Travel agency review Ильтур (Kyiv)

Do not use this tour operator!

Date of purchase: 03 august 2012
Written: 20 august 2012
Travel agency: Ильтур (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

In early August we went to Bulgaria. Firstly, our travel agent was not warned that the bus was from Kyiv, and we had to go by train to Odessa and wait for the Kyiv bus there. Landing was carried out outside the city, on the highway we waited for our bus for 2 hours (fortunately, a representative of the company drove us there). Secondly, a bus that was not previously announced, but a completely different one, drove us to the Ukrainian border and dropped us off. We walked across the border with suitcases at 10 pm to transfer to another bus. It turned out that the Bulgarian bus had a problem with crossing the border. We drove back by one bus, but they also dropped us off outside the city. The representative of the tour operator promised to organize transport for us to the city, but as soon as we crossed the border of Ukraine, they called to pick us up, to which they sent us only the Odessa taxi number ... I do not advise anyone to use the services of this tour company, since the transfer almost destroyed positive emotions from rest.

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