Vedmezha Gora 3*– Reviews

Rating 0.010
based on
9.3 Rooms
9.3 Service
9.6 Cleanliness
7.1 Food
9.3 Amenities
The family recreational complex "Medvezhya Gora" is a green closed protected area in the forest zone. Here you will find a mineral spring with crystal clear water and a unique Bear Path with a diverse natural landscape. Also on the territory of the hotel there are recreation areas with gazebos, swimming pools and rates, a parking space is provided. The complex is located in the Carpathian National Park, and the windows offer picturesque landscapes of the mountains and the surrounding area. Near the hotel there is an aviary with various ornamental birds and wild animals. Here you can observe the life of deer, wild boars, foxes, peacocks. The complex consists of a cozy hotel, cottages and chalets.More →
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 10.0
We rested in the Vedmezha Gora complex. We opted for it because this complex is next to the zoo. I recommend everyone to go there for a vacation. Everything was wonderful. … More ▾ We rested in the Vedmezha Gora complex. We opted for it because this complex is next to the zoo. I recommend everyone to go there for a vacation. Everything was wonderful.
аватар Ruslan04
 •  traveled 8 years ago
Rating 10.0
We came here for a snack, on the recommendation of friends. We walked around the territory a bit. This hotel is quite interesting and unique, every 5 meters - a curiosity for a photo. There is a zoo on the territory. And now about the main thing - the kitchen. I was pleasantly impressed with the food in this complex. … More ▾ We came here for a snack, on the recommendation of friends. We walked around the territory a bit. This hotel is quite interesting and unique, every 5 meters - a curiosity for a photo. There is a zoo on the territory.
And now about the main thing - the kitchen. I was pleasantly impressed with the food in this complex. The food is extremely tasty (I included this place in my list "Be sure to visit again") and the prices are reasonable. 500грн. the four of us barely managed to order lunch.
Who wants a delicious snack in the Carpathians, namely the area of ​ ​ Bukovel-Yaremche-Vorokhta, I recommend this place!
аватар deemusik
 •  traveled 9 years ago
Rating 8.0
Everything was very good, amenities, condition, service, staff - GOOD FELLOWS! BUT! What I didn't like In our hotel, one of the dishes for breakfast was scrambled eggs with tomatoes. As "tomatoes" there were microscopic trimmings of tomatoes, often raw and not even fried. The onion in the salad looked about the same. … More ▾ Everything was very good, amenities, condition, service, staff - GOOD FELLOWS! BUT!
What I didn't like In our hotel, one of the dishes for breakfast was scrambled eggs with tomatoes. As "tomatoes" there were microscopic trimmings of tomatoes, often raw and not even fried. The onion in the salad looked about the same.
During daylight hours, hammer drills, chainsaws worked, air conditioners were installed with a terrible howl of drills with half a meter drills, but somewhere in the depths of my soul I understand that they have no other choice, they need to expand.
аватар azozulina
 •  traveled 9 years ago
Rating 9.0
Everything is great. Service+ the area is very beautiful The room is great The area has everything you need. The kitchen is very tasty (single minus a small selection) Were 3rd time. … More ▾ Everything is great.
the area is very beautiful
The room is great
The area has everything you need.
The kitchen is very tasty (single minus a small selection)
Were 3rd time.
аватар angelpetit
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 8.0
We rested in Yaremche for the second time. I really liked the hotel, the territory is very beautiful: gazebos, waterfalls, a beautiful heated pool. Everywhere is very clean, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Good saunas. Very good location, beautiful view of the mountains. The rooms are also very clean and comfortable (they took a cottage). … More ▾ We rested in Yaremche for the second time. I really liked the hotel, the territory is very beautiful: gazebos, waterfalls, a beautiful heated pool. Everywhere is very clean, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Good saunas. Very good location, beautiful view of the mountains. The rooms are also very clean and comfortable (they took a cottage). The disadvantages are the invasion of wasps that fall into the pool (well, it’s hard to deal with this) and not very varied breakfasts in the restaurant, and you also had to wait 30-40 minutes until the dish was taken out. Also, the rooms do not have air conditioning, if it's hot outside, it's stuffy in the room (especially on the second floor). And heating is probably turned on in the fall, that is, if it is cold (which happens often in western Ukraine even in summer), then there is no heater in the rooms. But these are all trifles, in all other respects the hotel is 5+. The price for Yaremche is not cheap, but it fully justifies itself.
аватар Mykola79
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 10.0
