Parus 2*– Reviews

Rating 4.610
based on
8 reviews
№11 in the hotel rating Saky
6.3 Rooms
4.8 Service
5.2 Cleanliness
5.3 Food
3.7 Amenities
Therapeutic complex for parents with children. Three three-story dormitory buildings are designed for 450 people. "Sail" is located on the seashore, on the first line of the beach, next to the sanatorium "Poltava".More →
аватар saf_marina
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 1.0
Completely agree with aclockworkorang. This is also my most terrifying holiday ever! I also want to add that this holiday is not for recovery. People drink there around the clock out of boredom, despondency, and these kinds of environments. When they write holidays only with children and for the elderly, I don’t like it. … More ▾ Completely agree with aclockworkorang. This is also my most terrifying holiday ever!
I also want to add that this holiday is not for recovery. People drink there around the clock out of boredom, despondency, and these kinds of environments.
When they write holidays only with children and for the elderly, I don’t like it. What about parents who don't have the right to have fun? And the old people, that all the disabled people who only sit on benches, do not see or hear anything.
So Sail is contraindicated for everyone!! ! This is not a wellness and crippling health boarding house.
Food is not only monotonous, but also very unhealthy. There are only apricots for 12 days, this is a mockery of a person. And a Turkey with chopped bones (they are very sharp and small), this is generally a crime, not only for children, but also for adults, it is dangerous to swallow such bones. And meat with veins, does anyone know how to eat?
And the bottom of the scrambled eggs is black from the frying pan? ! Some eat?? ? And the "salad" (one name only) is the same every day with vinegar, is that healthy? Did you find a rope in the soup, is it also very useful for appetite? Told Administrator they just turn away. But they are not going to change anything.
And 5 telephone towers above our heads, is that also very useful? So people, if anyone has a mind, go to another place without hesitation. At least standing next to "Poltava". The prices are not too different.
ноги помыть от песка в 20 м от пляжа Яичница с черными огарками от сковороды на железной тарелке Салат каждый день: Помидоры в уксусе с водой. Дороги где дети очень часто ранят свои ножки. клумба пляж штыри на пляже торчат Антенны телефонные над вашими головами.
аватар aclockworkorang
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 2.0
I arrived home only yesterday, but from the moment I checked into Parus, I really wanted to write this review. It caused a storm of negative emotions, because I had never had such a terrible rest. I'll start from the very beginning. As soon as we drove to this sanatorium, I immediately realized that I should not expect anything good, because there was practically nothing around - no shops, no normal trees (only lifeless gloomy bushes), no entertainment. … More ▾ I arrived home only yesterday, but from the moment I checked into Parus, I really wanted to write this review. It caused a storm of negative emotions, because I had never had such a terrible rest. I'll start from the very beginning. As soon as we drove to this sanatorium, I immediately realized that I should not expect anything good, because there was practically nothing around - no shops, no normal trees (only lifeless gloomy bushes), no entertainment. There was hope that at least on the territory of the "Sail" everything will be fine. So we went into the building where the registration of vacationers takes place (check-in begins at 8 am, as a rule). Around this same building, people are sitting, about 20-30 people (it was already half past 10 in the morning) and waiting until they are finally settled. Personally, we sat there for exactly 2 hours, which naturally spoiled the mood on the first day (others expected more). We were placed in building number 7. It has been refurbished and I have absolutely no complaints. . But on websites and in magazines where this boarding house is described, everywhere they write 10 or even 5 meters to the beach !! ! LIES!! ! I don’t know how and in what way they measured, but this is a blatant lie! We were promised that the room would be with a sea view, I specifically photographed what a "beautiful" sea view there is (view through 2 old fences). Then the dining room - the food is normal, but very, very monotonous. They simply took as a basis the simplest dishes that almost everyone likes. Indeed, they simply love to feed cutlets under different names. The beach is just disgusting. It is dirty, the sea is dirty, ONLY ALGAE, jellyfish - I first saw these live, they are big, purple and, most importantly, sting. And the beach there is not 700 meters, but 300 !! ! at least these 300 meters are at least somehow cleaned, and the rest, outside of these 300 meters, is just a nightmare. It's not a beach, it's a front yard. I often met people who do not live on the territory of "Sail" at all (there is a hole in the fence), and besides, next to the gate, who sits at the post does not really care who enters and leaves the territory of "Sail". And the last - on the territory there are only 2 shops and 2 cafes (and not very good ones). To buy souvenirs, I had to go with transfers on two minibuses !! ! Music almost never sounded on the territory of "Sail", and if it did, then in the evening after dinner, and then for the grannies. In general, if you go there, then only be treated. I specifically asked other vacationers, even grandmothers - are you bored here? to which they answered me - if it were not for the mud, not for the treatment, then they would never have rested here, because it is very boring!! !
