Deja vu-3

It didn't rain at night. The morning is quite sunny. You can try to buckle up on Ai-Petra. Just a little bit to change the route. There must be something new! Therefore, we did not go along the Botkin path, but began to climb up to Wuchang-Su along the path along which we usually went down. Only now it was not quite passable! During the year that we were not here, we managed to build new huts! A little lower, closer to the zoo, there have been houses for several years that do not want to be sold. I don't think they will sell anymore. In some places, traces of destruction are already visible, the yards are overgrown with weeds. So what? Let's make new ones! In even better places!
Right on the bank of the river, a pretty little wooden cottage has grown up. It seems to be, the passage between it and the river remained, but very conditional. I had to scramble over the rocks. A swimming pool was laid out on the shore.
Someone did a good job! Nothing in this life changes! Preserve, damn it! Although, why hide the sin? If I had such an opportunity, I would take it and build it! Good thing I don't have that option! No one will swear at me.
Having made our way to Wuchang-Su, we took a picture of him for the hundred and forty-fifth time.
To do this, I had to push a small group of Chinese with their shoulders. Already got here!
After admiring the waterfall and the Chinese, we approached the poster with trail routes. A group was standing there, preparing to climb. Somehow squeezing between people, just in case, I took a picture. Then we had to walk among the crowd for some time. Thank God, they went from the upper reaches of the waterfall along another path, Shtangeevskaya. Well, Vadik decided to go swimming. At first I was not going to - yesterday the ritual was performed. But I was hot, so I also freshened up.
After that, they began to slowly go uphill. The climb was constant and quite steep. Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done. They walked for a long time, with tongues on their shoulders. Already almost at the very top got into the cloud. The rocks, already interesting, have become even more mysterious.
It was surprisingly quiet, not a breeze! Last year, we did not climb Ai-Petri because of the strong wind - we were afraid that we would simply be blown into the abyss.
Surprisingly, there was absolutely no wind on the plateau either! However, the cloud somehow self-destructed, and the sun came out! However, I got tired of something! And I also wanted to go to the teeth. The last time I was there was fifteen years ago, well, maybe ten. Haven't been for a long time. And I saw on the Internet that a suspension bridge was attached between the teeth. I wanted an extreme! But before them still crawl and crawl! The melted snow turned the dirt road into a champing mess.
Finally, when we got to the track, we saw a sign indicating that there was another 2.4 km to the cable car. And the strength is almost gone. There was a strong desire to get into any transport going in the opposite direction and leave for Yalta. But no! Don't give up!
Let's go, plop the seeds. When we were already approaching the cable car station, the minibus stopped, and the driver insistently offered us to go with him. Moreover, we, as locals, for whom he took us, he offered a divine price. At 350 r. The temptation was strong, but we refused. You need to take at least a couple of shots! In vain, did they go? But there was no more strength left for the teeth. However, I did not see any bridge. Well, good! Nothing to do there!
The Plateau, I must say, has changed a lot in the few years that we have not been here. They demolished all the gendelyks, leaving only a few capital buildings above the cliff. Instead, they arranged a solid parking lot lined with femme. A market was set up near the cable car. In general, there is nothing to do there, except to take pictures of the views of the coast, if the clouds allow.
Price for descent / ascent - 400 rubles. One way. Shuttle buses take the same amount. We chose the latter option because, firstly, we hoped to bring down the price a little, and secondly, the minibus would bring us directly to Yalta, and it would take another forty minutes to go from the cable car. Pay for 35 rubles, and even wait for the bus is unknown how long.
We approached one of the minibuses, which was about to leave, and asked the driver for a price. He standardly answered - 400. Then I said in an undertone, so that the rest of the passengers would not hear - 350. He quickly agreed, and we drove in a half-empty minibus. On the patch, where in the snowy winter, some kind of ski slope is arranged, another 6 people loaded up with us. Moreover, the driver took only 100 rubles from them! I was shocked. Oh, you should have bargained better! She did not scandalize, reassuring herself that they would travel 2.4 km closer, in addition, a group transfer, apparently, is cheaper. And it's good that I didn't say anything. From the conversations of the guys, I realized that they were only going to Wuchang-Su.
And how long he rode! We got up, probably faster. We managed to empty a half-liter eggplant while he was winding. By the way, if you feel sick, this way to get there is not for you.
We arrived at Wuchang-Su. The people all came out and went to the waterfall. We already saw him today, so we stayed in the car. A minibus driver came up, with whom we refused to go. He began to make claims to us that, you see, we didn’t go with him, but we went with his competitor! Fine? We owe him, right? Some funny!
