old paths

Written: 15 may 2010
Travel time: 30 august — 15 september 2005
I started to rest in the KRYM sanatorium back in January 1981, but then it was one of the best in the USSR, with the exception of Fabricius (Sochi), now the CVS, at that time there was a very good medical base, medical care was just in full swing, though I rested in the winter , in the summer I wouldn’t go anywhere except the sea, there was a gorgeous pool with 12 lanes, which was turned into a dolphinarium, all this was before the collapse of the Union. Then I didn’t go there for several years and for the first time I got to the sanatorium itself in 2000, it was a pitiful impression, the buildings are old, because of the non-year-round sanatorium vacation (and it goes from about 15.03 to the end of October) the buildings are cold without heating , therefore, when you move in, this dampness and musty smell remains, although I rested 2 more times in 2001.2002, but because of the good park, Medved Mountain, and the climate in general. The last time I was in Crimea was in 2004, but here I decided to return anyway, but where, yes, there is simply nowhere, more or less decent everything is very expensive (compared to our Gelendzhik, and Sochi, probably), and the beaches are not they are especially good in their length, ease of approach and much more, and on the South Coast I rested in many places, this place is perhaps the most convenient. Then the departure from Partenit is more or less convenient. In general, you have to sacrifice a little convenience, comfort for the sake of nature, fine drinks, fruits and vegetables. Then I want to once again travel around the Crimea, through those palaces and museums, although everything was launched 10 years ago. But still chose a trip there in August 2010
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