do not recommend this hotel.

Written: 1 august 2011
Travel time: 1 — 7 july 2011
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from 10
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we flew to varadero for 15 days and were just shocked when we saw the hotel where we will live. More precisely, bungalow-type houses from the inside. We arrived at the hotel at 10 pm, went to the reception, registered. I entered the room and went nuts, honestly. the room is old, not very pleasant in every sense. 1024 was the room number. the toilet is just rubbish. as if it had not been washed for a long time, the bath was also not quite clean, and the shower was falling apart in the hands. well, that's 4 stars. even in Egypt 4 stars are better and tidier, and there, apparently, they put stardom from the bulldozer !!!! ! the doors are old, dusty and apparently the tree has already deteriorated from time to time, it is not known.... in short, we spent the night somehow, and in the morning we went to change housing. although we were assured that this is the best room. at the reception, we all said that we were thinking about the so-called excellent ROOM and asked to change. they gave 702. it is a bit better, but there was no other way out, you have to get used to it.....EH! This hotel upset us. cleaning the rooms is a separate issue. clean somehow, but the cookie must be left. everyone wants money. I was present when the cleaner did the cleaning. so she made the beds, washed the glasses, washed the floor, poured the bucket into the toilet.... and left. and who will wash the toilet itself. dirty water was drained there too!!! ! and all this blackness remained on the walls of the toilet bowl!! ! I was shocked. But what about hygiene, sanitary standards? How, sorry for the subtleties, use a dirty toilet. the toilet was still divorced, if I knew I would have brought DOMESTOS!!! ! kills all germs)))))) LET'S GO NOW TO FOOD *) the food is ordinary, not very fresh. very little fruit. they gave fruits and slightly windy, And the sourness slipped. I have a feeling that what was left from breakfast was given in a mixed form for lunch like a new dish. On the 10th day we were tired of this canteen. for breakfast, we ate pancakes that were cooked in front of us and drank juice that was always diluted with water, and there was nothing more to brag about. service left much to be desired. The reviews said that the service is good, the staff is friendly. AHA, NO LIKE THIS!!! ! We are sitting in the canteen, waiting for the mugs until you catch the waiter and ask in a loud tone. first of all, they serve the Spaniards and those who speak the same language with him, and the Russians later. How many times has the picture been like this? Come, sit and wait for someone to come to us. walks by 20 times, sees that there are no glasses on the table, but does not fit. then the Spaniards came, jumped with a bullet. offered wine all in a smile. brought appliances. and we sit like fools. Russians are not particularly in a hurry!!!! ! I don’t know who writes that the hotel is excellent, the staff is responsive, it’s not. or people value themselves so low and are ready to live in such conditions. may not have met better.....but really there 2 + service, food is so-so, the hotel is low in level. what a four in FIG !! ! all our sorrows for living were hidden by the ocean. just gorgeous!!! ! the water is warm, the color is just fabulous. let the white sand with cigarette butts, But this is nonsense !! ! we are satisfied with the beach. tours are expensive. to a crocodile farm for 5200 rubles. The tour is cool, interesting, takes the whole day. we went to the dolphinarium 2 times!! ! I really liked the show))))) we went to Havana!! ! as if we were in another world. historical sites coexist next to slums. EXOTIC DAMN!! ! You have to keep track of things, otherwise they will leave.... the capital is interesting, you have to see it. IN GENERAL, SATISFIED WITH A TRIP TO SUCH A COUNTRY, BUT WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS ARENA!
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