Travel agency review Сакумс (Kyiv)

'Wonderful' group leader Oksana

Date of purchase: 01 march 2013
Written: 30 march 2013
Travel agency: Сакумс (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

03/24/2013 we went on the tour "Romance of Italy". I will not go into details of the weather conditions, but this is not the worst that awaited us. The tour was interrupted for a day, but this did not stop our guide, who decided to rest in Budapest the next day until 12:00 (This time could be spent on a walking tour of the great city, or buying children in thermal springs, etc.) As it turned out, the hotel number is much more interesting. Although the tour of Budapest was paid .... On the second day we went to the wonderful city of Vienna. And then there was a surprise from the guide .... minor children were told that their walk should continue until 01:00. Since, in Vienna, all institutions close at 12:00, the children had to walk on the street in terrible weather. The guide did not care at all, she calmly rested in one of the nightclubs. And that's not all ..... We managed to experience a lot of "pleasant" things on the tour. dear Oksana!! We wish you this romance for the future!!! And henceforth, dear management, before sending a guide, check his qualifications and communication skills with people)))

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