Moskovskii dvorik 3*– Reviews

Rating 8.010
based on
2 reviews
8.0 Rooms
9.0 Service
9.0 Cleanliness
10.0 Food
9.0 Amenities
The hotel complex "Moscow Yard" is located in one of the most beautiful and ancient cities of the Crimea, Evpatoria. The 4-storey building of the hotel "Moskovsky Dvorik" harmoniously fit into the overall architectural ensemble of the city. Spatial and lighting solutions of the hotel's interiors create an atmosphere of freedom, cleanliness and peace. The hotel complex is distinguished by home comfort, convenient location, affordability, operates all year round, built in 2006.More →
аватар slv812
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 8.0
Chosen by appearance + price. The photo is completely true. I would even say that in fact it is better - everything is somehow bigger. Good organization of the transfer - Interbook, thank you! Check-in immediately. The room is clean and spacious. Cleaning daily. Spacious balcony. Music from the park plays loudly at night, but during the day we were so exhausted that we could fall asleep in the park itself. … More ▾ Chosen by appearance + price.
The photo is completely true. I would even say that in fact it is better - everything is somehow bigger. Good organization of the transfer - Interbook, thank you! Check-in immediately. The room is clean and spacious. Cleaning daily. Spacious balcony. Music from the park plays loudly at night, but during the day we were so exhausted that we could fall asleep in the park itself.
Great pool. Territory well-groomed, good restaurant, good service. The food is of a good standard, the prices are more affordable than in the city. Sea - ten - fifteen minutes on foot. Later we went to the lake and the beach away. The impression of a cozy and family vacation for an adequate price. I'll be happy to come)
Evpatoria is poor and neglected, roads, facades of public buildings have not been repaired since Soviet times. But I am glad that there are many cafes, good varied cuisine, entertainment for tourists. There were no packs of stray dogs, gypsies and homeless people, as they wrote on other sites. And a wonderful sea.
A good restaurant on the main Emelya street with Ukrainian figures at the entrance. We were in almost all decent restaurants on the embankment, but we really liked it there, we came several times.
аватар aljenia
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 8.0
I chose between Alushta and Evpatoria, but decided to go to Evpatoria what I wanted!! ! Rested with a family: two children 5 and 15 years old. We ordered a 2-room suite (we chose a hotel on the basis of a photo on the Internet). When we arrived, EVERYTHING (!!! ) corresponded to the hotel advertisement and photos, and even better. … More ▾ I chose between Alushta and Evpatoria, but decided to go to Evpatoria what I wanted!! ! Rested with a family: two children 5 and 15 years old. We ordered a 2-room suite (we chose a hotel on the basis of a photo on the Internet). When we arrived, EVERYTHING (!!! ) corresponded to the hotel advertisement and photos, and even better. Many thanks to Angelina (Manager) for a quality holiday and attitude to people!! ! The entire staff is very polite and accommodating! The pool was a delight for the kids! Separately, I want to say a huge thank you to Alla Alekseevna (Director of the restaurant)!! ! A wonderful woman and very tasty cuisine (the restaurant is cheaper than the surrounding cafes and bars, and the portions are larger). Thanks to all the staff and wonderful girls at the reception and in the bar!! ! There will be an opportunity --- I will DEFINITELY come again !! !

avatar aljenia
I want to go with my family (children 5 and 15 years old).
12 years ago  •  no subscribers no answers

Гостиничный комплекс "Московский дворик " находится в одном из самых красивых и древних городов Крыма Евпатории. 4-этажное здание гостиницы "Московский дворик" гармонично вписалось в общий архитектурный ансамбль города. Пространственные и световые решения внутренних интерьеров гостиницы создают атмосферу свободы, чистоты и покоя. Гостиничный комплекс отличается домашним уютом, удобным расположением, ценовой доступностью, функционирует круглогодично, построен в 2006 году.

Location Комплекс находится в курортной зоне города, в 200 метрах от моря, рядом с набережной, парком, песчаным пляжем.
  • city ​​beach
In a hotel
  • restaurant
  • open pool
  • parking
  • safe
  • doctor
Description of rooms

В гостинице "Московский дворик" 24 номера, в том числе: 15 стандартных, 3 номера Люкс, 6 апартаментов. Гостиница может принять одновременно более 100 гостей.

2-х комнатные стандартные номера до 4 человек (50кв.м.)

2-х комнатные номера Люкс до 4 человек (60кв.м.)

2-х комнатные апартаменты с кухней до 6 человек (65кв.м.)

3-х комнатные апартаменты с кухней до 6 человек (85кв.м.)

In the rooms

холодильник с мини баром, телевизор (спутниковое телевидение), телефон, балкон с мебелью для отдыха, ванная комната с душевой кабиной, ковровое покрытие, мебель из натурального массива, удобная мягкая мебель. Экологически чистое кондиционирование обеспечит ваш отдых прохладой.

The address Крым, г.Евпатория, ул.Горького 13 - гостиничный комплекс "Московский дворик"
Phones: Тел.(06569)2-84-94
Моб.099-081 18 22
Какой пляж у отеля?
Рядом с отелем находится городской