Travel agency review Жайвир (Kyiv)

Third time - and again by 10 points!

Date of purchase: 17 september 2012
Written: 09 october 2012
Travel agency: Жайвир (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

Every time we applied to Zhayvir, we received a little more than we ordered. So this time: they asked for a hotel where there would be few of our fellow countrymen - they got that it was not at all. For us it was almost the main thing. And now in order. Order: called them in the morning, described their wishes (departure was planned in 5-8 days). Before that, they themselves went through the existing proposals in this direction a little - and were a little disappointed - a) prices have risen slightly since last year; b) reviews of available hotels were not encouraging ...

Some time later, they called us back from Zhayvir and said that they had found something. My wife and I were not at home, and, having got to the computer, we immediately rushed to look for information about the proposal given to us. The result of the search was a FAST trip to Zhayvir for 100% payment.

And now, having returned from vacation, my wife and I can only say one thing: THANK YOU, ZHAYVIR!

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