Merkurii 1*– Reviews

Rating 5.710
based on
3 reviews
6.3 Rooms
6.0 Service
6.7 Cleanliness
3.3 Food
5.0 Amenities
In the western part of the Crimean peninsula, where Evpatoria lies on the shores of the shallow Kalamitsky Bay, nature has its charm and charm. The famous beaches of golden sand stretch for many kilometers. The bottom of the bay is soft, smooth, convenient for swimming adults and children. Light Evpatoria breezes, which blow from the sea during the day and from the land at night, bring pleasant coolness, streams of the purest air saturated with ozone and salts of sea water, the aroma of the steppes. This natural inhalation is a powerful tool for climatotherapy and strengthening people's health. To the wealth of the resort, you must add the famous therapeutic mud and brine of Moinak Lake, the healing waters of mineral springs. That is why in this part of the peninsula there are a large number of sanatorium and resort institutions, many of which are for children. Among them is the boarding house "Mercury", whose snow-white buildings are located near the sea. Adults and children are accepted here for rest with treatment, all conditions have been created so that the rest is complete and enjoyable.More →
аватар cucarach
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 2.0
June 2011 "rest" in Mercury From the bad: 1. registration and settlement - 5 hours; 2. there is dirt, dust in the room, the doors of the refrigerator do not close the first time, it is necessary to prop it up with a high chair; 3. the doors to the room do not close due to the size of the bed (and the refrigerator roars like a tractor), you have to move the bed and prop up the door with a second chair (it also does not close); 4. … More ▾ June 2011
"rest" in Mercury
From the bad:
1. registration and settlement - 5 hours;
2. there is dirt, dust in the room, the doors of the refrigerator do not close the first time, it is necessary to prop it up with a high chair;
3. the doors to the room do not close due to the size of the bed (and the refrigerator roars like a tractor), you have to move the bed and prop up the door with a second chair (it also does not close);
4. a bathroom with peeling paint and no shower hook (you need to hold it with your hand), hot water at 8.00 - 10.00, when you go to breakfast or to the sea, and in the afternoon, when you come to rest, you can wash only cold. the maid recommends heating bottled water on the balcony in the sun;
5. room cleaning once a week with dubious quality (cobwebs remain in the corners, and rugs are covered with such rubbish that cleaning is not noticeable on them) and if you ask yourself;
6. the sea - immediately hits the nose of a newly arrived vacationer with the smell of stale shrimp - this is algae rotting on the beach. vacationers themselves amuse themselves by trying in vain to clear the entrances to the sea from them. bottom with rather sharp stones closer to the shore and large boulders further under water;
7. music from the cafe on the territory of the boarding house thumps until midnight, if you are with children, it can be difficult to fall asleep;
8. there is nothing special to do on the territory, we went to the neighboring Chaika, there are beautiful places, a park, playgrounds;
9. food: the tablecloth will be dirty all the time of your stay until you ask to replace it, the portions are "childish", as they say, that is, a spoonful of mashed potatoes is smeared on a plate and a piece of sausage, but the products are completely not for baby food: sausage, sausages, salted cucumbers, juices from bags (children under 7 years old should not drink them). waiting for a serving for a long time. waiters walk around the hall like blind people, put portions on empty tables, and you continue to WAIT for them.
10. fruits in the village are more expensive than Kiev ones.
1. butterflies.
аватар SvetikOrech
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 7.0
I love. My profile boarding house. For the money that I pay, everything is just super. In principle, I don’t pay attention to the room (although everything is not as bad as some write), I come to relax by the sea, see Crimea, and not sit in the room and discuss what color the tiles are in the bathroom. In general, everything is very convenient in Mercury and, most importantly, the sea is very close. … More ▾ I love. My profile boarding house. For the money that I pay, everything is just super. In principle, I don’t pay attention to the room (although everything is not as bad as some write), I come to relax by the sea, see Crimea, and not sit in the room and discuss what color the tiles are in the bathroom. In general, everything is very convenient in Mercury and, most importantly, the sea is very close.
аватар Nasteek
 •  traveled 17 years ago
Rating 8.0
I recently returned from the boarding house Mercury. Initially I was heading to Radiant, but there I was gently "sent" and I went in search of a new home. And so I went to Mercury. I arrived in Crimea for 3 days, so I counted on a suite. a room called a suite, only it didn’t look like it at all, but I went up to the 5th floor and they gave me a real suite. … More ▾ I recently returned from the boarding house Mercury. Initially I was heading to Radiant, but there I was gently "sent" and I went in search of a new home. And so I went to Mercury. I arrived in Crimea for 3 days, so I counted on a suite. a room called a suite, only it didn’t look like it at all, but I went up to the 5th floor and they gave me a real suite. The fact is that the 5th floor was built only last year, so everything is renovated and in good condition . I lived in the Yuvileyny building. I immediately refused food. Cleaning too. As for the infrastructure. Pretty green territory, I liked the fact that there are a lot of coniferous trees, it creates a pleasant aroma. The beach is good, there is a shower, entry from the very beginning not very, but after passing 3 meters a good sandy bottom begins.
Number. The room has a shower, toilet, sink, air conditioning, refrigerator, televizor.
In general, I liked it, I would love to stay there for a couple more days.