Delicious cuisine, comfortable and clean room, quality service, thoughtful entertainment for children - children's room and animation. There were no problems with settling and living (except for the heat in the room at first, but it was solved). When we left, they accompanied us with honey. Trifle, but nice!. … More ▾ Delicious cuisine, comfortable and clean room, quality service, thoughtful entertainment for children - children's room and animation. There were no problems with settling and living (except for the heat in the room at first, but it was solved). When we left, they accompanied us with honey. Trifle, but nice!
аватар vadim604
‹ Hotel Vedmezha Gora 3*
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 10.0
For the little guests, the animators of the Vedmezha Gora Family Resort have prepared a lot of interesting things … More ▾ For the little guests, the animators of the Vedmezha Gora Family Resort have prepared a lot of interesting things
аватар igorstrazhevych
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 10.0
Great place to relax. We were there on New Year's Eve. Friendly guys at the reception meet and see off with warm words (and even honey). Kolyba is beyond praise - very tasty and fast. Menu ok. For comparison, you can go to nearby under the bridge. Love yours even more. If there are a lot of people, it is better to book a table in advance. … More ▾ Great place to relax. We were there on New Year's Eve. Friendly guys at the reception meet and see off with warm words (and even honey).
Kolyba is beyond praise - very tasty and fast. Menu ok. For comparison, you can go to nearby under the bridge. Love yours even more. If there are a lot of people, it is better to book a table in advance.
The territory is beautiful: winding stairs, gazebos, houses with barbecues, cottages, playgrounds, a lake with live swans and ducks at -14, an aviary with cute little animals (even bloodthirsty boars are ok).
Having passed through Yaremche, the location of the complex seemed ideal: a beautiful view of the mountains, a river, a bridge, a water source, shops with tourist attractions, horses constantly ride (traffic tired on the 5th day), then there is a waterfall. There is only one shop in the area. At prices: ride a horse in a sleigh 100 UAH/person, quad bikes 600 UAH/hour.
Standard plus good room. Everything is fine and clean. Wifi is working. In general, I advise
аватар Innakh
This winter, my husband and son and I decided to have a rest in the Carpathians. There were difficulties with the choice of the hotel, because. my husband liked the huge hotel with all sorts of entertainment, but I wanted something quieter. As a result, we agreed on the Medvezhya Gora hotel not far from the city center. … More ▾ This winter, my husband and son and I decided to have a rest in the Carpathians. There were difficulties with the choice of the hotel, because. my husband liked the huge hotel with all sorts of entertainment, but I wanted something quieter. As a result, we agreed on the Medvezhya Gora hotel not far from the city center. Upon arrival, we were quickly settled and briefly told about the surroundings. In general, the New Year holidays went with a bang. I especially liked the fish peeling, my husband liked the sauna and billiards, and my son liked the kids club and Valera deer in the local zoo, which he was eager to feed every morning and eventually ordered a soft toy from Santa Claus - a deer. By the way, those are two good things. Nothing was said about children's animation on the hotel website and the administrator informed us about this upon arrival. The animators took Maxim half a day and my husband and I could relax in the sauna or take a walk. The only problem was to take my son to lunch from the nursery every time. And they went to the enclosures with animals every day, because. it is free for hotel guests. I also enjoyed horseback riding and sledding. Everything is cool, but there were also disadvantages: there are many steps between the hotel and the restaurant, which are scary to go down into the ice, although the paths are sprinkled. They don’t give food to the room, and if they do, it’s in boxes, and billiards is paid.
But in general, we are very satisfied with the rest and have already promised our son to come in the summer.
аватар kuptchak
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 10.0
our family decided to celebrate a family holiday - birthday in Yaremche, for this we chose the recreation complex "Bear Mountain". In addition to our family, there were two others with children. For two days of rest we returned full of the best impressions of rest in this hotel: luxurious rooms in wooden houses which combine unique Carpathian color with modern means of rest. … More ▾ our family decided to celebrate a family holiday - birthday in Yaremche, for this we chose the recreation complex "Bear Mountain". In addition to our family, there were two others with children. For two days of rest we returned full of the best impressions of rest in this hotel: luxurious rooms in wooden houses which combine unique Carpathian color with modern means of rest. The improvement of the hotel was simply amazing - equipped playgrounds, mesmerizing waterfall, gazebos for barbecue - all at the highest level. Friendly waiters, live music, and unsurpassed Carpathian cuisine in the restaurant "Koliba" helped to celebrate Dr. at the highest level. Many thanks to the hotel staff, and in particular to the administrator Oleg, a professional in his field, as well as to the owners who managed to create such an amazingly beautiful place in Yaremche. Ivan with Olga and their company.

