I got to the place of rest by train without any problems with transfers in Kyiv. Train Kyiv-Truskavets. This is one train that goes to Truskavets, other trains do not go there, there are several more electric trains Lviv - Truskavets. I went from the railway station to the sanatorium by minibus of the sanatorium, which was waiting for vacationers in the parking lot, at the exit from the station platform on the left side. In my case, it was a dark blue GAZelle with the logo of the sanatorium, which was waiting for vacationers for about 15 minutes, so there was no need to linger much. We drove to the sanatorium for about 4 minutes, if things are not heavy, then it is quite possible to get there on foot. Travel is free. You can also get to the sanatorium by taxi No. 1 or taxi. If a person does not navigate the city for the first time, then taxi drivers will ask for 20 UAH or even more, although it costs a maximum of 10 UAH.
The sanatorium is located on the outskirts of the city, where there are other sanatoriums "Miner", "Karpaty", etc. The word "outskirts" should not scare you, because 30 minutes are enough to walk the city from one end to the other. The administrator immediately sent me to the dining room. breakfast ended, where I had breakfast, and after that immediately without any problems and very quickly settled in the room. At the same time, the administrators select that the guests in the room are approximately the same age. Vacationers are given sanatorium-and-spa books, "state employees" in blue, vacationers for the full price of orange - an interesting solution so that the attendants can see who is who.
The room was double, the room has a small loggia. The appearance and equipment of the room is more or less in good condition in the "scoop" style, it can be seen that cosmetic repairs are periodically made, from the "civilization" double-glazed window. The room had a TV (26 years old, although the sanatorium itself is only 20? ), radio, telephone, refrigerator (10 years old, these are no longer produced), a shower combined with a bathroom (the plumbing is partially replaced by a new one). Everything worked properly. It seemed like 14 channels were shown on TV, there are Russian ones (they didn’t show TV for three days, some repairs were carried out). The room was overlooking the reservoir, the forest, the Carpathians. For a surcharge, you can stay in a “suite” with a “European-quality renovation”, there are only 2-4 such rooms on each floor.
The room was regularly cleaned during the rest, periodically “vacuumed”, garbage was taken out from the bin every day. There is toilet paper. The bed was changed every 5 days. Bedding is in good condition, 3 towels were provided. If you have any questions about the number, you need to contact the maid. Once I applied for a burnt out light bulb and once again the phone did not work, she called the appropriate specialists, the malfunctions were promptly eliminated.
On the day of arrival, I visited a doctor who issued a referral for tests (free of charge) and prescribed procedures for the neurophysiological profile: laser therapy, mineral bath, ozocerite, back massage, Naftusya water, then they added an amplipulse. Most likely this is all that could be assigned at no additional cost. There are many other paid procedures, costing from 4 UAH. – oxygen cocktail, up to 80 UAH. - cryosauna. A very convenient procedure for establishing the order and time of the vacation of procedures, you do not need to go to many offices and find out the time. All this is done using a computer in one office in 2-3 minutes, a printout is made and issued to the vacationer - very convenient. Also in the sanatorium there is a modern diagnostic equipment, a laboratory. At the request to prescribe an ultrasound, the doctor immediately issued the appropriate referral (free of charge). Doctors are attentive, explain everything and tell, respond to requests. However, the initiative should still be with the patient. When asked by the doctor when to come for another appointment, the answer was that at any time. I have also been to the doctor 2-3 times. The prescribed procedures began to take place immediately on the day of admission. Procedures are released by the staff with high quality and in good faith, regardless of whether they are paid or not. The medical and residential buildings are connected by a gallery, which is very convenient, especially in bad weather and cold weather. He did not make any additional payments to the staff of the sanatorium, there were no hints of “surcharges” from anyone.
The resort has its own pump room with imported mineral water. It is mainly used by elderly vacationers or in bad weather. Most vacationers prefer to go to the city pump room to the spa park. Timed travel time - 15 minutes, somewhere 1 km. , The road is not tiring. The pump room works according to the schedule. There is practically no point in pouring Naftusya water with you, because. it loses its properties very quickly.
