Travel agency review JoinUp Туроператор (Kyiv)

The worst freaks I have ever seen.

Date of purchase: 25 may 2018
Written: 19 june 2018
Travel agency: JoinUp Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

We flew to Sharm from 4.06 to 18.06.

Flights to Egypt were rescheduled 3 hours in advance, and reported 30 minutes before check-in. The return flight was postponed 9 hours ahead - they stole half a day of rest. Pick up at the hotels scheduled for 4 am, arrived at 4.30. Departure type at 7.30 - really took off at 9.40 on a completely different flight, a completely different company - Egyptian. The staff hardly speaks English, Russian is out of the question. The plane is shabby, old and dirty. In the cabin, monitors with ray tubes are at least 20 years old for an aircraft.

The hotel guide - came, hung noodles on excursions, came across three boxes, collected vouchers and did not appear at the hotel again. With excursions wild lure and divorce - boorish "just for you" 15 bucks, but this is without massage, and without it there is no point. With massage 30.

Tyrant - all 20 bucks "just for you", one dive 5, two - 15. In general, the real price of the tour is 35.

I liked the hotel, the operator is definitely blacklisted. Everyone messes up with departures, everyone endures and so on. But you have grown an airline for yourself - you can agree with yourself. And then they sell one thing, but in fact it turns out everything is completely sad.

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