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Sanatorii Ukraina 1*– Reviews

Rating 3.710
based on
3 reviews
3.7 Rooms
4.3 Service
3.7 Cleanliness
4.0 Food
6.3 Amenities
Sanatorium "Ukraine" is located in the southwestern part of the Vorzel resort in a pine forest, which, with the blessing of Academician N.D. Strazhesk is called Ukrainian Kislovodsk. Optimal climatic conditions, a high concentration of oxygen in the air, its saturation with phytoncides have a beneficial effect on patients and enhance the effect of medical procedures.More →
аватар jenya5555
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 1.0
My husband had a complicated heart operation. At the Amosov Institute, he was offered free rehabilitation at the Ukraina sanatorium in Vorzel. After reading the reviews "that everything is so wonderful", we decided to rehabilitate in a sanatorium. What horror my husband experienced when he found himself in this "wonderful" sanatorium! The food is terrible and tasteless. … More ▾ My husband had a complicated heart operation. At the Amosov Institute, he was offered free rehabilitation at the Ukraina sanatorium in Vorzel. After reading the reviews "that everything is so wonderful", we decided to rehabilitate in a sanatorium. What horror my husband experienced when he found himself in this "wonderful" sanatorium! The food is terrible and tasteless. Procedures are none. Rooms for cores are given on the first floor. The rooms are sooo damp and cold, there is a fungus in the bathroom. In June we slept with the heaters on! The toilet is leaking, the sink is clogged, the husband asked repeatedly to fix it. The request was not fulfilled. What is spent 650 UAH per day is not clear?!! If you do not want to spoil your rest and mood - do not go to the sanatorium Ukraine in Vorzel ! !
аватар Iro96
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 1.0
Hello! My dad after major heart surgery! For soc. fear he was sent for rehabilitation to the sanatorium Ukraine! When they arrived, they immediately saw unqualified doctors who do not know anything and do not even sterilize their hands, and with dirty hands climb into open wounds. We turned to the social. fear, we wanted to be transferred to another sanatorium, but the chief doctor Maria Vasilyevna assured us that she would monitor the nurses and doctors, said that to provide a better room for misunderstandings and provide batteries, because there is no heat, which is nonsense to sell on the street -10. … More ▾ Hello!
My dad after major heart surgery! For soc. fear he was sent for rehabilitation to the sanatorium Ukraine! When they arrived, they immediately saw unqualified doctors who do not know anything and do not even sterilize their hands, and with dirty hands climb into open wounds. We turned to the social. fear, we wanted to be transferred to another sanatorium, but the chief doctor Maria Vasilyevna assured us that she would monitor the nurses and doctors, said that to provide a better room for misunderstandings and provide batteries, because there is no heat, which is nonsense to sell on the street -10. But we decided to stay. As soon as the social. fear of transferring funds, they immediately visited his ward (just when he was away and took away the batteries), we no longer argued.
Today he was asked to get out of the best room, which he refused, asking on what grounds, explaining that the chief doctor herself forced him here. The guards terrorized him at the door, but he did not open the door, then they called the police, the doctor wrote that he did not follow the regime, did not take medication and procedures (although Dad does everything as they say, so right now without medical care) and he is discharged from the sanatorium, although he must be there for 24 days. Tattoos can't be nervous at all, and they knock on the door with security and police. We are worried about his condition, because a few weeks have passed since the open heart operation, it is still difficult for him to walk, you can't be nervous. We want to warn everyone against this terrible sanatorium, so that everyone knows that the chief doctor is stealing state funds from his pocket, and there is no one to take care of the seriously ill.
The head doctor hangs up when we call her.
Is this rehabilitation for critically ill patients who have undergone major surgery?
Just a nightmare, never, please never go there! ! ! ! ! Take care of your health, because that's where you sneeze! ! ! ! ! Nurses are asked to sterilize their hands, throw away all sterile bandages and medications and refuse to bandage! And the chief doctor, instead of working in the institution, just waits for the money, and then personally terrorizes patients. Terrible can not be imagined!
аватар NataliyaG
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 9.0
Wonderful resort for rest and soul and body : )! Rested with 2 children in April 2010, have the best memories. And most importantly, for me personally, it was a discovery that you can relax near Kiev no worse than abroad. Of course, there are some little things, but I'm sure that they will be fixed soon. … More ▾ Wonderful resort for rest and soul and body : )!
Rested with 2 children in April 2010, have the best memories. And most importantly, for me personally, it was a discovery that you can relax near Kiev no worse than abroad. Of course, there are some little things, but I'm sure that they will be fixed soon.
The sanatorium has an excellent "treatment" base - if you wish, you will be prescribed a huge number of procedures for which there is nothing to pay extra (everything is included in the price of the tour). Massages, all kinds of baths, a salt mine - this is a small part of what can be described. In general, you won’t be bored, the first half of the day for both adults and children is scheduled by the minute. The children were delighted with oxygen cocktails (the only thing we paid for separately, but ridiculous money - 2 UAH).
Meals 3 meals a day, for each meal - 3 changes of dishes; , it is difficult to die of hunger even though the food is dietary; (a huge plus for those who want to lose weight and restore the liver). There is a pump room with mineral water.
We lived in the first building, in the room: TV set + refrigerator, good "euro" repair (the whole building was recently renovated), in the bathroom there is a shower with hydromassage, a balcony. In my opinion, the living conditions are excellent. In the children's building, the rooms are a bit more modest, but there are showers and toilets in the rooms.
There is a guarded, closed parking, a club (some programs are held every day), films are shown very often. All sorts of circles are constantly working for children, programs are arranged (in the children's building).
A huge plus of the sanatorium is, of course, its crystal clear air, which you want to eat in the morning! There are a lot of proteins, all kinds of birds - the children were delighted, I had to buy nuts specially; It’s not funny, but it was in Vorzel that my children saw a woodpecker alive, in their imagination it should have turned out to be a huge bird “ala cockatoo” ; .
And the main thing that pleases me is the close proximity to Kiev, by car, along the Zhytomyr highway, I reached Kiev in 30 minutes! Minibuses stop 50 meters from the resort.
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5 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
Representative hotels
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‹ Hotel Sanatorii Ukraina 1*

