Every year it gets worse and worse...

07 august 2010 Travel time: with 01 august 2009 on 28 august 2009
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Rested in Abkhazia three times. Always lived in the private sector. For the first time, nature, the sea, made an indelible impression... Each time this admiration became duller and duller because of their disgusting attitude to all this.

I'll start with housing. The first time I went in 2007, for the first time in my life I lived in the private sector. The hostess, an Armenian, got a nasty grandmother who constantly stuck her nose into all our affairs. We go to the market, immediately come running to see what else we bought and read the notation that we bought something wrong and in general we sleep for a very long time, they go to the market in the morning. She always went into the kitchen and watched what I was cooking there and how, of course, she left all sorts of vile comments that I couldn’t do anything, etc. etc. And once she even killed me: to bring bed linen to change and says: "Well, I hope you know how to do it... " NO, I CAN'T DO ANYTHING. In general, I was VERY, VERY pissed off. Stupid.

The second time we went a year later. Also to the private sector, but to other people. There conditions were better. The hosts are also okay, at first. Housing was cheap back then. It was 2008. In the middle of our vacation, the war between Georgia and South Ossetia just broke out. This is a different story. Since I am an alarmist in life, it was nevertheless decided to leave this country. And they left for Adler, more precisely, near the border of the state farm "RUSSIA"... God....This is something with something... HOW CAN YOU HAVE A RELAX THERE, WHAT IS THE POOR LIKE OF REST! A house on a house, next to a micro-house, in which micro-rooms are rented almost with folding beds, the windows of all the houses overlook the neighboring gardens or the windows of other houses. Moreover, the prices were twice as high as the Abkhaz ones. To the sea to go 30 minutes - and it is very well considered. But the most interesting thing is that there are no places anywhere in these barracks... We barely found any rooms... And then, as I imagined that we would live HERE for the remaining two weeks, we felt sick. And a day later we went back to Abkhazia, we didn’t care if the war was not a war, but what were the conditions for rest in this state farm, it was SOMETHING WITH SOMETHING... And people are resting, it’s normal...

In short, we returned to Abkhazia as to our home. Again to the same owners.

The last time I was there was in 2009. We phoned in advance with the hosts, who had a rest in 2008, agreed on the price and the room in which we will live. The price was negotiated 300 rubles per person. We arrive... the hostess meets her and says with a sad face: "Oh, we have already rented the room you wanted... We can offer another one. And in general, we now have other prices: 500 rubles per person... " No, this it’s normal in general, what kind of rudeness, we called up in advance, by the way, we calculated how much money to take... assholes. I want to replace that the number of vacationers after the recognition of the independence of Abkhazia by Russia has increased dramatically compared to a year earlier. If in 2008 rooms were rented everywhere, in every house, choose which one you want, then in 2009 we still had to agree to what they offered us, because in the nearby houses housing was not offered much or was not offered at all.

And then it began, there was nothing left of last year's amenities. All the rooms in the house that were only inhabited were, namely 8 + owners. There are only 2 toilets, 2 showers and 2 kitchens. In the morning you can’t get into the toilet, in the evening after the sea you can’t get into the shower. Cooking in the kitchen is impossible. Then they came up with another business: cooking. And breakfasts, and lunches, and dinners. It became impossible to cook at all in the kitchen, since their parka and cooking was from 8.00 in the morning. Also, if you come to do something there, like frying scrambled eggs for breakfast, you could easily run into it, like we’re cooking here, don’t interfere, don’t take a frying pan and don’t take this pan, etc. etc. And now there are even more people, as people began to come from nearby houses to eat. Their business flourished, judging by the size of the pans. We didn't eat on principle because they pissed us off. But people liked it, but it was clear that everything was fresh. But, really, the owner's sister, when she cooked, could smoke right in the kitchen, what the hell... ?

And now for the sights. Nature, of course, is just amazing. But it upsets me that, unfortunately, they do not appreciate anything. Heaps of rubbish everywhere. When we went to the observation deck, the garbage was all over the roadside and in a terrible amount. The Ritsa-pearl of Abkhazia is getting worse and worse. I myself saw how from a nearby cafe they washed dishes in it..... Is this normal? At the bottom there are some cabinets lying around, bottles. The locals are just pigs. In New Athos at the waterfall, we saw how a local threw a pack of cigarettes into the waterfall, his hands would have been torn off. Why can't you take it to the urn? I am amazed that such a small country does not appreciate its attractions, which it lives on.

Once we went on an OASik to the Ritsa, the Gegsky waterfall and to about. Mzy. Very, of course, beautiful, we went with a group, it was fun. I also liked the excursion to New Athos, you can go to Pitsunda, it’s even better to go there yourself, swim in this calm clear water, dolphins swim relatively close there.

There is nothing to see in Sukhum. It's just a wreck, it's kind of a disgrace. Also the capital. I was shocked. There are shell holes in the houses, many houses are simply burned down, many abandoned houses. The station is the face of the city. All littered, garbage around, the building itself with broken windows, I'm not even sure that it functions. Some kind of nightmare. And there, these houses are like after the bombing at every turn, I am amazed that people don’t give a damn about what surrounds them? Full of abandoned recreation centers, shops. It seems that the war was not with South Ossetia, but with them. And the war was already 18 years ago. And no one, practically, restores anything, but everyone without exception whines: "Here, we had a war, we are so unhappy, we have no money to restore everything, Roosiya allocates little money. " Friends, you are not fucked for an hour. Yes, you yourself, apparently, do not need everything to hell. Everything is stolen, only Ritsa, which brings you so much money, and then everything has already been littered. In general, I'm very angry at them. On each excursion, indeed, everything is for an additional fee.

At the expense of food. The cafe is life-threatening. They often turn off the light there, and everything deteriorates.

The most normal place where you can have a delicious meal and relax is apatsha on the territory of the Nart sanatorium. But you need to book your seats in advance, there are a lot of people there. The menu is small, but everything is always tasty and fresh. Hominy them..... mmm drooling...

Yes, you should never buy local wine, you can get very, very strongly poisoned, only factory wine. Khachapuri is very tasty both in "Nart" and in "Ruslan" cafe. Restaurant "Gagripsh" in terms of cuisine is nothing special, only the prices are very expensive. Next to it is the restaurant "Magnolia" there are very tasty khachapuri boat... mmmm

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