Travel agency review Сакумс (Kyiv)

We do not choose a travel agency, but the people who serve us

Date of purchase: 20 march 2014
Written: 06 april 2014
Travel agency: Сакумс (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

I have known Sakums for a long time - I traveled with them about 5 times. And if I wanted to go with them for the sixth time, then there were reasons for that. We worked with a good manager, who always tried for us, who gave positive and did everything for a good holiday. As a result, we always returned from a trip happy and rested, and if there were any problems during the organization, we forgot about them immediately.

Everything changed when, during the last contact with this travel agency, we were faced with misunderstanding and "kicking back" from the staff. We wanted to go to the May holidays in the Czech Republic. They asked to sign us up for the tour a couple of months in advance. The week before last, they said that the group did not get enough. This time. Offered tours to choose from at the same time. We chose a tour to Holland, but it turned out that the departure time was not at all what we expected (we barely agreed on a vacation at work). This is two. Well, we didn't give up after that. They offered a tour of the cities and countries in which we had already been + 1.5 days in Prague, agreed, so be it. It's three. But here it’s bad luck, there were no train tickets that we asked for (I asked for a reserved seat at a price of 360 UAH, and not a compartment for 580 UAH, because there is no point in a compartment if there are not four of you and if you are unlucky, but in a compartment obscure fellow travelers always go) These are four. Here I could not restrain myself, went and took all the documents, money and refused to go with this tour operator.

I wrote this story for a reason. Not once I wrote positive reviews about you. Please be first and foremost competent and professional people. This is what should be taken into account when selecting and training personnel, do not care and people who are not up to work should not be kept. Your job is to give a holiday, rest and positive! Remember this! "Normal" people will always have a normal attitude towards force majeure (they are inevitable, but if force majeure is on force majeure ...) and will leave only the best in their memory after a trip with you.

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