Promenade Spa Hotel 4*– Reviews

Rating 6.210
based on
6 reviews
№36 in the hotel rating Truskavets
4.5 Rooms
4.8 Service
4.5 Cleanliness
6.8 Food
6.0 Amenities
Hotel "Promenade" is part of the sanatorium complex "Luxury Resort" ("Geneva"). Its opening took place in 2008. Hotel with a total area of ​​7293 sq. m, located in Truskavets.More →
аватар nina-serg
A good hotel, having read negative reviews on the Internet, we went with caution, but we thought that we could always pay extra and live in another building in Geneva itself or Caesar. But everything went well, the building is far from the spa, but walking along the corridors from building to building replaces the diet after hearty dinners))). … More ▾ A good hotel, having read negative reviews on the Internet, we went with caution, but we thought that we could always pay extra and live in another building in Geneva itself or Caesar. But everything went well, the building is far from the spa, but walking along the corridors from building to building replaces the diet after hearty dinners))). They took a promotional offer - all inclusive per person for approximately 25 euros with three meals a day and unlimited use of pools, saunas and all the benefits of Geneva.
аватар irinaantosyk87
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 9.0
We went on vacation with friends, despite the fact that there were many people to settle then, we were settled quickly. Friendly girls at the reception, we were taken to the room. The room was clean, as they say "Mosquitoes do not grind the nose. " The restaurant has a Swedish line, the choice is wide and quite tasty. … More ▾ We went on vacation with friends, despite the fact that there were many people to settle then, we were settled quickly. Friendly girls at the reception, we were taken to the room. The room was clean, as they say "Mosquitoes do not grind the nose. " The restaurant has a Swedish line, the choice is wide and quite tasty. The spa has an hour to spend, it is very large with many swimming pools and saunas. We plan to return here again.
аватар Yana_1
 •  traveled 6 years ago
Rating 3.0
Everything said about this complex is a sad truth. It is high time for the hotel management to think about the fact that people do not rest here, but spoil their nerves at every step - from service (more precisely, its absence) to many procedures (it broke, ended, not today, they don’t give us other material). … More ▾ Everything said about this complex is a sad truth. It is high time for the hotel management to think about the fact that people do not rest here, but spoil their nerves at every step - from service (more precisely, its absence) to many procedures (it broke, ended, not today, they don’t give us other material). The pump room also does not work. In cold weather it is very cold in the corridors - walking from a tired SPA is not very comfortable and you can catch a cold. You can forget about Wi-Fi in the room. You can breathe fresh air elsewhere. Everything needs a major overhaul.
аватар bimol-rivne
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 3.0
We decided to meet with friends from different cities on neutral territory in order to have a fun and comfortable time. The hotel was chosen only because, in the information stated on the website, everything is here: a SPA area. billiards, bowling, karaoke, several restaurants. gym, live music, etc. We waved away several hundred kilometers - and got hit on the forehead! There is NOTHING of this, except for the SPA zone! NOTHING! . … More ▾ We decided to meet with friends from different cities on neutral territory in order to have a fun and comfortable time. The hotel was chosen only because, in the information stated on the website, everything is here: a SPA area. billiards, bowling, karaoke, several restaurants. gym, live music, etc. We waved away several hundred kilometers - and got hit on the forehead! There is NOTHING of this, except for the SPA zone! NOTHING! . Everything has been closed for a long time. And you won't turn back. traveled so much. First about the good. The SPA area is quite good, spacious, there are many different rooms and saunas, but there were some drawbacks here too. Hot water from the shower near the pool, I did not wait, no matter how hard I tried. Phytobar does not work. No water for you to drink, no tea, no juice. Nobody warned. to take everything with you. There are changing cabins, but everyone went in bathrobes (based on previous experience of visiting similar hotels), which they regretted. Walking to the room through cold passages 500 meters to the room in a wet bathrobe is not a pleasant pleasure. I was surprised by the pricing in the lobby bar. Tea, for example, from ginger and tea from chamomile or linden, costs the same price - 67 UAH. Such an impression. that at least the English Queen collected this chamomile in the Ukrainian fields. The rooms are a different story. Two of the three rooms do not have curtains in the bathroom. Wash and do tudotherapy - wipe the water on the toilets. walls and floor - and with your own towel. Hairdryers do not work, and since there is no information for the guest in the room, and all the world-famous dial-up combinations at the reception did not work, I had to go to the reception for 500 meters through two buildings and three floors to solve problems. Doors creak like an unoiled cart. Pillows are like there are only three pairs of socks sewn up and nothing more, bathrobes and towels are old, hard as a mitten for rubbing after an ice hole. In short - service at the zero level. the kitchen is not bad, homemade, but modest, we went to dinner in the city - restaurants do not work.
Perhaps, for those who go for medical care and visiting only the SPA zone, all this would not matter, but then you need to remove all these enticements and monkeys on the site. There is no way to rest there. Especially those. who has something to compare.
аватар kozlova.oksana2
They just returned from Truskavets (12.09. 17). Rested in the Promenade About the hotel. What you see in the photo, yes, it’s all true, only -8/10 years ago without repairs (major). There is no entertainment in the hotel at all. The food is chic, the staff is good, the medical base is super, the SPA center is working, apart from the fact that due to underrepairs a lot of things are running (there are no tiles in the pool, the hydromassages are partially working, only 2 out of 5 aromagrotes) We looked into the salt cave. … More ▾ They just returned from Truskavets (12.09. 17). Rested in the Promenade About the hotel. What you see in the photo, yes, it’s all true, only -8/10 years ago without repairs (major). There is no entertainment in the hotel at all. The food is chic, the staff is good, the medical base is super, the SPA center is working, apart from the fact that due to underrepairs a lot of things are running (there are no tiles in the pool, the hydromassages are partially working, only 2 out of 5 aromagrotes) We looked into the salt cave. . and all. In summer, you can sunbathe on the sun loungers near the pools. Yes, in the Royal you will be taken and settled, but be kind to the Promenade yourself and if you are lucky with a working elevator. Corridors of the Promenade with peeled wallpaper, the same dilapidated rooms (and we had a 2-room DeLuxe) that pull the maximum to the standard and then in a hotel without stars. There can be no talk of any 4-5 stars even in the Royal, I am silent about the rest of the buildings. As more than one curtain with burnt curtains in the rooms, so the cabinet doors can fall off. Everything is old. The pump room is not far away. The Other Side of the Medal. Well, yes, outside the buildings are terrible, except for the Royal (and this is visual dust in the eyes), but then all the same, everyone meets in the same dining room and in the same SPA center. For those who are not very picky, the option is good, because for such money you will not find better (food, SPA, location, treatment) min. 2 times more expensive. As for the 1st time we liked it. The city itself is dying, only Soviet high-rise sanatoriums or major villas / hotels (a few can boast at least swimming pools) and expensive taverns around the lower pump room (the upper one is closed), and abandoned construction sites remain. There are a lot of foreigners (especially Caucasians and Poles) We entertained ourselves with walks in the park, taking procedures, a SPA center after which you turn off like a baby. Were 8 days, the first 4-5 class, and then just tired. I won’t go to Truskavets anymore, but if someone from my acquaintances wants to go on an inexpensive vacation and get a little healthier, I can advise, only by telling what and how. Oh, yes, not one hotel restaurant except the phytobar and the lobby bar are closed!
аватар serrgerrr
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 8.0
excellent hotel a separate joy for the soul and body - spa : ) swimming pools, baths, hundreds of all sorts of interesting procedures. I wanted to try everything at once - but it turned out severely and a little bit I recommend to visit all lovers of a good rest … More ▾ excellent hotel
a separate joy for the soul and body - spa : )
swimming pools, baths, hundreds of all sorts of interesting procedures.
I wanted to try everything at once - but it turned out severely and a little bit
I recommend to visit all lovers of a good rest

