Travel agency review Алитас-Тур (Kyiv)


Date of purchase: 05 june 2014
Written: 07 july 2014
Travel agency: Алитас-Тур (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Recently returned from a trip to the international festival "Mare adriatico", which was held from 06/16/2014 to 06/24/2014 in the town of Lido di Jesolo (Italy). I liked it very much! The children got acquainted with the creative work of groups from Germany, Turkey, Macedonia, Russia... They went swimming in the Adriatic Sea and Lake Balaton in Hungary. We went on excursions in Verona, Venice, Vienna, Budapest ... And at the end of the trip, the organizers of the trip - the travel company "Alitas Tour" brought to the town of Beregovo in Transcarpathia to thermal baths and an excursion to Mukachevo. And, also, the drivers made a gift for the group - a trip to Palanok Castle. Thanks for the trip to the organizers, attendants and drivers! Looking forward to new experiences!

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