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В западной части крымского полуострова, где на берегу мелководного Каламитского залива раскинулась Евпатория, природа имеет свою прелесть и очарование. На многие километры тянутся знаменитые пляжи из золотого песка.

Дно залива - мягкое, ровное, удобное для купания взрослых и детей.

Легкие евпаторийские бризы, которые днем дуют с моря, а ночью с суши , приносят приятную прохладу, потоки чистейшего воздуха, насыщенного озоном и солями морской воды, ароматом степей. Этот природный ингаляторий является могучим средством для климатолечения, укрепления здоровья людей. К богатству курорта необходимо добавить знаменитые лечебные грязи и рапу Мойнакского озера, целебные воды минеральных источников. Вот почему в этой части полуострова расположено большое количество санаторно - курортных учреждений, многие из которых - для детей.

Среди них - пансионат " Меркурий", белоснежные корпуса которого находятся у самого моря. Сюда принимаются на отдых с лечением взрослые и дети, созданы все условия, чтобы отдых был полным и приятным.

Location До развлекательного центра Евпатории легко добраться на маршрутном такси за 15-20 минут. Проживание.
Description of the beach на самом берегу моря (50 метров до пляжа) Собственный, оборудованный, песчаный. На пляже установлены теневые навесы, предлагается широкий выбор водных и пляжных развлечений. В этом месте достаточно широкая пляжная зона, которая поддерживается по специальным технологиям.
In a hotel

Идеальное место для лечения верхних дыхательных путей.

В пансионате оборудован ингаляторий, где по рекомендации и консультации врача можно пройти курс лечения - ингаляции различных лекарственных трав.

Работает физкабинет - УВЧ, КУФ, электрофорез, массаж. Применяется лечение с помощью уникального аппарата электро - волновой терапии "Порог" путем воздействия на биоактивные точки человека.

Можно получить лечение в стоматологическом кабинете, в кабинете лечебной физкультуры, а при желании - грязелечение, гидромассаж.

Очень благоприятно влияют на организм солнечные и воздушные ванны, купание в море, игры на пляже, катание на водном велосипеде.

Территория пансионата хорошо озелена, хвойные и лиственные деревья, кустарники, цветы составляют его богатство.

Интересно и разнообразно проходит отдых людей. В прекрасном двухэтажном здании клуба - столовой на первом этаже расположен зрительный зал, где демонстрируются кинофильмы, проходят концерты, танцевальный зал, библиотека. К услугам отдыхающих - бар, детское кафе.

2 бара, детское кафе, дискотека, открытый теннисный корт, бильярд, настольный теннис, спортивные площадки (волейбольная и футбольная), настольные игры, прокат спортивного инвентаря, клуб с киноконцертным залом, экскурсионное бюро, библиотека, фотолаборатория, оздоровительное отделение (ручной массаж, групповая и индивидуальная лечебная физкультура, ингаляции, аэрофитотерапия, грязевой электрофорез, УВЧ-терапия, лечебные ванны), автостоянка и др.

Description of rooms

Все комнаты спальных корпусов имеют лоджии, с которых открываются прекрасные виды на побережье и море. В 2-х и 3-х местных спальных комнатах имеется необходимая мебель, умывальники, на каждом этаже оборудованы бытовые комнаты, где можно провести досуг у телевизора, сыграть в шашки и шахматы.

The address город Евпатория, поселок Чайка, ул. Аллея Дружбы 45
Phones: +38 (06569) 2-15-44
+38 (06569) 2-10-33
+38 (06569) 2-16-45