Copacobana - Bolivian resort on Lake Titicaca

Copacobana - the name of the famous beach in Rio de Janeiro -
Bolivian resort on Lake Titicaca.
Titicaca is the largest mountain lake in the world in terms of fresh water reserves, the second largest lake in South America (after Lake Maracaibo), the highest navigable lake in the world. The name consists of the words of the Quechua Indian language: kaka - rock and titi - puma - a sacred animal of the Quechua tribes. The name was given by the Spaniards.
The lake is located on the border of Peru and Bolivia on the Altiplano plateau in the Andes. Area 8300 km² , height 3821 m - varies greatly depending on the season, average depth 140-180 m, maximum 304 m.
More than 300 rivers flow into the lake, flowing down from the glaciers surrounding the Altiplano, and the Desaguadero River flows out, flowing into a drainless lake in Bolivia. The salinity of the water is about 0.1%, so Titicaca is considered a freshwater lake.
The largest city on Lake Titicaca is Puno, with a population of about 100 thousand people, located on the western coast in Peru. Puno is a very convenient transportation hub. Here is the terminus of the Puno-Cusco railway. Puno Bay is home to the famous Uros Islands. From here you can make excursions to Bolivia - its capital La Paz and its resort on Lake Titicaca - Copacobana. 40 km south of Puno, in the town with the lyrical name of Huyaca, there is an airport.
We have been to Puno twice. First time from Arequipa after visiting Colca Canyon 03.03. 2012. Evening Puno greeted us unfriendly: it was cold, it was raining, it was hard to breathe - we felt the height. Here we used all our stocks of warm clothes and raincoats from the weather. It seemed that there is no less comfortable place on Earth than Puno and Lake Titicaca. We stayed at the hotel closest to the bus station. Despite the fact that all the houses and hotels here do not have heating, it was not cold at night. Two blankets and a thick cover kept the heat quite well.
At the bus station we learned that there are direct buses Puno - La Paz and decided to go to the Bolivian capital tomorrow morning. There was an obsession to take part in the voting for the new president of Russia at the Russian embassy in La Paz. We had absentee ballots with us. To the border with Bolivia from Puno about 170 km. We arrived in 2 hours. Then everyone was dropped off the buses, and the procedure for crossing the border began.
In order to cross the border, the main thing is to get into the stream, which will take you where you need to go. Initially, we were released from the territory of Peru, taking away the inserts from the international passport with a mark on the date of entry into the territory of Peru. Then it was necessary to fill out a similar piece of paper to enter the territory of Bolivia. The border guard, seeing our Russian passports, said that we had to pay $50 each for a visa. I am relaying to him the information given to me by phone at the Russian embassy in Lima that there are agreements between the embassies of the two countries on duty-free entry of Russian citizens into the territory of Bolivia. He pretends not to understand. I had to pay him $200 for 4 to get the necessary mark in the passport and be glad that we are not required to take photographs, certificates of vaccinations and the route.
So, we are in Bolivia. However, our bus, instead of taking us to La Paz, brings us to Copacobana, a Bolivian resort on Lake Titicaca. Bolivia has no access to the sea or ocean. But there is access to the alpine lake Titicaca and the desire to have your own resort. So they made it on the lake! The city was founded in 1574, it is considered the largest market in Bolivia and has won the fame of a sacred place for Catholics around the world.
The infrastructure of Copacabana is developed at the highest level. Modern hotels, cozy restaurants, a well-maintained embankment, there are many motor boats and yachts in the bay. Every year, the city hosts a colorful, noisy festival dedicated to the Virgin Fiesta de la Virgin Candelaria. Hundreds of pilgrims come to the city to participate in it.
Thousands of people visit the 17th century Virgin Mary Church, richly decorated with colorful mosaics. There is a miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary, whose golden crown is adorned with 79 emeralds and 44 diamonds. This 1 m high plaster statue is one of the most valuable in America. However, photography is prohibited in the temple. In front of the church, the priest blesses the pilgrims and all travelers.
After walking around Copacobana we go further. The road climbs a high ridge, from where magnificent views of Lake Titicaca and the surrounding valleys open up. Only here you begin to feel the huge scale of the lake and its extraordinary beauty. There are many cozy bays, islands and straits on the lake. There are many bizarre rocks and green groves along the coast. Clouds float in fantastic patterns over the lake.
Then the road descends to the lake and here we are waiting for the ferry crossing. It turns out that there is no land road between Copacobana and La Paz through Bolivian territory. Passengers cross the strait on boats, and buses and other cars on rafts with an outboard motor. And for pushing off from the pier, ordinary poles are used.
After the crossing to the capital of Bolivia, there are still about 60 km. To the left along the road we see snow-capped peaks of six thousandth peaks. We get to La Paz by 6 pm.