chicken coop escape

Written: 18 july 2010
Travel time: 10 — 17 july 2010
Today I arrived from Nikolaevka, the one that is 40 km from Semferopol. The tour company brought us to the recreation center "Uyut" located on Naberezhnaya Street. Not only do the living conditions leave much to be desired, the houses are like after the war. . . it was not a recreation center, but a transit point for refugees, in any case, we considered ourselves as such, even the children did not eat the food we were fed. there was not enough space in the room, for one they divided it into three. the conveniences were a little off the mark of personal hygiene, in the shower there were pookies hanging from the ceiling in bunches and the hot water faucet was leaking so that it was impossible to take a calm shower. About the toilet, I correctly keep silent. . . So the owners, who didn’t have an account, very unhospitable people, endlessly followed us and told us to turn off the lights, turn off the water and don’t litter. It turns out that we had to clean the shower and toilet, and even take matches with us !! ! The children who rested with us immediately became, in their words, "debility". And at the end of the holiday, we were told that the children who are with us should be paid from the calculation - 25 hryvnia per day for utilities, and after all, the children traveled initially for FREE !! ! Even on the day of departure, they almost kicked us out into the street. After such a humiliation, we did not even stop on the territory. It's a shame that the people we pay so ugly acted with us. We were not satisfied with the conditions of the base and I would not recommend such "comfort" to anyone.
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