Санаторий «Украина» находится в юго-западной части курорта Ворзель в сосновом бору, который с благословения академика Н.Д. Стражеска называют украинским Кисловодском.
Оптимальные климатические условия, высокая концентрация кислорода в воздухе, насыщенность его фитонцидами благотворно влияют на больных и усиливают эффект лечебных процедур.

Location 15 км от г. Киева.
In a hotel

Лечебные отделения:
I. Терапевтическое отделение для лечения больных с заболеванием сердечно - сосудистой системы, органов пищеварения, дыхания;( Отделения для взрослых ,отделение для детей в сопровождение взрослых).
II. Реабилитационные отделения:
1. Кардиопульмональная реабилитация: подострый период инфаркта миокарда , состояние после пролеченной нестабильной стенокардии (после оперативных вмешательств на сосудах сердца или без них), подострый период после операций на сердце;
2. Кардиопульмональная реабилитация: подострый период заболеваний легких, подострый период после операций на легких, в том числе по поводу гнойных процессов нетуберкулезного характера ;
3. Костно-мышечная реабилитация: подострый период ожогов;
4. Другая (соматическая) реабилитация: подострый период после оперативных вмешательств на органах пищеварения;
5. Реабилитация при нарушении течения беременности: осложненная беременность ;
6. Медико-психологическая реабилитация участников АТО: нарушение адаптации, расстройства связанные с едой, неорганические расстройства сна, соматоформные расстройства, неврастения;
Медицинские показания:
― Заболевания сердечно – сосудистой системы;
― Заболевания нервной системы;
― Заболевания органов дыхания;
― Заболевания органов пищеварения;
― Обследование и оздоровления беременных женщин;
― Подготовка к репродукции.

  • restaurant
  • conference hall/banquet hall
Entertainment and sports Лечение: ― Водолечебница (углекислые, кислородные, азотные, жемчужные, хвойные, серо-водородные, скипидарные, морские, йодобромные, вихревые, перозон-валериановые ванны, подводный душ – массаж и др.); ― Лечебные души (дождевой, циркулярный, точечный, лазерный, Шарко); ― Электро светолечение; ― Озокеритолечение; ― Кислородная терапия; ― Климатолечение; ― ЛФК; ― Массаж. Кабинеты: ― Аппаратной физиотерапии; ― Психотерапии; ― Спелеотерапии; ― Аромо фито фоно стимуляции; ― Гидроколонотерапии; ― Кишечных орошений; ― Функциональной диагностики; Досуг: ― Спорткомплекс с тренажерным залом; ― Зал для игры в настольный теннис; ― Киноконцертный зал; ― Библиотека; ― Видеосалон.
  • table tennis
  • gym
Description of rooms

― Двухкомнатные и однокомнатные номера «Люкс»;
― Двухместные и одноместные номера со всеми удобствами.

The address вулиця Стражеска, 26, Ворзель, Київська обл., 08296
Phones: (063) 578-18-00,
(073) 475-01-41,
(067) 356-67-82
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в настольный теннис. Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал.