Irina 3*– Reviews

Rating 6.310
based on
4 reviews
5.7 Rooms
5.0 Service
6.7 Cleanliness
5.7 Food
4.7 Amenities
Private boarding house "Irina" is located in the village of Privetnoye, 50 km. from Alushta and 35 km. from the city of Sudak on the Black Sea, surrounded by mountains and forests of the protected area. A small but very cozy private boarding house "Irina" consists of two one-story buildings with comfortable rooms and a cafe.More →
аватар m.bezzubova
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rested normally. Warm friendly atmosphere, everything you could wish for. Not very satisfied with the food, but there was no alternative. In general, everything is fine. … More ▾ Rested normally. Warm friendly atmosphere, everything you could wish for. Not very satisfied with the food, but there was no alternative. In general, everything is fine.
аватар nrom1
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 1.0
wasteland to the right, wasteland to the left... the "hotel" itself is a converted wastewater treatment plant. feeding is horror, the old woman cooks, the mother of the hostess. sometimes undercooked, sometimes overcooked. I never had to eat worse food even in Soviet canteens. They don’t like Russians, although, of course, they don’t show them directly. … More ▾ wasteland to the right, wasteland to the left... the "hotel" itself is a converted wastewater treatment plant. feeding is horror, the old woman cooks, the mother of the hostess. sometimes undercooked, sometimes overcooked. I never had to eat worse food even in Soviet canteens. They don’t like Russians, although, of course, they don’t show them directly. And such crowding of guests on this patch of land is like resting in a communal apartment with the constant supervision of the owners. In general, we fled from there five days later to the boathouses.
аватар petr.loginov.91
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 8.0
I read the norm1 review about the boarding house Irina. What a heresy! This was probably written by one of the competitors of Chinese Shanghai called boathouses. This is where the real cesspool is, and the crowding of vacationers is simply unbearable - this is a real communal apartment. And in the Irina boarding house there is a large territory, excellent cuisine, which cannot be said about boathouses, there is none at all. … More ▾ I read the norm1 review about the boarding house Irina. What a heresy! This was probably written by one of the competitors of Chinese Shanghai called boathouses. This is where the real cesspool is, and the crowding of vacationers is simply unbearable - this is a real communal apartment. And in the Irina boarding house there is a large territory, excellent cuisine, which cannot be said about boathouses, there is none at all.
аватар dahahon
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Super sea, super beach, super boarding house. Haven't littered the shore yet. Home cooking is really home cooking. The chef himself, so I speak competently. The rooms are in order. There seems to be no song. Works imperceptibly, but qualitatively. We will come again in July. … More ▾ Super sea, super beach, super boarding house. Haven't littered the shore yet. Home cooking is really home cooking. The chef himself, so I speak competently. The rooms are in order. There seems to be no song. Works imperceptibly, but qualitatively. We will come again in July.
аватар zzzzz73
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 8.0
Quite by accident, I went with my family to this quiet and cozy place. What views, where you don’t look, on the one hand, a beautiful view of the mountains, on the other, the sea, and the rest is like in your country house, the children either disappear on the river or the sea, and all this is very quiet nearby calmly and the nightingales sing just heaven, and the rooms are just a class spacious, bright with all amenities and not expensive. … More ▾ Quite by accident, I went with my family to this quiet and cozy place. What views, where you don’t look, on the one hand, a beautiful view of the mountains, on the other, the sea, and the rest is like in your country house, the children either disappear on the river or the sea, and all this is very quiet nearby calmly and the nightingales sing just heaven, and the rooms are just a class spacious, bright with all amenities and not expensive.
аватар vjachislav
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 8.0
The first time we rested in the boarding house "Irina" and did not regret it. Very good rooms with all amenities, and the food is great. The sea is clean, the beach is extensive and well-groomed, and most importantly not far from the boarding house. … More ▾ The first time we rested in the boarding house "Irina" and did not regret it. Very good rooms with all amenities, and the food is great. The sea is clean, the beach is extensive and well-groomed, and most importantly not far from the boarding house.

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Частный пансионат "Ирина" расположен в селе Приветное в 50 км. от Алушты и в 35 км. от г. Судак на берегу Черного моря, окруженный горами и лесом заповедной зоны.

Небольшой, но очень уютный частный пансионат "Ирина" имеет в своем составе два одноэтажных корпуса с комфортабельными номерами и кафе.

Description of the beach Море и пляж находятся в 800 метрах от корпусов пансионата. Пляж мелкогалечный.
In a hotel

- охраняемая территория

- чистейший пляж, на пляже дежурит спасатель

- кафе на территории и на берегу

- крытая площадка для отдыха

- столы для настольного тенниса, бильярд

- автостоянка (бесплатная для проживающих)

- банан, мотоцикл

- экскурсии по Крыму

- трансфер на пляж (бесплатный для отдыхающих)

- трансфер аеропорт (Симферополь), ж/д вокзал (Симферополь), автовокзал (Алушта, Симферополь)

Description of rooms

Номера Люкс:

1-комнатные 4-х местные номера – евроремонт, кондиционер, холодильник, телевизор, спутниковое ТВ, туалет, душевая кабина, умывальник, горячая и холодная вода.

Номера Эконом:

1-комнатные 2-х местные номера - удобства на улице

The address АР Крым, г. Алушта, с. Приветное , ул. Набережная 2
Phones: Тел: +38(050) 6072740
Website: Irina