вот этот прекрасный вид на море вот такая там замечательная баскетбольная площадка
аватар pravda2010
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 6.0
Pros of Sails for me: - close to the railway station in Saki, no need to change ten modes of transport on the one hand and a certain distance from the city dust on the other - 5 m to the beach, clean, well-groomed area, neat, as for buildings of the Soviet era, rooms (they lived in building No. 7.1 room, balcony, D, U, T, TV, X) I was lucky, there was no "flea market" on the beach , and on the walls - the inscriptions "Vasya was here", everywhere is clean! The place is quiet, for couples with children, I personally have enough noise in the city. … More ▾ Pros of Sails for me:
- close to the railway station in Saki, no need to change ten modes of transport on the one hand and a certain distance from the city dust on the other
- 5 m to the beach, clean, well-groomed area, neat, as for buildings of the Soviet era, rooms (they lived in building No. 7.1 room, balcony, D, U, T, TV, X) I was lucky, there was no "flea market" on the beach , and on the walls - the inscriptions "Vasya was here", everywhere is clean!
The place is quiet, for couples with children, I personally have enough noise in the city... And who is not enough, so as not to die of boredom, will have to stomp for 20-30 minutes.
- I was pleasantly surprised by the prices, for example, a bottle of water in Sail 1.5 liters. costs 3-4 UAH, while in places nearby it is already more expensive...
- Nutrition. Although there was red caviar and elite fish, the menu was not thought out. There were no salads, except for the occasional chopped tomato or cucumber. Instead of several kg of peaches and apricots, one could give a piece of watermelon or something else. Show imagination... otherwise pasta and omelettes are fucked up...
- Entertainment is weak (for me, this is a plus, see above) Only in our race they began to put a modern playground, so the next kids will be more lucky.
Special thanks to the Parus staff for their humanity: both the administrators are kind and the girls in the dining room are very nice!
I need the sun, air and sea, silence, tranquility, as well as cleanliness without frills, and a more or less free beach, and that's why the rest was a success!
аватар dmitrieva2
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 7.0
What could be better than relaxing in a room with all amenities on the beach? Meals 3 times a day, dishes freshly prepared, delicious. The territory of the complex is clean, lawns with flowers, the beach is clean. The building and the room are also clean. The staff is friendly. It is a pity that there is no Internet access and sunshades on the beach. … More ▾ What could be better than relaxing in a room with all amenities on the beach?
Meals 3 times a day, dishes freshly prepared, delicious.
The territory of the complex is clean, lawns with flowers, the beach is clean.
The building and the room are also clean. The staff is friendly.
It is a pity that there is no Internet access and sunshades on the beach.
Thanks to the head of OK Ivan Ivanovich and the deputy head to Sergey Ivanovich for conscientious work and care for vacationers!!!
G. L. Dmitrieva.
Вид из номера Вид на 1-ый корпус Столовая
аватар paloma0712
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 5.0
the full name is the health-improving complex "Sail" of the SBU. There are many vacationers from central Russia with children, although there is no children's beach and no baby food. The room was after repair, and in the corridor - the repair was not finished - there were bare sheets of unpainted drywall. There are no air conditioners or fans, and the rooms are unbearably stuffy. … More ▾ the full name is the health-improving complex "Sail" of the SBU. There are many vacationers from central Russia with children, although there is no children's beach and no baby food. The room was after repair, and in the corridor - the repair was not finished - there were bare sheets of unpainted drywall. There are no air conditioners or fans, and the rooms are unbearably stuffy. The beach is not 700m - but 300m from the rest they refused. They only remove large debris on their part of the beach, and from the rest the garbage flies all over the beach. Children are brought to the beach from some camps and they arrange races along the beach and swim. shields. Not three buildings - but eight, repaired-3. Meals are average-complex. There is no cafe or bar. In the evening they play music with songs for children under 12. For adults - entertainment and music - no. I did not understand what kind of contingent this boarding house is oriented towards - for mothers with children or for adults.
