in the pineapple if you ask. And it will be unrealistically delicious! Much tastier than offered on the street and absolutely can not be compared with Pinot Colada in the hotel bar!
The owner is a very nice person. Always stands at the bar and makes sure that everyone likes everything! The waiters are friendly and nice.
And most importantly, this is the only cafe that does not have these (unusual for Russians) taxes. Well, more precisely, they are already included in the prices. And the prices are very low! All cocktails are 250 pesos, and the quality of these cocktails surpasses the best Moscow bars!
Hot will cost 400-800 pesos. Lobster - 1000 pesos.
In the evening it is beautiful and almost empty. And this is very frustrating. A place like this deserves a lot more guests. I hope my review helps a little!
Be sure to go to the Rolling Stones at least once. You will not regret it!
! ! ! Never buy excursions from your tour operator! First, it will cost twice as much. Secondly, the program will most likely be worse, since tour operators do not care about quality and feedback at all. The main task is to earn as much as possible and spend as little as possible (they themselves burned themselves several times on this)
There are two major tour agencies in Boca Chica: Pedro tour (office is on the way to OLE) and Amuris tour (office is on the way to Be live hotel). We traveled with one and the other. Quality and prices are about the same. The only difference is that Pedro is more oriented towards Russians, and Amuris is more oriented towards everyone. With whom you will go on an excursion, with Russians or foreigners - it's your choice. But personally we liked the second option better. Foreigners are much more fun than Russians.
Through Amuris we went to Saona, and through Pedro to Samana.
Both excursions cost their money, but if you choose one of them, then it should definitely be Samana!
Firstly, there is a much more interesting program. First, you will see live whales jumping out of the ocean ten meters from your boat (if there are whales at this time of the year, of course), then go to the cool Bacardi Island, where the raging Atlantic Ocean awaits you!
After our hotel puddle, it was a real thrill to jump on the blue waves and not feel the bottom with your feet already ten meters from the shore.
Then you will have a meal and go to the largest waterfall "El Limon". The road there is long, but damn interesting. You will need to ride a horse to the very waterfall. And the terrain there is very uneven, covered in stones, dirt and other obstacles. Therefore, this is another attraction! But don't worry, each horse has its own personal guide that will keep you from falling. (He will walk nearby for 15-20 minutes and then back again. He will take pictures of you, hold things and help in every possible way. Therefore, at the end of the tour, you need to give him a tip. Five dollars will be enough, but we gave ours ten, because everyone I liked it. The brave ones can even swim in it.
Of course, we did not lose this opportunity. But the waterfall is very lively, so if you are not a good swimmer, then it is better to give up this idea.
There were a lot of emotions after this excursion!
Saona is also a beautiful island, but you won't have anything else. You will simply be brought to the island and you will be there all day. But unlike Bacardi Island, Saona does not have an ocean, but the Caribbean Sea. Exactly the same as on the beach in your hotel. Think you need it?
We also went to Bonito Island to surf!
We accidentally stumbled upon a small company (I don’t remember the name) their office is located to the left of the OLE entrance. Never surfed before but really wanted to learn. We thought that this is a rather long process and in one day we will definitely not be able to stand on the board. But everything turned out to be much easier.
We had a Russian instructor Vitalik and after thirty minutes of briefing and explanations, all the guys not only got on the board, but even caught their first waves! Some did a little better, some a little worse. But at the end of the day, everyone was confidently riding small waves. Feeling indescribable! You have to try this at least once in your life!
This company takes small groups of 4-6 people and travels in a small, comfortable minibus, so the prices are slightly higher. You have to pay for comfort and individuality. And besides, this is the only tour agency that took surfing. So there was no choice.
If you have time - go to the capital - Santo Domingo. The tour is cheap and I think interesting. We didn't, but we wanted to. They just couldn't fit into our schedule.
All excursions will be offered to you at an inflated price, bargain as elsewhere.
Here are the best prices:
Saona - $45
Catalina - $45
Samana - 85$
Santo Domingo - $30
Surfing - $110 - yes, expensive. But surfing is always expensive! Usually an hour of a lesson with an instructor costs $20-50. And here the whole day is included!
And now some more trash from the operator Anex tour
As usual, the next day after your check-in, you will need to come to the morning meeting with your guides. Where they will tell you about the hotel for five minutes, and then they will sell you excursions for fifty minutes. But everyone is already used to it.
But that's not all! Anex tour are very greedy! They want to make money on everything! They started to intimidate everyone, saying that the Dominicans at the airport are such stupid fuckers that they don't care where they put you on the plane. That if you go to the check-in counter and give two passports at the same time, then you still will most likely be planted at random. You will sit on 7A and your wife on 26H. And no persuasion works on them.
And for just $50 they (Anex tour) can book you a seat, and you will definitely fly together! Of course, it may not work near the window and most likely the places will be in the center, but then together with your loved one.
Lord, what a lie! Shame on you! ? Guides should help and provide a comfortable stay, and not to * visit tourists.
And for seats in the front rows, where you can stretch your legs forward, they ask for only $ 100 each. What a trifle, $ 100 for the opportunity to stretch your legs 50 cm further. Yes, for $100 I can fly to Germany! Roundtrip! ARE YOU FUCKING AT ALL? ?
Naturally, we did not pay anything and lo and behold! We flew home nearby, and even near the window. (just in case, they gave Alenka to the airport worker. Alenka decides! )
Difference between "Whala" and "Be live hamaca"
There are only three full-fledged hotels in Boka chizhe: Whala, Be live and BelleVue
The latter is located far from the beach, so we will not consider it.
It doesn't compare to the beach at Whala. (and indeed, we ran around the entire beach line, from Be live to the port itself, and nowhere did we see a beach cooler than in our hotel)
At the time of purchase, our hotel cost 160 thousand, and Be live - 200 thousand. Is it worth it to overpay 40 thousand? I think not! Yes, he's a little better. But not like 40 thousand!
Well, perhaps the most important question! Should I go to Boca Chica? Or is it better to add money and relax in Punta Cana?
Many people write that going to Boca Chica is ruining the opinion about the Dominican Republic. Tour agents generally spit from all cities except Punta Cana:
- Second-rate resorts. There are terrible conditions everywhere, crime, dirt, no hot water, and so on.
Is it really so?
I have been to Boca Chica and Punta Cana (Grand palladium) and I can give you an answer to this question.
Well, of course hotels in Punta Cana are better.
Of course, the beaches there are gorgeous.
It's just a buffet feast!
The ocean is much better than the Caribbean!
All this is true!
But Boca Chica still has two advantages:
Punta Cana is a purely resort town, it makes no sense to leave the hotel territory. There is absolutely nothing there. You will not see the real Dominican Republic. Unlike Boca Chica, where you leave the hotel and plunge into the local flavor. Local school, local church, local sports bars - all right at your side. Motorcycles and cool cars go back and forth on the weekends, people dance and sing in the streets for no reason, just because they are. Once we saw cockfights that took place right on the street and right on the road. Movies don't show that. About fifty Dominicans are all jumping, yelling, going crazy, betting. Nobody pays attention to you at all. All eyes on the roosters! Does the car want to drive on the road? Who cares? ? We have roosters fighting here!
It's like a little Caribbean Thailand. This will not happen in Punta Cana!
Well, the second:
Taking a tour to the Whala hotel you can visit the expensive country of the Dominican Republic, relatively inexpensive.
Well, I think I've given you all the information you need. Thank you for reading to the end.
If you still have any questions - write, I will be happy to answer!
Hotel Critic Rusty Ryan
Instagram Rustyryann