In Yalta, we were dropped off at Spartak. Therefore, we went back to the pump room and went home across the embankment.
The sea is clear today!
Unlike ours, the Sea of Azov, the Black Sea has a strange feature. There can be waves with complete calm. And, conversely, with a strong wind, the sea may well be absolutely calm. Everything is simple here - the wind blows, there are waves. No wind, no waves. And here it is somehow tricky.
We were so tired that we forgot to eat. We drank a bottle of brut, ate sandwiches with caviar and goodies!
The pedometer showed 22.6 km.
Initially, I also wanted to dedicate a day to the Botkinskaya and Shtangeevskaya trails. But Vadka rebelled. Enough already mountains! I didn't really resist. Tired. Since on January 1 the rain prevented us from fully enjoying the park of the Vorontsov Palace, it was decided to go there again on this final day. In the underground passage near our house, we bought a bottle of white port wine from an old woman selling mushrooms and other varieties. It cost us what we thought was cheap. Only 350 r. Thought he was selling old stash. Or maybe they were given a salary in wine?
We arrived at the park. We settled down, as usual, at the mirror pond. I forgot to say that in the morning I discovered that the memory on the fotik is full. Clean until I dumped it on the computer, I was careful. Suddenly, something is not right, I click and delete everything nafig? I can do it. Yes, and what is there to shoot? Everything has already been filmed and re-shot a hundred and forty-eight times.
We sit and drink. An Indian woman sits in a pond. And then something began to happen! I don’t know what kind of grass the servant of the palace fed her, only that one completely blew the roof off! She dived, swimming under water the entire length of the pond. Or, on the contrary, arranged a race on the water. It flapped its wings loudly, spreading clouds of spray around it. The worker clicked endlessly with a sickly fotik. And I! And I! I kept thinking that this is where it all ends. But the show went on! Throwing a glass of wine, she began to feverishly delete unsuccessful shots. Then she began to click, trying to remove something worthwhile. Well, this is the best shot.
The worker showed me what she did. And drove me into the mortal sin of wild envy. Mom dear! Her photo was worthy of some kind of National Geographic. Aunty said that her shift had ended a long time ago, but she still couldn’t leave! Here's a happy man! As one of my colleagues says: “Happiness is in work! ”
And my aunt also said that this duck is rummaging around everywhere. Recently, she saw her on the tower of the palace! And her wings are not clipped.
Finally, the duck calmed down and went to bed.
And I got the opportunity to finish my drink in peace.
We walked around the park.
But our program has not been completed yet! The idea of going to sea was firmly planted in my brain. I'm not typing at all when I write "spook. " Verkin's son, when he was little, coming to us on Kosa, whined: "Dad, let's get scared! " He grew up and forgot. And this word has firmly entered our lexicon.
Well, so we went to look for a deserted beach for farting. Went down to the sea. If you believe the sign, then this is the "Children's Beach".
But it is completely incomprehensible what is in it for children? Sunset is full of stones and concrete fragments. And the surf is strong. And there are people. Let's move on.
After rejecting a couple more places, we finally went to the city beach of Alupka. While no one was there (or we like to think so), we quickly took a dip. The water was much warmer than in the river where we plunged yesterday. On the electronic scoreboard in Yalta, it was indicated 8. But it felt like all 12.
Finally, we got to the company store near the park! The prices there were the same as in the store at the factory. We saw with chagrin that the port wine that we bought from my grandmother cost only 315 rubles here. Entrepreneurial grandma! After admiring the shelves lined with sweets, we bought only one bottle of Madeira and departed. A little bit of pretty!
A fresh horse mackerel was found on the market for 100 rubles. How to get past here? With fresh fish, for some reason, strained. Bought a kilo. Well, for this case - that's it, beer! They decided to try to smuggle Madeira, like an undrunk bottle of bastardo.
I fried horse mackerel, stinking the whole apartment. Natasha won't let us in anymore!
The transport company with which we travel to Crimea has launched another flight. Now you can go to / from Yalta with them. Before that, we only traveled to/from Simferopol. This pleasure costs 100 UAH. The bus would have been a little cheaper. But in a minibus to Simferopol, we rode like kings. Only one more girl sat down near Artek. But in Simferopol it was completely filled.
At the border, Russian customs no longer searched or checked anything. But the Ukrainian customs officer tried to find something in our backpack. But he did not succeed and two bottles of wine passed safely. The procedure for crossing the border took twenty hours.
It was sunny up to Simferopol, and immediately after that the sky was overcast, then we fell into a strip of fog, and near Berdyansk a heavy rain fell. But closer to Mariupol it ended. So everything went well. We already celebrated Christmas at home.