Iron Port, first and last trip.

It was decided with his wife in this (2016) year to take the child to the sea to strengthen the immune system, so that the child can sunbathe, swim in the sea, and relax yourself. We thought for a long time and chose where. We thought it was expensive to go in our own car with a family of two adults and a small child, so we decided to go from a travel agency to get everything ready.
Since I have little free time, my wife was engaged in the selection of options. After consulting at work, we decided on the duration of the trip - 8 days, 6 of them at sea.
We went primarily for the sake of the child, so did not bother looking for housing "full stuffing", the main conditions were - WI-FI (he is the Internet, so required by my second job) many hours were planned to spend there).
Our choice was made by a well-known tour operator, with whom my family and I went to Transcarpathia, and then we really liked everything.
The choice fell on the Iron Port, a private boarding house "Taina", which offered a triple room with a 20% discount for a child at a relatively inexpensive price. The price included an ascetic set: - WI-FI, room (according to the photo quite decent), 3 beds, table + chairs, refrigerator.
The road can be described briefly, the bus drivers saved fuel, so the air conditioning was turned on less and less, and at night in general included 2 times for 3 minutes. Tourist Mercedes, designed for long and comfortable journeys, has become a mobile crematorium filled with "aromas" of human sweat. Stops were made not more often than 1 in 3-4 hours.
iron port
Describe each day specifically - a long time, and there will be many repetitions, so I'll try as soon as possible.
After settling into the room, the wife immediately followed the broom and swept the sand from the floor.
I tried to catch a spider on the wall, but looking up, I realized that it was useless because he is not alone here. In addition to the spiders in the room with us lived other insects, not to mention a lot, but a few dozen every day I caught, they crawled everywhere, even in bed.
Two days before our arrival it rained and there were puddles in some places. For the first time we went to the sea by an unnamed street between the boarding house "Surf" and the Ukrposhta branch. The street is just awful, there were puddles of such size that people walked around them in flower beds under fences. In one place, the puddle was so large that people trampled the bypass path through the dump, which turned into roadside bushes. The farther from the center, the more garbage on the beach. Stinking garbage dumps, littered sidewalks, lack of night lighting - all this perfectly described the Iron Port.
I no longer focus much on the stinking sea with algae and jellyfish and hips, but gathering all the factors into a pile, there are unpleasant memories.
I was very pleased with the Internet (for which they chose the boarding house "TaIn"). Of the six days, three were absent, and the other three days were the maximum for checking mail. There was no light for half a day, then there were problems with water supply. The cleaning lady in this boarding house is a hammock, and as for the children, she constantly boiled over them (there is no playground, no slides or sand for the children and the children just ran around the house because there were no others to take), brought the girl to tears for a flower plucked , scolded the children for turning off the lights in the toilet, told the children: - "came to the sea, the sea there (pointed), and here do not run and do not look. "
But the most "interesting" in this boarding house were the rules of eviction.
In the evening, before the day of departure, I approached the hostess and asked how and at what time the eviction would take place. hostess to pay extra and not to move out on the 7th, but you can wait for the bus (bus o16-30). and wandered to 16-30.
In addition to the story I will add photos of streets, beaches, etc.
If you "refuel" with alcohol every day, you can put up with it all, but my conclusion is that the Iron Port is not suitable for family vacations!