Travel agency review JoinUp Туроператор (Odesa)

Great start with a sad ending

Date of purchase: 18 august 2017
Written: 22 september 2017
Travel agency: JoinUp Туроператор (Odesa)
Service type: пакетный тур

Joint Up was chosen spontaneously, just in Nikolaev, the office was next to work. The options offered by the agent did not quite fit, but on the company's website I independently chose the Barut B Suites hotel. I really liked the reviews on different sites. The confirmation of the hotel and flights was the next day, a week before departure we received a voucher, tickets and insurance. I previously coordinated the issue with the number by e-mail directly with the hotel, I didn’t want to strain the travel agency with such trifles.

The transfer from Nikolaev to Odessa airport was uneventful. The neoplan bus is old, the interior is dirty, but it is tolerable until you compare it with the sparkling air-conditioned buses in Turkey.

In Antalya, we were very clearly directed to the right bus, and without any extra trips "for souvenirs" we were taken to the hotel. The guide handed us over to the receptionist from hand to hand. The hotel guide did not impose much excursions, thanks to him. The hotel is excellent, the stay was wonderful.

Transfer from the hotel to Antalya airport is standard, with a stop at a sweet factory, but we managed to check in, we were told the numbers of the check-in counters, everything was fine.

The thrash started later. Flight 2912 to Odessa of the Windrose Tourist Airlines of the Joint Up Company was delayed for an hour. They put us on the plane, and for another 20 minutes we listened to strange sounds from below the plane, the cause of which we found out later ...

They took off, flew, flew in, went through passport control and went to get their luggage ... Two-thirds of the passengers got it. Everything! The rest of the airport representative said that our luggage was unloaded (that's what was pounding under the plane!) Still in Antalya and did not fly with us. The official reason is that the Turks poured in too much fuel, and the passengers' luggage was dumped like unnecessary ballast. That is, the main function of the carrier - the delivery of passengers and luggage was brazenly flooded with Turkish fuel.

It became more embarrassing for our tourists. None of the representatives of the tour operator met the flight. Two bus drivers (transfer to Nikolaev and Kherson) are not taken into account. The representative of the airline came out stealthily and quickly fled from the crowd of angry ex-vacationers.

For two hours, about a hundred tired people who were taken out of hotels at night and were not fed on the plane, stood in line in the unfriendly hall of the new terminal of the Odessa airport (not a single chair!) And independently filled out forms for the return of luggage and customs declarations, stamped, dealt with baggage checks. Representatives of the tour operator, which, in fact, hired this airline to transport tourists, did not appear. No apologies.

Thank you for waiting for the buses. We arrived in Nikolaev at 15:00. Considering that we were picked up from the hotel at 02.45, we were on the road for 12 hours.

... It is the people of Nikolaev who were lucky. The bus, which was carrying tourists to Kherson, in the middle of the bridge in Nikolaev fell off the wheel on the move, there were no accidents, but when the Kherson people arrived home, we no longer knew.

P.S. We are still waiting for luggage... As well as an apology from the tour operator.

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