Belyi Pelikan 1*– Reviews

Rating 5.710
based on
3 reviews
5.7 Rooms
5.0 Service
5.0 Cleanliness
3.3 Food
6.7 Amenities
Private boarding house "White Pelican" is located in the center of the village. Nikolaevka, opened in 2009.More →
аватар S.i.n.g.u.l.a.r.
Rooms to choose from, if you want cheaper - you have no amenities, but at the end of the building there is an excellent number of well-executed separate amenities. Further. . . Everything is quite clear - parallel and perpendicular, no, as mentioned above, there are some nooks and crannies. A sense of reliability, that is, without fear, before leaving for the sea, I left both the window open and all the material values ​ ​ in the room. … More ▾ Rooms to choose from, if you want cheaper - you have no amenities, but at the end of the building there is an excellent number of well-executed separate amenities. Further. . . Everything is quite clear - parallel and perpendicular, no, as mentioned above, there are some nooks and crannies. A sense of reliability, that is, without fear, before leaving for the sea, I left both the window open and all the material values ​ ​ in the room. I really liked the kitchen-dining room - huge with all the necessary personal belongings, I would only add one more refrigerator, or two with freezers and frying pans, because at the reporting date there was only one. but huge. which didn't really solve the problem. The kitchen has a dining area, who is hot in the kitchen-dining room - please - huge tables outside under awnings. Not far from the sea, it is also nice to walk in the shade of thuja. As for the owners of the boarding house, I want to say, and I am not unanimous in my opinion, that Yulia is a wonderful sympathetic, charming and positive person; numbers etc. . as mentioned in previous review. In general, look at the rules for staying in a hotel placed in each room, there is nothing terrible and violating human and civil rights, regardless of gender, race, skin color, political affiliations and religious beliefs, follow them, coordinate moments with Yulia. and you will always be satisfied with the result. Have a nice holiday everyone.
аватар zaitz
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 9.0
We like it. We have been going to this boarding house for the fourth year already, it is conveniently located in the center of the village, the conditions are good, there are no these nooks and crannies, the price is reasonable, the owner is a very decent person, if necessary, always responsive, outsiders do not go around the territory. … More ▾ We like it. We have been going to this boarding house for the fourth year already, it is conveniently located in the center of the village, the conditions are good, there are no these nooks and crannies, the price is reasonable, the owner is a very decent person, if necessary, always responsive, outsiders do not go around the territory. Friends recommended and they loved it too.
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 1.0
I'll start with the best thing that happened in our vacation - this is the sea, it's beautiful, clean, the weather in Nikolaevka is always good, But the White Pelican boarding house is the worst place in Nikolaevka! I will never go there again and do not recommend it. The owner of the boarding house is a rare boor, if he communicates with many, since no one will definitely come there with us. … More ▾ I'll start with the best thing that happened in our vacation - this is the sea, it's beautiful, clean, the weather in Nikolaevka is always good, But the White Pelican boarding house is the worst place in Nikolaevka! I will never go there again and do not recommend it.
The owner of the boarding house is a rare boor, if he communicates with many, since no one will definitely come there with us... We paid a deposit and agreed on a price, and when he arrived there he raised the price and said to pay extra !! ! And the last day we even We didn’t finish dinner, but he brazenly came and told us to pack our things, when we said that we would sit for another hour or two, he began to yell and demand extra payment. The conditions there are terrible. Everywhere is dirty, they clean it once a day and then only sweep it outside. The rooms are not cleaned, I would say the house is "like a barn" no amenities, spiders run around. And the owner has his own key and he can break into your room without even knocking when you do anything... as it was with us! the common shower there was constantly dirty, the door was broken.
I will definitely never go there again!

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‹ Hotel Belyi Pelikan 1*

Частный пансионат «Белый пеликан» находится в центре пгт. Николаевка, открылся в 2009 году.

Location В 150 метрах от моря, в 3 мин. от рынка и различных развлекательных объектов.
Description of the beach Пляж в Николаевке тянется вдоль моря на 5 км. Ближе к береговому обрыву он из желтого мягкого песка, а у воды и в ней - из мелкой гальки. На пляже есть раздевалки, шезлонги, различные кафе и торговые точки по продаже прохладительных напитков, мороженого и т.п.
  • 3rd and beyond
  • sand and pebble beach
  • sun loungers
In a hotel

Место для стоянки автомобиля во дворе. Телевизор, холодильники, посуда, газовые плиты, столики и стулья в кухне, а также беседки во дворе для приема пищи.

Доступ к wi-fi на всей территории гостиницы.

  • restaurant
  • parking
Description of rooms

Двухэтажное здание, 18 номеров. 2-х, 3-х и 4-х-местные номера с удобствами, а также номера с общими санузлами.

In the rooms

Деревянные кровати с ортопедическими матрасами, шкафы с зеркалами. Санузел оснащен душем с постоянной горячей водой, раковиной и унитазом, стены - керамическая плитка. В номерах с удобствами есть телевизор и холодильник.

The address Симферопольский р-н, пгт. Николаевка, пер. Ленинградский, 2.
Phones: +38 (095) 6991077
+38 (095) 1671443
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 3-й пляжной линии или далее. У отеля песчано-галечный пляж. На пляже есть шезлонги (платно).