Travel agency review JoinUp Туроператор (Kyiv)


Date of purchase: 16 september 2017
Written: 16 september 2017
Travel agency: JoinUp Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

We haven’t reached the hotel yet, and the JoinUp operator has already spoiled the vacation. We are from Dnipro. First, JoinUp marked our flight from Zaporozhye on 02.10.17 for a flight from Krivoy Rog (airport - barn). As an option, they offered Kyiv a morning flight (but without a transfer, of course). We agreed. Then her time of departure from Kyiv was changed to the evening, and from Antalya back to the morning.

As a result, -1 day ($150) and get to Kyiv yourself. She refused to transfer to Krivoy Rog - pay extra! Who cares - there is all the correspondence.

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