Турфирма Дельта Тревел

Kyiv пр. Победы, 43, оф. 2 (m. Shulyavskaya)
(044) 4569999
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Travel agency rating:


I DO NOT RECOMMEND TO ANYONE if you don't want to ruin your holiday.

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

We bought a sightseeing tour to Sicily, attracted by a rich tour program. But all the impressions were spoiled due to the choice of an unscrupulous air carrier by the travel agency (air travel was included, no alternatives were offered by normal airlines, no one warned about the risks with flights). The flight was delayed for more than 14 hours, because of which I had to spend time at the airport without communication with the company, and the paid dinner, breakfast and the entire first day of the excursion with a trip to Etna disappeared.

Ruined the holiday for the whole group

traveled  7 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Tour "Azure voyage with a holiday on the Ligurian coast" ruined for the whole group. Bus from Budapest airport had to wait 4 hours. Tour of Budapest was not done. The group was taken out for 15 minutes to take pictures with the monument and driven into the bus. The driver drove in circles and couldn't find the hotel. We arrived at the hotel at 2 am.

Disgusting, ugly, irresponsible

traveled  7 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Just returned from a tour of the Cote d'Azur. To begin with, we were waiting in Budapest for 5 hours for a bus. There were no tours. The bus arrived old. The drivers didn't know the way. Get lost in Budapest. We were looking for accommodation until 2 am. We got up on the way to Milan. 3 hours in the heat with no water, no food, no toilet. Vacation 4 is gone.

Company with irresponsible customer service

traveled  7 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Hello, I want to share my experience of a trip to the sunny country of shrines - Israel. I bought a ticket for the period of my vacation to Israel because I really wanted to visit the holy places of Jerusalem, etc. I chose Israel because at this time of the year (November) I was not interested in the sun, but I just wanted to get enough of impressions (well, I got enough on my head) .

transport service

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

We were traveling in a bus with a cracked windshield, the place for an individual air conditioner was plugged up with a plastic bag, water flowed into the cabin during the rain, and tourists were sitting with their feet in a puddle. In Belarus, a “technical stop” was made for drivers for 40 minutes. Tourists were forbidden to get off the bus, and drivers at that time .

Spoiled vacation

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I am very sorry that all the pleasant impressions about Georgia were spoiled by the organization of the tour from Delta Travel (or rather, its non-organization). First of all, the negative was received from being accompanied by a guide (a woman named Alexandra) - a complete lack of both professional and moral qualities .... I will not retell, since in the previous review the author has already described all the details.

Everything is bad

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Disgusting organization of the trip: the group leader did not work, but rested, left the group, taking one driver for her personal purposes (Tbilisi-Batumi transfer). Twice, instead of evening check-out from hotels, she evicted us in the morning, saving on accommodation costs. Surely this was planned in advance cynical and arrogant swindle of tourists.


traveled  10 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

We bought an air ticket for a direct flight Kyiv-Ashgabat from an employee of Zarina. Arriving at the airport, it turned out that the flight was canceled (Turkmenistan Airlines did not want to work with Ukraine), AND NOBODY WARNED US! They called Zarine - she roared us that they say you are calling me, you should have been warned by other tour operators, and in particular Vostok Avia! To which the representative of Vostok Air, when we arrived at them, made round eyes! Yes, this is understandable, what does Vostok Avia have to do with it, we bought tickets at Delta Travel! To my question to Zarina, whose fault was that we were not warned about the cancellation of the flight, there was silence.

the site allows you to book non-existent flights

traveled  10 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I bought tickets for a charter to Tivat, called to clarify the baggage allowance - I was switched from one manager to another for a long time - in the end it turned out that this flight was canceled, but it "accidentally" remained on the website. Good thing I didn't have time to pay.

Firm of swindlers

traveled  10 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

1. We found this company because of the inexpensive price for a bus tour in Europe through Turne com.u 2. We bought a tour of our underage daughter from these swindlers from Delta Travel. On June 9, they paid for and submitted all the documents, as Delta Travel said ..., on June 10, Delta Travel promised to submit documents early in the morning to the Czech Consulate for a visa (then it turned out that they handed over on June 11 .

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