Rest in the House of Creativity "Actor" in Miskhor

24 June 2012 Travel time: with 12 June 2012 on 23 June 2012
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Returned from Miskhor. Rested in the House of Creativity "Actor" (Miskhor branch). Before the trip, I thought for a long time, chose options, looked for an inexpensive option with 1-bed accommodation. Sanatoriums in this area disappeared immediately, since it was necessary to pay for treatment, and I was traveling for a short period and there was no point in paying for treatment. According to the "Actor" reviews were only positive, information about a loud disco slipped through, but somehow casually. And I made up my mind, I booked a room on the south side with a sea view, there were no more places on the north side. From Simferopol I went by direct bus Simferopol-Simeiz, in Yalta we stood for about 15 minutes. From the bus stop to the checkpoint, walk for about 5 minutes. The security kindly let me into the administrative building. Before registration and payment, the administrator Olga Vladimirovna gave the keys to the room to look at the room. I went into the room and almost “fell” from the horror of what I saw - right in front of the window and balcony there was a huge unfinished “monster” that blocked the entire view of the sea, in addition, construction was underway at the facility. Returning to the administrator, I asked to change, Olga Vladimirovna replied that there were no available rooms. Tired from the road, hot, I paid for 3 days with the hope that I might find some kind of accommodation, but the road through the park and the Aktera beach itself conquered me. So I stayed in the "Actor". Breakfast is included in the price, and you can eat at them (expensive) or in other places. Tired from the road on the first night, she slept, periodically waking up from the noise of the disco, the construction site fell silent at 22.00. Breakfasts until June 15 were normal, the portions were large, since June 15, with an increase in the number of vacationers, the portions have decreased, the quality of the dishes has deteriorated. Why give Jackie and other similar things instead of fruits is not clear.

Nutrition. I dined in different places: in the dining room right in Miskhorsky Park, the situation seems to be normal, but the prices are indicated for 100 g and the output is also not a small amount, and when I asked for a check, they gave it to me with an unhappy expression on my face. The amount of the check matched, but the names of the dishes did not. I didn't go there anymore. I ate at Dragonfly several times, the first courses are not bad, I didn’t like pasties, although there was always a queue, but they were served quickly. I was in the Ai-Petri stop area, dined in Rhodes - a set lunch 70 UAH - the first - soup without meat, the second - mashed potatoes with ordinary table cutlets, juice and cherries. Restaurant service. In the boarding house "Ecology" set meals - 45-50 UAH, ordinary canteen food, but clean, tidy, everything is fresh, the menu changes, you must pre-order the complex, they cover it in advance. On the beach of the sanatorium "Ukraine" on the 2nd floor overlooking the sea is now the "Tea House", which was in the Dnieper. I took pancakes with strawberries, cream and cappuccino (tasty, with beautiful foam), the price and quality are normal. When I was in Yalta, I dined at the Solokhina Kitchen - everything is fresh, but so - AH! , I would not say fast service, although in the basement, but there are air conditioners. They also offered lunches at the Miskhor sanatorium for 40 UAH, but I refused.

The weather, the water in the sea everything was perfect. True, since June 20, the influx of vacationers and the beach "Actor" has become overcrowded, and although the price was set at 60 UAH per person, I think that everyone paid off the security guard and no one paid 60 UAH. On the beach "Belarus" was 15 UAH, from June 20 - 30 UAH, on the beach "Ai-Petri" - 25 UAH. On the beach of the sanatorium "Miskhor" it is necessary to negotiate with the guards. Well, the free beach "Mermaid" at the pier is overcrowded, and on June 20, the active movement of pleasure boats began, which did not add to the purity of the sea at the pier.

But now about the uncomfortable rest in the "Actor":

The building of the "monster" opposite the buildings of the "Actor", at first worked until 22:00, and then switched to round-the-clock construction and the "Mermaid" disco, loud music, screams, screams until 3:00 in the morning, and then cars begin to drive very noisily. An appeal to the administration of the "Actor" did not give anything, everything remained the same, but since I did not have free access to the Internet (the Internet in the "Actor" is expensive - 20 UAH per hour), I turned to Irina Polog (a very wonderful person !! ! ), which, at my request, posted information on Facebook on the page of the Minister of Tourism and Recreation of Crimea, Alexander Sergeevich Liev. He is a young, progressive minister and he promptly dispatched a surprise commission from Simferopol. Igor Alekseevich Kotlyar headed the commission. The construction site was covered in the midst of the work of the concrete mixer, the workers were not citizens of Ukraine, they were taken to the police to sort it out and the construction site was closed. And there were problems with the disco, someone warned the management of the disco, and that night the music was only background, but the next night they thundered again until 3 am. I really hope that these outrages will stop and the rest in the "Actor" will be normal, the territory is green, beautiful, events are held for children every evening, and if you put things in order on the beach, then there is enough space on the beach even with 100% occupancy of the boarding house "Actor".

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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