Sukhum 15. ABOUT THE MAIN. Funeral FOREVER!

People, I've been here a few times. months and understood everything about them. The main thing they have is FUNERALS. It's almost as pathetic as whining about the war. They go to them in droves and often to completely unfamiliar individuals. A massive feast, that's what they flock to in droves several times a week. Tuesday, Wednesday Thurs funerals and on Saturdays weddings. There is no time to work, and why, after all, Russia again dumped their content for 10 years ahead. /215578_1004256.jpg" />
It took a certificate of registration at the place of residence, the hostess easily agreed to go for her. I call the PNDK, she says that she can’t have a FUNERAL on Tuesday and Wednesday, she needs to call on Thursday. I call on Thursday but the funeral was moved to the village on Thursday. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, on Friday, I sent her an SMS when we meet at the police station, and then she calls me back and YELLS that there is no time, she is busy, she is sitting with the children. The aunt is over 50 and these children have a non-working mature mother who lives nearby. And this aunt Gulya is 55 years old; there is always everyone to get drunk for half a day at a funeral, there is no time for the rest.
Actually, when I checked in on December 3rd, she was already pretty drunk from the funeral (well, a very good woman of 90 years old) as usual, it seems, at the beginning of each week. This is their only entertainment and, in general, the meaning of their life.
After this trick of hers, I briskly picked myself up, fussed, and in three days found myself a place to live with a Russian hostess at half the price and immediately moved. It took about 30 thousand to yell at this Aboriginal Gule. it is problematic to find other tenants during these months, and I was going to pay for her apartment for another 5-6 months.
View from the balcony from this apartment: .
Let it now traditionally drags itself around the funeral without interference.
FUNERAL FOREVER!! ! and no bright future. . . With their dense medieval mentality.
By the way, everything turned out to be much HU-U-ALREADER than it was seen at first glance: everything does not end with revelry at the funeral itself, MONTHLY during the YEAR they, according to the existing custom, repeat these gatherings to mourn the dead! And given that there are crowds of relatives and burying neighbors is also necessary , then this process is endlessly continuous.
Aunts are supposed to walk in black YEAR after the death of everyone. They are there like flocks of crows usually on the streets. A GREAT spectacle. Eternal sourness with mournfully pursed lips. Just a funeral cult for many years.
In Sukhum, I gave the boots for repair to the Public House, came for them at 12 o'clock on Friday. Closed. No excuses or explanations. It turned out in the PDK that everyone was leaving for the wedding. It is important. And work is NOT the main thing.
Therefore, they have been in devastation dependent on Russia for THIRD TEN years. . . OBVIOUSLY.
PHOTO of widespread DESTRUCTION in Sukhum 2015 SEE BELOW:
in MVO on Sukhum15 beach:
in the center of Sukhum 2015