Great getaway for a week

Written: 26 december 2014
Travel time: 1 — 7 december 2014
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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We stayed a week ago in this hotel. During the rest I managed to visit the exhibition of paintings. As an art lover, it was very interesting for me. It was organized right at the hotel in the conference room. In general, I liked a lot: attentive staff, fluent in Russian, professional attitude of doctors, the presence of a dietary diet in the diet, the renovation at the hotel is quite fresh, the room was cleaned every day, everything is neat and clean. We rested with a child, a crib was prepared for us, it was also nice to see children's bathing suits and a bath on the shelf in the bathroom. This made me very happy. But there was one caveat, the hotel is located on a hill ie. you have to climb uphill with a stroller, it was certainly not convenient, but the exercises were good)))) in general, the hotel is good, there is something to do: saunas, a swimming pool, a jacuzzi - everything is included in the price, they took an additional massage, but it's paid. My score is a solid 4.
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