Турфирма Риэлти-Тур

Kharkiv пер.Армянский,2 оф.4
(057) 7316334
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Travel agency rating:


Sharashkina Kotor Realty Tour

traveled  13 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

We bought a ticket for two to the Realty Tour. This was our fatal mistake. We paid 480 UAH per person for 3 days. The price included transport services, accommodation in an economy room. Of course, we understood that economy is not a luxury, but we didn’t even count on seeing where we were settled. It’s impossible to call it a hotel even with a huge stretch, old beds, one refrigerator for three 2-storey buildings, a toilet for 400 meters , the landscape is like from the filming site of a disaster movie.

trip to Sorochinskaya Fair

traveled  15 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Thank you very much for the pleasure of the trip to the Sorochinskaya fair on 19.08.2010. Excellent organization (manager Elena), comfortable bus (driver Sadir), friendly guide (Larisa Ivanovna). Thank you very much!!!

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