How to stay in a scoop forever

Written: 21 august 2024
Travel time: 5 — 15 august 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 5.0
Food: 3.0
Amenities: 3.0
It is supposed to be a trade union sanitarium...but this year the word "private" is first in its name....Although the trade unions have not disappeared from the name....All this would seem strange if one did not see what it led to . It seems that the sanatorium froze in its state in 1985, the infrastructure, equipment, technical condition, etc. remained at this level, as if technical progress bypassed the sanatorium...But what indicates the new, private status of this institution is this cost: everything went up in price, and the price went up a lot, and the quality dropped. Some services and technical equipment do not match the cost! The salt room has disappeared from the sanatorium (although Solotvino is nearby), the mechanical massage room has disappeared, physical procedures are carried out on equipment and devices of ancient origin and age. Nutrition has deteriorated significantly. I recommend thinking 100 times before paying fabulous sums for food!
It seems that someone is just making money on the once glorious name of the sanatorium. There are rumors among the sanatorium public that everything possible is being pumped out of then sell the sanatorium to an "efficient owner", perhaps with an Israeli passport...90% of the guests of the sanatorium are retired people who have been coming here for years, so they don't care to the negative changes that are taking place. Pensioners are unable to think about the fact that they may soon be ordered to travel here, and the current state of the sanatorium has been familiar to them since the Soviet times. And, in general, everything has become quite expensive in Shayan (resort). Through the sanatorium there is a road to.....the villa of the former head of the VRU Plyushcha, as well as to the elite boarding house "Fiery Salamander" of another former head of the VRU Moroz, the road is paved, in good condition, what can you say about the central street of the village of Shayan))))
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original