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‹ Hotel Vedmezha Gora 3*

Семейный рекреационный комплекс «Медвежья гора» — это зеленая закрытая охраняемая территория в лесной зоне. Здесь вы найдете минеральный источник с кристально чистой водой и уникальный маршрут «Медвежья тропа» с разнообразным природным ландшафтом. Также на территории отеля расположены зоны отдыха с беседками, бассейны и ставок, предусмотрено место для парковки. Комплекс находится в Карпатском национальном парке, а из окон открываются живописные пейзажи гор и окрестностей. Рядом с отелем расположено вольерное хозяйство с различными декоративными птицами и дикими зверями. Здесь можно наблюдать за жизнью оленей, кабанов, лисиц, павлинов. Комплекс состоит из уютного отеля, коттеджей и шале.

Location Отель расположен в 1,5 км от ж/д вокзала Яремче, в 27,9 км от ж/д станции г. Ворохта, в 61,6 км от ж/д вокзала г. Ивано-Франковск и 60 км от аэропорта Ивано-Франковска. Буковель — 35 км, Яблуница — 32 км, Ворохта — 30 км, Говерла — 55,3 км.
In a hotel

Круглосуточная стойка регистрации, экскурсионное бюро, услуги консьержа, факс/ксерокопирование, конференц-зал до 20-ти чел., сувенирный магазин, ресторан украинской кухни, зоны отдыха с беседками (с мангалами — дрова, разжигание платно), 1 открытый бассейн для взрослых бесплатно (глубина: 1,5 м, площадь: 30 м2, температура: 27 градусов, работает с мая месяца), у бассейеа есть терраса для загара с шезлонгами, а также раздевалки и душевые комнаты с полотенцами.

  • restaurant
  • open pool
  • conference hall/banquet hall
  • parking  FREE 
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • non-smoking rooms
  • payment by payment cards
For kids Мини-бассейн для детей бесплатно (глубина: 1 метр, температура: 27 градусов). Посетителям до 3 лет необходимо одевать подгузники для плавания. Для тех, кто учится плавать, предусмотрены надувные круги. Клуб «Веселый медвежонок» — два этажа развлечений. На первом – обустроенная территория для мастер-классов, просмотров мультфильмов и вечерних дискотек. Программа активности меняется каждую неделю. Второй этаж — зона активного отдыха. Здесь разместились лабиринты с преградами, бассейны, наполненные шариками, столы для настольного тенниса и футбола.
  • children's swimming pool
  • playground
  • kids club  FREE 
Entertainment and sports Экскурсии и походы, дартс, велопрогулки. Естественный горный источник с лечебно-столовой водой. Магний и кальций насыщают воду и способствуют укреплению пищеварительной системы: потребление налаживает отток желчи, очищает желудок и мочевые пути, способствует лучшему усвоению микро- и макроэлементов. Расположен рядом с отелем. Вольерное хозяйство с различными декоративными птицами и дикими зверями. Здесь можно наблюдать за жизнью оленей, кабанов, лисиц, павлинов. Расположено рядом с отелем. Курорт «Медвежья гора» находится в живописном уголке гор и граничит с Карпатским национальным природным парком. На территории комплекса также находится «Медвежья тропа», знаменитая своим уникальным ландшафтом.
  • table tennis
  • gym
  • organization of excursions
Description of rooms

В отеле (17 номеров), коттеджном апартаменте (8 номеров) и шале (3 домика).

In the rooms

Кондиционер (не везде), шкаф для одежды, ЖК-телевизор (спутниковое телевидение), сейф, Wi-Fi (бесплатно), телефон, холодильник/мини-бар, электрический чайник и набор для приготовления чая/кофе, оборудованный кухонный уголок (в некоторых коттеджах и шале), санузел (душ, туалет, умывальник, набор для личной гигиены, халаты итапочки, фен), балкон.

The address ул. Грушевского, 29, Ивано-Франковская обл., г. Яремче, Украина
Phones: +38 098 371-51-52
+38 066 315-39-41
+38 093 838-88-41
Website: Vedmezha Gora
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в настольный теннис. Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной, детской площадкой с горкой и качелями.