avatar kot33
five days everything is super at the sixth temperature for 5 days we can’t stop at first the doctors you have a cold in three days the medicine will go away Cheris three days yes no you have a sore throat in five days now I have the same sore throat and the child has not yet decided wife thank God moved away the opinion of the doctors was divided, some say bring down the temperature and flow, because the virus and a bunch of sick others is it always like this the first days the water in the pump room knocks down immunity and then "heals"? I don’t understand why this treatment is and what to do thank you
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber no answers

Отель «Променад» входит в состав санаторно-курортного комплекса «Luxury Resort» («Женева»). Его открытие состоялось в 2008 году. Отель, общей площадью 7293 кв. м, расположен в Трускавце.

In a hotel

Ресторан «Royal» (система «шведский стол»), ресторан национальной кухни «Украинский», ресторан грузинской кухни «Тифлис», «Каравелла» (ресторан в SPA-центре), ирландский паб и Спорт-бар, кондитерская «Royal Grand Café», Аква-бар и фито-бар. Три конференц-зала: Royal Grand Hall, SPA Conference Hall, SPA Concert Hall; две переговорных комнаты, несколько залов для проведения банкетов, деловых встреч, торжеств и конференций.

  • restaurant
  • A la carte restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • indoor pool
  • conference hall/banquet hall
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • doctor
  • transfer to/from the airport
For kids
  • children's swimming pool
  • kids club
Entertainment and sports Центр «De Paris» - салон красоты класса «Люкс». SPA & Welenss комплекс: SPA-услуги: 20 видов бань и саун (от традиционной финской сауны и русской бани до экзотической японской бани «офуро» и турецкого «хамамма»); 11 бассейнов (в том числе бассейн с минеральной водой из целебного источника, бассейн с водой Мертвого моря); Welness-услуги: 6 видов массажа (от экзотики до классики); Косметические программы для мужчин и женщин; Омолаживающие обертывания; Медицинские услуги: Консультации, обследования, лечение у специалистов европейской и восточной медицины; Проведение курсов лечебных массажей. Реабилитационный центр «Планета Здоровья», специализирующийся на восстановлении организма после разнообразных спинальных травм.
  • Spa or wellness center
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • jacuzzi
  • billiards
  • table tennis
  • squash
  • volleyball
  • bicycles for rent
  • gym
  • organization of excursions
  • celebration organization service
Description of rooms

Размещение в современном 7-ми этажном здании, состоящем из 117 комфортабельных номеров: 90 двухместных номеров европейского стандарта (Double/Twin), в которых возможно размещение до 3 человек, 12 однокомнатных номеров класса «люкс» (Executive Suite), в которых возможно размещение до 4 человек, 15 двухкомнатных номеров класса «люкс» (De Luxe), в которых возможно размещение до 4 человек.

In the rooms

Все номера оборудованы современной мебелью, кондиционерами, кабельным телевидением с широким выбором каналов, плазменными телевизорами, мини-баром, подогревом пола в ванной комнате, телефон, сейфом с персональным кодом, феном, набором туалетных принадлежностей.

The address Львовская обл., г. Трускавец, ул. Суховоля, 61-63
Phones: +38 (03247) 7-37-37
+38 (044) 569-30-36
+38 (093) 386-06-07
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам, yes. Для ценителей тишины и релакса есть Спа или велнес-центр. Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в бильярд, настольный теннис, сквош, волейбол. Для активных туристов есть прокат велосипедов (платно). Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму. Служба организации торжеств поможет изысканно отпраздновать годовщину свадьбы, день рождение или любой другой праздник.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной. Чтобы взрослые могли отдохнуть, детей каждый день развлекает детский клуб.