Front roads to the world of beauty, harmony and cordiality

Written: 24 july 2014
Travel time: 5 — 12 july 2014
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We rested for the first time in Ust-Chernaya in 2009 in Yalynka. We practically didn’t go anywhere, practically didn’t go anywhere, didn’t see practically anything - I understood this when Artut, the owner of the house, a great guy and a wonderful guide, “took over” us.
But I'll start in order and with a fly in the ointment - this is of course the road !!! ! You turn from Teresvi to Ust-Cherna, somehow you get to Dubovoy and you can safely invite documentary filmmakers to make films about front roads. Guys, if you get in your car and it's not a tank, my advice to you is to stock up on sedatives or screw a propeller to it and through the air, because it's impossible to drive! But it's worth it!! ! I now understand the saying: "Through thorns to the stars! ". For people active, inquisitive, loving and respecting nature - rest is what you need! There is indescribable beauty around, an abundance of berries, mushrooms, herbs, springs, routes, sometimes, however, interspersed with human life, but you can’t get away from this - disintegration for civilization, disrespect for nature and poor education. We traveled with a 2 year old child. They did not experience any particular difficulties. They took it everywhere with them. The child went there with a slight cough - on the second day they forgot about the cough. Air, mountain water and homemade food from Irina, the mistress of the house, work wonders!! ! Alternating various and interesting excursions of Arthur, you can go to Uncle Vasya from Russian Wet to the bathhouse. You can also go to Borkut to "boil" in a boiler with radon-mineral water. Or you can just sit on the vernada, turn off the phone, turn off the brain and dissolve in the surrounding nature. In general, a deep bow to Ust-Chernaya, Arthur, Irina and Mother Nature.
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