hello from the past

Written: 29 august 2010
Travel time: 11 — 22 august 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 3.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 3.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 4.0
This year we decided to go to the Crimea! Nostalgia for the past - 17 years ago she worked in Artek, but was not in Alushta. The choice was stopped at the sanatorium "Alushtinsky". Through the Internet, I found the coordinates of the sanatorium, phoned the manager and booked a room for a family of 4 people (two children 13 and 5 years old) with partial amenities (a washbasin in the room). public sector employees don't have much money. There are a huge number of amazing sights in Crimea and we did not plan to sit in the room. We arrived a day early as agreed with the manager. But we were not settled in the booked room, because other vacationers did not move out. We were taken to the climate pavilion for the night. This is the "place"!!!! ! It's good that at least up to this place they were taken on a "rafik". The room on the ground floor is semi-basement, right outside the window there is a beach canopy with sunbeds, where pensioners come at 6 in the morning and start discussing the terrible service in the sanatorium above your ear. Three beds from the beginning of the last century, with dirty, drenched mattresses, one coat rack in a chiffonier and a round table by the front door that you can only enter the room sideways. Okay, we survived the night. In the morning, having gone for breakfast, we went to the administrative building to decide on the settlement in the 5th building. The manager identified us, but not in one room, but in two. Many thanks for this to Lena and Polina, otherwise the room would be 12 sq. m. we would just choke. Dissatisfied and grumbling all the way, the driver, with a creak in his heart, took us to the climate pavilion for things and took us back. We settled in building 5 - a double room for me and my husband and a single room with an extra bed - a partially broken chair-bed for girls. For 10 days, linen and towels were not changed even once, they cleaned 4 times in the rooms. Refrigerator on the first floor and very small, men's shower with three booths, women's more compartments. The window frames in the room, as after the bombing, the beds are a little better than in the climate pavilion, an old wardrobe with 5 hangers and, most importantly, an antediluvian speaker with a single wave - "Russian Radio".
Now about the dining room. Meals are custom-made, but for some reason repeating from day to day. For dinner, imported fruits, as if peaches, watermelons, melons do not grow in Crimea. The service staff is always dissatisfied with something, no matter what you ask, all answers are with a roar. Breakfast, lunch and dinner for one hour. Portions are small and always cold.
I don't want to talk about the beach at all. The sanatorium is designed for 650 vacationers, there are no more than 200 people on the beach, or maybe less, so they let people in for another 25 hryvnia

"savages". Sunbeds 100 times repainted, down on the beach there are huge boulders on which you can’t lie down, steps to the sea are dilapidated.
I will not write about treatment. It's sad, that's all. Part of the procedures is paid, and the second part - as it were, but anyhow. It seems that the procedure was released, but in what capacity, no one cares.
The resort is public, not private. Everything remains from Soviet times, no investments, although they take the appropriate money (for a night in the climate pavilion we paid 1100 rubles). Everything was built on the budget money of the USSR. But the director of the boarding house rides in a luxurious jeep.
By and large, the entire Crimea is what remains from Soviet times. In some places, modern hotels appear, but there are such prices that Turkey is "resting". It's easier for that kind of money to relax abroad and feel like a person.
The children were ill for 10 days, because they picked up some kind of infection in the sanatorium, everyone there, both adults and children, had a runny nose, cough, fever.
Only a huge beautiful park with various plants left positive emotions. It’s just a pity that all the fountains, and there are 5-6 of them, didn’t work.
And the last fly in the ointment was added by the guard Sergey, who moonlights as a private driver. They ordered him a taxi at the right time to get to the bus station, but he just took it and did not come, changed from the night and, apparently, was sleeping. Although he had been called several times before, and he swore he would not be late. God bless Andrey, another security guard, who helped us out and asked his friend to take us to the bus station, and we did not miss the bus and, accordingly, the train.

Passenger traffic in Alushta is very interesting. You come to the ticket office half an hour before departure - there are no tickets. You go to the parking lot, ask the driver to take you to the place even while standing, he agrees for a double price. We sit in the cabin, there are only three passengers on tickets. Before sending, the dispatcher comes in, gives the waybill, and in exchange receives a reward from the driver. Taxi drivers are also interesting people. From the bus station to the sanatorium we traveled for 40 hryvnia, back, for 25 hryvnia.
My advice to you, rest "savages". They offer accommodation at every turn. Two-room apartment with European-quality repair, air conditioning and hot water all the time, and not from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning and in the evening, for 450 hryvnia per day. There are only two stops to the beach. You can eat well in canteens, which are a dime a dozen near the embankment. Tasty and inexpensive (once we dined - for four 100 hryvnia - 400 rubles). And take more trips. The nature and sights of Crimea cannot be compared with any foreign countries and our Krasnodar Territory.
Have a good rest everyone.
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