Travel agency review Tez Tour Турагентство (Kyiv)

Ruined the whole holiday!!!

Date of purchase: 16 august 2018
Written: 04 september 2018
Travel agency: Tez Tour Турагентство (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

The main task of the company is to sell more excursions. Nobody cares about the comfort of the guests. Guides at the hotel do not respond to complaints, they advise solving problems on their own. On August 24, our flight from Antalya was delayed for 8 hours, and we were told about this in the evening, on the day of departure, when we had already been evicted. Instead of 23.30 we took off at 7.40. The room was not extended to us (from 12 days we sat at the reception), we were not even allowed to wash in the shower. When it came to lunchboxes, the guide said that we had a limited number of them (there were only 4 of us from the hotel) and they had to be negotiated in the morning!!! And so that we would be less disturbed by the guide, the Internet was turned off for us))) and at one in the morning we were taken to the airport))) we had to sit all night in a smoky airport! Thank you, Aneks tour, for a huge fly in the ointment on our vacation!

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