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 5.0
Resting with the whole family. comfort level is very questionable. building 1 is generally a bedbug. more or less - buildings 6 and 7. the staff is very attentive, friendly. food like a pioneer camp, but no one had any problems with the stomach. The territory is large, but completely unsympathetic - stunted trees and bushes. … More ▾ Resting with the whole family. comfort level is very questionable. building 1 is generally a bedbug. more or less - buildings 6 and 7. the staff is very attentive, friendly. food like a pioneer camp, but no one had any problems with the stomach. The territory is large, but completely unsympathetic - stunted trees and bushes. The sea was wonderful, close, clean, but the recreation center should at least invest a little money in beach equipment, make sunbeds and a normal shaded area.
Review from —
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 5.0
The territory is not well maintained. There is no playground and entertainment neither for children nor for adults. Food as in a regular dining room - not bad, but after a week I got tired. For a child, food is quite acceptable, no one was poisoned. The rooms are without air conditioning, in the evening it is full of mosquitoes and midges, it is impossible to open the window, but it is very stuffy. … More ▾ The territory is not well maintained. There is no playground and entertainment neither for children nor for adults. Food as in a regular dining room - not bad, but after a week I got tired. For a child, food is quite acceptable, no one was poisoned. The rooms are without air conditioning, in the evening it is full of mosquitoes and midges, it is impossible to open the window, but it is very stuffy. The room was a standard triple room in building 6 - one narrow room, beds, a table, 2 chairs, a TV, bedside tables, a refrigerator, a balcony overlooking the sea, a shower , toilet - quite decent. During our vacation, all the shops and cafes on the territory of the boarding house were unexpectedly closed, there was nothing to do at all and the child could buy the same yoghurts and water to drink. The only plus is the proximity of the sea and few people on the beach. P. S. - Many thanks to the doctor Svetlana Petrovna, our child fell ill, they provided medical assistance very professionally and kindly.
Review from —
аватар Galina2009
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 6.0
The boarding house is designed for a quiet family holiday and for the elderly. There is nothing for young people to do. The rooms are modest. TV and refrigerator are not available in all rooms, although the prices for the rooms are the same. In general, how lucky when you check in. The food is very modest. There is no dietary or children's menu. … More ▾ The boarding house is designed for a quiet family holiday and for the elderly. There is nothing for young people to do. The rooms are modest. TV and refrigerator are not available in all rooms, although the prices for the rooms are the same. In general, how lucky when you check in. The food is very modest. There is no dietary or children's menu.
аватар coldlady
 •  traveled 19 years ago
I went there 2 times, the first time the conditions were terrible in 2004, but in 2006 I went to improved rooms (new furniture, a refrigerator, a TV, but the bathroom was shared by 2 rooms connected by a vestibule) ate in a cafe and I’ll say price-quality combinations made me happy. Fans of outdoor activities have nothing to do there, it will be boring to stomp 30 minutes to the nearest entertainment (((. … More ▾ I went there 2 times, the first time the conditions were terrible in 2004, but in 2006 I went to improved rooms (new furniture, a refrigerator, a TV, but the bathroom was shared by 2 rooms connected by a vestibule) ate in a cafe and I’ll say price-quality combinations made me happy.
Fans of outdoor activities have nothing to do there, it will be boring to stomp 30 minutes to the nearest entertainment (((

avatar dmitrieva2
Is it planned to create a zone of wireless access to the Internet WI-FI by the 2012 season?
13 years ago  •  1 subscriber no answers

Лечебно-оздоровительный комплекс для родителей с детьми. Три трехэтажных спальных корпуса расчитаны на 450 мест. "Парус" расположен на берегу моря, на первой линии пляжа, рядом с санаторием "Полтава".

Description of the beach Собственный пляж протяженностью 700м.
In a hotel

Собственная закрытая территория, парковая зона, открытый летний бар, кинозал, спортивные площадки, автостоянка, междугородний телефон, экскурсионные услуги по всему Крыму.

Description of rooms

Двухместные номера с удобствами. Все номера меблированы, с балконом и видом на море.

In the rooms

Душ, туалет, умывальник, горячая вода.

The address Саки, ул. Морская, 5
Phones: +38 (06563) 2 89 94