The compromise came from children who, in order not to sleep with other people's children in another building, decided to sleep in groups of five. The rooms had only 2 small bedside tables, and a dilapidated closet, 4 beds and a barricaded exit to the balcony. Immediately after the settlement, we met with the cleaners of our corps, who were always shouting, and also answered any questions from the children by shouting and unconfirmed accusations. The keys to the rooms were given only to educators, which was explained by the fact that fire safety is prohibited from giving keys to children. We had to keep all valuables in the tutors' room for 2 days. Later, after a conversation with the chief doctor, the keys were still given to us, but the locks were in a half-broken, and in some non-working condition. Very often we had to call a carpenter, electrician or plumber, because everything looked very old.
When we brought the bed, surprises awaited us again, the bed and towel were more like rags, and the pillows in the rooms were about 30% full. The remarks and complaints about the conditions were answered by saying that everyone lives like that. That's how they lived.
Teteriv Sanatorium, as we were told, specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As it turned out, pump rooms with healing water have not worked for a long time. We were offered to collect healing water from a spring near the sanatorium in the woods, which was not always convenient, because large queues of locals often formed near the spring, collecting water of tens and sometimes hundreds of liters. In the dining room we (as well as all vacationers of the sanatorium) were assigned a diet № 5, ie steamed food. They have not even heard about all the diets for various diseases, which are described on the official website of the sanatorium on the Internet.
Very often in the dining room we found moldy bread in the breadbaskets, dishes also had to be washed again before putting food there, drinking cups were made of plastic, which all people used to consider disposable, for us they became reusable for 21 days.
Tap water was not suitable for drinking, it was red. At first there was still hot water, and then from the taps began to go alternately cold and very hot water, and washing was very difficult and unpleasant.
The toilets were also not admirable. In one of the toilets from the moisture and cold even grew real mushrooms. Snails were also a "decoration" of each toilet. The toilets were uncovered, the shower in most rooms was broken, and children were forced to go to other rooms to wash their luck.
The only reason children were happy with the procedures. Only one person in the whole sanatorium commanded our respect. He was the head of the medical unit.
Although there were some comments on the procedures. The Therapeutic Physical Education Cabinet only somewhat resembled something medical, the simulators there were all broken without exception, only the tennis table remained intact, we were not given rackets and balls, the children had to go to the city themselves and buy equipment. We didn't have enough balls either, so our children didn't have the opportunity to entertain themselves.
Competitions were held almost every day, but unfortunately this did not arouse children's interest, because the competitions were at a very low level and in the script of each of them there was criticism of children.
Despite this, our children won the football competition (1st place), the contest "Miss Teter" (1st place), the contest "Karooke on the square", the volleyball competition (2nd place), and took part in the contest "Mr. Teter" 2nd place), guess the melody, Cossack games, and acting competition.
After staying in the sanatorium for some time, our children fell ill and were forced to buy medicines at their own expense, because the sanatorium did not have the appropriate medicines for treatment, or they simply did not give them out. While in a cold, damp room for 21 days, some children developed chronic illnesses such as asthma and gastritis.
During their stay in the sanatorium, the children were taken on an excursion to the Museum of Cosmonautics and the Museum of Nature, located in Zhytomyr.
In general, not everyone is satisfied with the rest.