In the resort 3 meals a day. The food is varied as in a normal working "Soviet" canteen. The menu is customized, you can order something from 2-3 dishes. It can be noted as positive in the diet of daily fruits: apples, oranges, kiwi. Often gave fresh vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage (in winter). Several times there were sandwiches with red caviar. Portions are small. During the rest, I lost a few kilograms (this can be attributed to pluses). I didn't see any cockroaches in the dining room. "State employees" eat in one hall, and who rests for the full price in another. If you pay 25 UAH. per day, then you can go to eat in the "commercial" hall.
The sanatorium is actively undergoing renovation, but not the rooms for vacationers, but the hall and a few corridors are being repaired. They were preparing to throw "dust in the eye" of the minister, who was expected for the 20th anniversary of the sanatorium, as well as the territory at the entrance, where the minister's car would obviously drive up.
The territory of the sanatorium is very large, well-groomed, a lot of greenery. Spruce, smereka, arborvitae predominate, so even in winter there is greenery around. There are three entrances to the territory of the sanatorium. There is a playground. Guarded car park. In the lobby of the sanatorium on the first floor takes "wifi". The sanatorium has a shop, a cafeteria, a bar, a branch of Privatbank (where you can buy tickets for all types of transport), a swimming pool (for a fee), a library with a reading room, and a children's room. There is also a cinema hall. However, films are not shown. Sometimes they hold concerts, both paid and free. There is often a disco. The residential building of the sanatorium seems to be 10 floors. There are two modern elevators. These elevators are also used by service personnel (if there is a freight one) and, as a rule, with armfuls of bedding, suitcases with tools, etc. , which creates inconvenience for vacationers (in decent hotels this is not allowed). According to the "Turkish-Egyptian standards", the Perlyna Prakarpattya sanatorium, despite its impressive size, is a 1 * hotel.
During the rest 3 times there were abnormal snowfalls. In the city, they basically tried to clear the snow in a timely manner, in any case, it was possible to walk to the pump room, although with problems. The paths in the territory of the sanatorium were also cleaned.
The sanatorium has a tour desk that offers tours to the sights of Western Ukraine and Western Europe. The cost of excursions is 70-200 UAH. and from 120 Euro. During the rest I visited the city of Wieliczka-Krakow with a tour. Truskavets itself does not have a lot of sights, several museums, an old church, an ancient monument to Adam Mickiewicz, etc. A small, cozy, resort town. The absence of fences in our understanding is striking, they are low there made of metal mesh or shrubs. It is a pity that the "plastic" has almost destroyed the "old times". The city can be easily explored on foot.
I liked the rest. However, if I had to pay 100% of the cost of the tour, I would probably choose another place. Upon discharge, a discharge summary and the results of all examinations are issued. In the sanatorium, the humiliating "Soviet" procedure of "renting a room" at check-out has been preserved to this day, they count towels, hangers, etc. not only there, but in general nowhere in the world, except for the "Sovdepiya").
In the sanatorium there are a lot of vacationers from Russia, Belarus, there are from Kazakhstan and other countries. I saw some reviews on the Internet about the Ukrainian language of the local population and that this causes inconvenience to vacationers, supposedly the locals pretend that they do not understand the Russian language and will not explain or show you anything if you ask in Russian and are generally hostile to Russian speakers. Yes, indeed, almost 100% of the local population and the staff of the sanatorium speak Ukrainian. However, if you address them in Russian, be it a doctor or a nurse in a sanatorium, a taxi driver in the city or anyone else, they immediately switch to Russian. On excursions, the guide asks in what language to conduct the tour, if part is for Ukrainian, and at least one for Russian, then the tour is conducted in Russian. Of course, there are exceptions to all the rules, for example, grandmothers in spontaneous markets, they simply do not know the Russian language or know it very poorly, but I assure you that this will not be an obstacle in communication. The local population is very friendly to vacationers, no matter what country they are from. Such reviews regarding the language are obviously written just by some Ukrainian-haters and should not be paid attention to.
Have a good rest in the sanatorium "Perlyna prykarpattya".